  • Is it useful to walk barefoot

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    Read in the article:
    • Where can you walk barefoot and is it useful
    • How does the body walk barefoot and to whom it is recommended
    • Walking barefoot with flat feet: the opinion of doctors

    What is the use of walking barefoot on the

    dew For several decades now there have been arguments about the benefitswalking barefoot, but many doctors agree with the opinion that such a unique therapy still has a beneficial effect on health.

    Where it is possible to walk barefoot and is it useful ^

    Already a long time ago everyone knows about the presence of biologically active points on the foot surface, which are used when walking barefoot on various surfaces, whether it is snow, grass, sand or the most ordinary home carpet. For a long time people argue about whether it is useful to walk barefoot without shoes: some argue that this can achieve significant improvement in well-being and getting rid of some health problems, while others say that this practice does not affect the human body in any way.

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    Nevertheless, our ancestors occasionally refused shoes and shoes in favor of barefoot walks, and now some prefer to walk on the beach or snow just barefoot.

    Walking barefoot: benefit or harm

    Speaking about the benefits of walking barefoot, you should consider the changes that occur because of this in the body:

    • The protective properties of the immune system increase;
    • There is a rush of energy;
    • Passes insomnia, apathy and stress;
    • The nervous system is strengthened;
    • The blood pressure is normalized, the work of the cardiovascular system is improving;
    • Due to the strengthening of immunity, inflammatory processes take place, skin rashes decrease;
    • Increases visual acuity, relieves tension from the eyes;
    • Strengthens the legs and muscles.

    Despite such a number of positive properties of barefoot walking, there are also negative sides:

    • Leaving the shoes and moving around the terrain barefoot, you can injure the skin - on the feet it is especially tender;
    • While visiting some southern countries, you can get infected with parasites that penetrate the skin. In addition, in such areas usually there are a lot of spiders and snakes, so you should be cautious and give up such walks.

    It is useful to walk barefoot at home

    According to doctors, it is best to go for walks in the natural area, and there are several reasons: firstly, its relief favorably affects the body, and secondly - walking on an even hard surface can leadto the development of flat feet.

    How does walking barefoot work and to whom it is recommended ^

    Why is it useful to walk barefoot on the ground: the opinion of Professor Neumyvakin IP

    Walking barefoot on snow

    According to Dr Aparin, barefoot walks through the snow help normalize the mechanism of thermoregulation, strengthen immunity, reduce the likelihood of the disease with FLU and ARVI, strengthen tendons and ligaments, and improve the clinical picture with flatfoot.

    How to train:

    • First time you need to walk barefoot on the floor in your home, and only after a month move to the yard. It is advisable to perform such training in the autumn time, because in winter it is not recommended to go out without shoes with unaccustomed use;
    • Before going out on the snow it is necessary to warm up with the help of physical exercises in a warm room;
    • First time to walk on the snow is allowed no more than one minute. With time, the duration of therapy can be increased;
    • After walking it is desirable to do gymnastics and foot massage - it will improve microcirculation and help to warm up more quickly.

    Walking barefoot on the ground

    Walking along the earthy surface causes foot massage, as a result of which the vessels are toned and strengthened, biological processes are improved, cholesterol plaques are prevented, metabolism is stimulated.

    Key recommendations:

    • This kind of walking should be practiced for at least 40 minutes: in the opinion of eastern specialists, only after this time the body starts to give off negative energy;
    • The surroundings should be as clean as possible: it is best to walk in a familiar area to avoid injury and cuts due to glass or other objects that injure the skin. It is also desirable to avoid areas where cars often travel and there is a possibility of spilling petrol or oils: they are quickly absorbed into the skin and adversely affect human health, and can also cause skin diseases.

    Walking barefoot on the grass

    The effect of the grass has a positive effect on the nervous system, but you do not need to start from the morning, but from daytime walks to avoid hypothermia. In the future, the dew should be walked from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of such pastime to one hour. After

    Walking barefoot on the floor

    If you can not walk barefoot along the street, you can stroll at home, but the floor should be covered with a carpet and not be cold, otherwise you can catch a cold.

    Walking on the water barefoot

    Water is the best source of energy and appeasement, so you can stroll by the sea or river while relaxing, but be careful not to cut your legs.

    Walking barefoot on sand

    Sand has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to get rid of stress. Walking can be both on the beach, and on the usual sand - its properties do not change from this.

    We also advise you to read the article Vascular net on your legs: how to get rid of

    Walking barefoot with flat feet: the opinion of doctors ^

    Of course, completely flattening flat foot walks on the sand or earth will not work, but the condition of the feet and the muscles work is significantly improved. To completely get rid of such a problem, it is recommended to take complex measures:

    • To do foot massage;
    • Exercise: for this you can purchase special simulators;
    • To use folk remedies;
    • Wear orthopedic shoes.

    Walking barefoot on the natural surface( sand, earth, grass or water) has a beneficial effect on the whole body, therefore walking without shoes is recommended for those who always want to stay healthy.