  • Treatment of constipation in the home

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    Read the article:
    • The principles of proper nutrition with constipation
    • Medicinal herbs for constipation
    • Seed flax from constipation
    • Enema enema at home

    Medicinal herbs for constipation have been used for many centuries

    Treatment of constipation with folk remedies and medicinal herbs is becoming increasingly popularall over the world, since a huge number of people experience discomfort due to incomplete emptying, swelling, spasms and gravity in the intestines, which occur due to malfunctions in his work.

    Treatment with natural remedies is much more preferable than the use of laxatives and tablets, because it has been tested for centuries and does not cause addiction and undesirable side effects.

    Since constipation often occurs in completely healthy people due to incorrect
    nutrition, drinking regimen and low physical activity, it is necessary to exclude these causes whenever possible.

    In the morning, do not rush to do business at once, while lying in bed, do the exercise "bike", bend the legs alternately and press firmly to the stomach - this will improve intestinal tone and help it work better.

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    Principles of proper nutrition with constipation ^

    For the treatment and prevention of constipation, the following rules should be observed:

    • The amount of water drunk per day must be at least 2 liters, depending on the body weight.
    • Food for constipation should be with a high content of vegetable fiber, which increases the volume of stool and improves intestinal motility.
    • Good laxatives are possessed by fermented milk products, coarse bread, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, kvass, cherries, honey, plums and apricots.
    • And, conversely, reduce peristalsis and lead to constipation hot dishes, soft white bread, jelly, rice and semolina porridge, tea, coffee, chocolate and cocoa.
    • For chronic constipation, doctors are advised to accustom themselves daily for a night to drink a glass of kefir with the addition of 1 tbsp.l.vegetable oil. Kefir must be fresh, preferably one-day, because after 3 days from the production it has a fixing effect.
    • Well slacked eaten on an empty stomach boiled beet. It is also useful to eat on an empty stomach two apples with skin.

    Bran with constipation

    An excellent therapeutic effect for constipation has bran, which can be added to kefir, yoghurt, cereals and any dishes and drinks:

    • bran does not spoil the taste of food,
    • is well cleaned of toxins and toxins,
    • normalizes bowel function,
    • helpsimprove the useful microflora,
    • reduce weight,
    • is well saturated,
    • reduces appetite.

    Getting into the stomach, bran is not processed, but absorbs water and enters the intestines, forms feces and promotes their speedy evacuation.

    If you do not like the "no" taste of bran, you can prepare bran balls with the addition of dried fruits and chew them with water:

    • 100 grams of bran steamed( pour boiling water and draining off excess water after half an hour),
    • add 200 g prunes withoutbones and raisins.
    • Mix well and roll the balls.

    Medicinal herbs for constipation ^

    Herbs for constipation: folk recipes

    Medicinal herbs are used for constipation for many centuries, because nature has created medicines for almost any disease. People for millennia dispensed with chemical medicines, avoiding the medicinal properties of herbs, flowers and plants. Therefore, always keep medicinal herbs in your medicine cabinet, and use tablets at the very least.

    Herbal infusion of Senna

    The most famous and popular herbal medicine for constipation is senna, its laxative properties underlie many pharmacy laxatives.

    • 1 tbsp.herbs pour a glass of boiling water, pour for half an hour, strain and drink before going to bed.

    Infusion from the bark of the buckthorn

    • 20 g of crushed bark pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5-20 minutes in a water bath.
    • Take 1/2 cup before going to bed.
    • Well helps with chronic constipation.

    Infusion of dandelion roots

    • 2 tsp.herbs pour boiled water at room temperature for 8-9 hours.
    • Take 1/2 cup before meals 3-4 times a day.

    Infusion of seeds of plantain

    • 2 tbsp.pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on a quiet fire.
    • Take 2 tablespoons each.in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Potato juice

    • Well helps with spastic constipation.
    • Drink 1/4 cup freshly squeezed juice several times a day.

    Fresh carrot juice

    • Accepted by a 1/2 cup on an empty stomach serves not only as an excellent laxative, but also helps heal hemorrhoids.

    Decoction of the laxative loston

    • 1 tbsp. Fruit pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours.
    • Strain and drink 1/2 cup before going to bed.

    Decoction of medicinal herbs with the usual locks

    • Mix 1 part of the leaves of the nettle, yarrow flowers and 3 parts of the buckthorn bark.
    • 1 tbsp.mixture pour 1 cup boiling water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, insist half an hour.
    • Strain and drink 1/2 cups a night for 2 weeks.

    Seed flax from constipation ^

    Flax seed is considered one of the best folk remedies for constipation due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in its composition, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber. Flax seeds contain a large amount of mucus, which gently envelops the tender mucous membranes of the intestine, esophagus and stomach, so that the food slides easily inside and does not cause irritation.

    In addition, flax is considered an excellent natural sorbent, which is not inferior in efficiency to the famous activated carbon and is therefore not harmful and not toxic even for small children and pregnant women. Flaxseed is good for removing toxins from the body and eliminating intoxication, so it is widely used for various poisonings, including radionuclides.

    Seed flax from constipation is useful to use in any form - in the form of broths, kissels, milled grains or germinated sprouts.

    • Seeds are ground on a coffee grinder and without additional heat treatment add to cereals, salads, jelly and any other dishes.
    • Due to the fact that linseed oil is rapidly oxidized in the air, grind them better immediately before consumption.
    • It is not necessary to pre-soak the seeds, as their swelling should occur directly in the intestine, but it is necessary to drink plenty of water and other liquid.
    • Lack of fluid when using flax seed is very dangerous, as it can cause hardening of lumps in the intestines and cause its obstruction.

    Decoctions from flax seed

    • 1 tbsp. Flax seeds pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist in a thermos 8-10 hours. Drink along with the seeds for 1/2 cup for 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
    • 1 tbsp.seed pour 1 cup boiling water and cook half an hour on a quiet fire or water bath. Take 1/2 cup before meals 3 times a day.

    Sprouted seeds of flax seeds

    Sprouted sprouts of flax seeds are an excellent tool not only from constipation, but also for cleaning from slags, toxins, excessive glucose and bad cholesterol. In addition, sprouted grains are a real "elixir of life", since they contain a large number of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals.

    To grow such an "elixir" is quite possible at home:

    • Toasted and non-dressed seeds, rinse well and soak for 4 hours in boiled water at room temperature.
    • Put a gauze moistened with water on the bottom of a glass jar with a wide neck and lay the seeds on it.
    • Cover the jar with polyethylene and put it in a warm place, for example near the battery.
    • Gauze needs to be wetted every day, and the seeds are washed.
    • Viable seeds begin to germinate in a few days.
    • When the sprouts rise to 2 cm or more, they can be used for food, previously rinsed well.
    • Take 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day.
    We also recommend that you read the article Reasons for constipation and their prevention.

    An enema with constipation at home ^

    If the constipation is chronic, it lasts many days and no herbs and products help, you can conduct a course of cleansing enemas. An enema with constipation in the home is done daily for 10-15 days until the intestine is completely cleansed.

    An enema is made before bedtime, 2-3 hours after dinner in two stages:

    • The first enema is needed for cleaning out warm water with salt( preferably sea).
    • Pour 5 to 6 glasses of warm water in Esmarch's mug, add 1 tbsp.salt, which softens softly the dry stool.
    • Do not pour in all the liquid at once, control the infusion rate, the hose being tested.
    • After most of the solution has entered the intestine, try to keep it inside for 5 to 10 minutes, then go to the toilet.
    • The second enema is made from one glass of water and injected very slowly, so as not to cause a stool.
    • The second enema is needed for the water to remain in the intestine until the morning and gradually absorbed into its walls.

    The course of such enemas in conjunction with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will help to normalize the work of the intestine and get rid of constipation.