  • Causes of asthma and its symptoms

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    Bronchial asthma in Greek means "hard breathing", "choking", according to statistics, it affects an average of 10% of the world's population. Causes of the disease can be both external factors, and internal.

    This disease is susceptible to the same probability, both men and women. But according to the age criterion, there are differences in statistical data, where a greater percentage refers to childhood( up to 10 years - about 36% diagnosed bronchial).

    It is noted that the first attacks of the disease are manifested in the first year of life. Classification of types of bronchial asthma:

    • aspirin;
    • is allergic;
    • on the nerves;
    • atopic;
    • cardiac asthma;
    • Nervous;
    • asthma cough;
    • asthma of physical effort.

    Aspirin is a type of asthma derived from ordinary aspirin. In this case, aspirin is a prohibited drug for use, like most drugs of the NSAID group( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).The provoking factor of aspirin asthma is also food coloring yellow - an ingredient that is part of the shell of tablets and dragees. This form of asthma is most often manifested in combination with rhinosinusitis, which has a more severe course and is difficult to treat.

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    Allergic asthma is one of the most common types of asthma, mediated by immunological mechanisms. Virtually every person has something allergic, the allergic mechanism has a predominance of 80% of cases of childhood asthma and more than 45% of cases in adult patients.

    Inhalation by the patient of specific substances called allergens( pollen, dust mites, mold, dyes, varnishes), exacerbate the symptoms of the disease.

    Almost every second asthmatic with allergic form feels impaired after physical exertion in cold air, from cigarette smoke, dust or from technical odor. To facilitate the clinic of allergic asthma, the most important is the detection of allergens and their pathogens, then you should learn how to prevent the exacerbation of symptoms.

    Nervous asthma is a kind of asthma caused by stress, prolonged psychological stress or a single, but severe psychoemotional shock. The severity of symptoms in this group of patients is particularly blurred.

    As a rule, the three types of asthma considered above often occur in combination with signs of an infectious-dependent asthma. Also isolated in a special type - asthma of physical effort.

    In these asthmatics, inadequate physical activity can cause a sharp attack of asthma after only 3-10 minutes after completion of the exercise. Attacks are relatively weak, the duration is from 5-10 minutes to one hour.

    Atopic is asthma, the causes of which are the allergens of animal and vegetable origin surrounding us, as well as chemicals. For example, it is wool, animal dander, bird feathers, house dust mites, dry fish food and others. Asthmatic attacks, as a rule, are exacerbated and become more frequent with the onset of spring.

    This type of disease manifests itself in early childhood. Also promotes the development of allergic rhinitis, dermatitis. Symptoms of an attack: an itch in the nose and throat, frequent sneezing, discomfort in the neck, chin, between the shoulder blades, dry cough turns into a typical suffocation.

    Asthma prophylaxis is the goal of preventing repeated signs of suffocation in conjunction with a prescribed treatment, matched by a pulmonologist: inhalation depending on the severity of the disease. Use therapeutic breathing exercises, chest massage, psychotherapy. For asthmatics, the most excellent preventive remedy is a therapeutic physical culture. Reliable treatment with the help of climate change, best warm and dry air.

    Asthma of the heart is a dyspnea attack with sensations of suffocation caused by stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lungs, which makes it difficult to drain it into the left ventricle of the heart. When diagnosing the disease, cardiac asthma - the causes are a narrowing of the left ventricle with various ailments of the heart in combination with high blood pressure.

    The appearance of this type of asthma is caused by a sharp increase in the volume of circulation and the mass of circulating blood, the horizontal position of the patient, due to which frequent attacks at night.

    Nervous is a form of the disease, the causes of which are associated with the nervous system. The directly sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi is caused by spasms of the smooth muscle of the bronchial tree, due to the swelling of the mucous membrane and its hypersecretion - spitting.

    Asthma cough - bronchial, flowing with the manifestation of a single symptom in the form of a dry cough that occurs most often at night. This type is more often observed mainly in children and adolescents. It should be distinguished from eosinophilic bronchitis, in which cough and eosinophilia of sputum.

    Recommendations for allergic asthma

    To keep asthmatics calm from seizures, you should follow the recommendations that are primarily aimed at combating the type of allergic asthma:

    • in a period of rapid flowering, in the spring, it is best to stay at home whenever possible;
    • windows are desirable to close;
    • do not use the evaporative cooler, it is better to have an air conditioner with a clean filter;
    • pack pillows, mattresses and spring bed grid in hypoallergenic zippered cases to avoid invisible mites;
    • wash once a week bed linens at high temperature;
    • if possible, try to get rid of wall carpets and various dust collectors: heavy curtains, furniture with soft upholstery, soft toys.

    At home, you can take off an asthma attack with inhalers and several exercises, and the most effective means is to seek qualified medical help.

    Only timely treatment can stop the development of asthmatic status, triggered by an allergen, overdose of vasodilators, violation of prescribing physician appointments, associated infections of various origins.
    As a rule, adults are more likely to suffer from infectious-dependent bronchial asthma. Its main cause is a genetic predisposition, which is a positive response to the question of many patients: "Is this disease transmitted by inheritance?" The disease begins with acute infections or if chronic asthma worsens.

    Unlike allergic asthma, the attack of asthma develops more slowly, but the duration is much longer. I must say that a person with an allergic heredity with improper diet and living in unhygienic conditions is most susceptible to the development of asthma.

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