  • How to recognize a smoker's bronchitis: treatment and folk methods

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    Chronic bronchitis of a smoker is a disease caused by the regular inhalation of cigarette smoke. What is noteworthy, both active and passive smokers can suffer from this disease.

    Symptomatic is pronounced - it is a strong loud chest cough that appears more often in the morning and evening. At serious stages of the disease, cough can begin regardless of the time of day.

    Than to learn how to cure the smoker's bronchitis, it is much easier to give up the addiction and try to spend as little time as possible where other people smoke.

    Such sensations as the appearance of shortness of breath and the problem of breathing during walking can also be considered the first signs of a predisposition of the body against the background of smoking to the appearance of chronic bronchitis.

    The patient should understand that in the case when the doctor diagnoses the smoker's bronchitis - the treatment requires the appointment of therapy and simultaneous quitting.

    In this case, all measures taken ensure a reduction in the risk of respiratory, pulmonary-cardiac and cardiovascular insufficiency, as well as benign and malignant neoplasms of the lungs.

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    Treatment of a bronchitis smoker

    So, the bronchitis smoker symptoms can be very different, but how do you get rid of this disease? For the normalization of breathing and complete recovery from chronic cough, it is necessary to give up cigarettes.

    Approach to this decision is with all responsibility, since if there is chronic smoker bronchitis - treatment, even carried out successfully, will be very effective for a short time and the disease will return with the resumption of regular smoking.

    It is also advisable to increase the humidity in the room during the treatment, where the patient spends the greatest amount of time and regularly conducts wet cleaning. The thing is that dry and dusty air can also be factors that aggravate the course of the disease.

    Begin the fight against the disease is the answer to the question - how to treat a smoker's bronchitis during an exacerbation? Remove the inflammation of the bronchi will help take expectorant medication. Many doctors also additionally prescribe disinfectants.

    Do not be unnecessary and inhalation, if there is no inhaler at home, it will be enough to breathe over the boiling herbal decoction of herbs. Good results of treatment are given as many folk remedies for bronchitis.

    Mainly it is herbal decoctions for ingestion or inhalation. But there are also various compresses and trimmings, which are not difficult to prepare at home.

    For the treatment of bronchitis is excellent suited animal fat( bearish or badger), which in a warm form is applied to the chest, and, wrapped, kept until cooling. Similarly, you can make compresses from honey or crushed potatoes.

    Folk remedies for bronchitis

    If the patient is diagnosed with a smoker's bronchitis, treatment should be individualized, taking into account the particular patient's characteristics.

    Since the complexity of the disease therapy consists of many factors - this is the experience, the intensity of smoking, the peculiarities of the region's ecology, the thoughtful attitude to the prescribed procedures and their careful implementation significantly speeds up the recovery of the patient.

    And if the answer to the question of how to cure a smoker's bronchitis can not be found in a pharmacy, it's worth trying folk remedies.
    Well cleanses the lungs and bronchi of thyme. This plant can be added to regular tea, or to prepare from it a curative infusion.

    For a glass of boiling water, take two teaspoons of thyme, pour the herb with boiling water and let stand for 7 minutes. Drink in hot form in any quantity. All known herbs: dog rose and chamomile will also help easy to clean.

    They can also be brewed separately or added to herbal teas. You can try not quite the usual recipe: mix in equal parts dried herb St. John's wort and ledum, pour cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is added to ordinary black tea.

    How to treat a smoker's bronchitis during an exacerbation?

    If the exacerbation of the disease is associated with fever and other inflammatory symptoms, strict adherence to bed rest is recommended.

    Treatment is prescribed depending on the symptomatology - in case of a cold and temperature, additional medications are used. If the chronic bronchitis of the smoker manifested itself with exacerbation, first of all, it is necessary to achieve the dilution of sputum and its outflow from the lungs.

    The natural way of this can be achieved by increasing the amount of fluid consumed per day. If the bronchitis is manifested with the inflammation of the throat, you need to take care of the methods of disinfectants and pain medications.

    Today it is easy to find these medicines in any convenient form of release - in addition to traditional syrups, lozenges, lozenges and sprays for the throat.

    The patient himself should be interested in the treatment of chronic bronchitis smoker - in some cases it is necessary to appoint a consultation of a psychologist or psychotherapist that will help overcome the psychological dependence on smoking tobacco.

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