  • Remedy for snoring

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    A. Sokolova from Novosibirsk to share his own experience: "In a distant youth( I am now 60 years old), too, suffered from snoring, but recovered from it easily and forever with the help of an uncomplicated physical exercise. It consists in the following: the mouth is closed, breathing through the nose. Tighten the back of the tongue and forcefully pull the tongue to the throat.(If you put your fingers under the chin, you can feel the muscles tense.) This exercise is repeated several times a day, making 10-15 movements with the tongue. Gradually the weak palatal curtain will become stronger, and the person will stop snoring. "

    The healing power of gymnastics is confirmed by K. Pincus from the Kuibyshev region."After applying the recommendation of the magazine" Health "№ 5 for 1988( page 30), I almost got rid of snoring. .." In the above recommendation, the doctor Yu. Fedorov suggests doing such gymnastics: to pronounce the sound "and", straining the throat muscles,

    soft palate and neck. Do this exercise in the morning and evening, repeating 20-25 times. A month later the snoring almost stopped.

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    As you can see, similar to the recommendation of A. Sokolova. Try it! Harm from this, in any case, will not.

    T. Kosheleva from Novosibirsk writes: "Snoring is a deep uncontrollable breathing at night. Many heard about the method of Dr. KP Buteyko. He is in the willful elimination of deep breathing. This method can be treated and snoring. "And further the author of the letter says that in Novosibirsk there are students of Dr. Buteyko, who mastered this technique and help many.

    So, there are means, and the problem is that there is a desire to learn and spread the experience.

    V. Dmitriev, Professor of MIPT, has developed his method of fighting snoring: he uses a tape recorder with the maximum amplification of sound, puts it on the pillow next to the snoring microphone, and as soon as the sleeper begins to snore, his snoring is so intensified that a person wakes up instantly. Of course, this method is reminiscent of the famous anecdote about how a cough doctor prescribed a laxative: the patient after that was terribly afraid to cough and quickly recovered. And if seriously, believes V. Dmitriev, then the industry could produce an uncomplicated and inexpensive device based on this technique.

    Y. Borukov from Andijan, assistant to the Department of Pediatric Diseases of the Medical Institute, is convinced that snoring occurs during sleep in people who suffer even minimal heart failure and that this is an occasion for serious examination and treatment.

    So, some ways of fighting with snoring all the same have come to light. But there is also the Yugoslav drug "bozoslip", and the drops created in China, and the technique of the Minsk doctors, operating with a cold. ..