
Which sign of the zodiac suits the twins: perfect compatibility for this sign of the zodiac

  • Which sign of the zodiac suits the twins: perfect compatibility for this sign of the zodiac

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    If your favorite person is Gemini on a horoscope, and you believe in horoscopes, fortune-telling and various omens, then perhaps you will be interested to know what the stars say about your chosen one or your chosen one, which sign of the zodiac suits the twins.

    The main characteristics of the Gemini

    Variability and impermanence - that's how, in a nutshell, you can characterize the representative of the Gemini sign.

    People born under this sign are familiar with their desires better than with feelings. They are capricious, unpredictable and frivolous, than often repel other signs, although they know how to like many.

    Do not know how to be loving and constant, they require it from their partner. Twins believe that the lungs, without feelings, relationships, they are satisfied with more.

    The main problem of twins - they do not know how to focus on one thing. They easily play the feelings of several people at once, who are in love with them. They are "record holders" for broken hearts. The twins would like to have a permanent couple, but they are frightened by the boredom of a serious relationship.

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    Representatives of this sign are gifted with cheerful disposition, erudition, sociability, their abilities are uncommon, but often they do not know how to use them correctly.

    The nature of the zodiac sign is twins - this is a continuous contradiction. Being absolutely not serious, they require seriousness from their couple. Apart from the need to formally marry, they will rejoice when the lover makes an offer. Quarrelingly bantering over his couple, happy when they are recognized in love.

    How twins combine with other zodiac signs

    Gemini is an easy, sociable sign and it will seem that they will get along with many, in fact, everything is absolutely wrong. Let's try to identify the signs of the zodiac, suitable for the twins.

    Consider the different combinations of zodiac signs with twins:

    1. The Gemini-Taurus pair will be together only thanks to Taurus, his stubborn desire to hold the marriage at any cost.
    2. Twins-Gemini - a rarity, it is difficult for them to stay close to each other, since both are fickle.
    3. Twins-Cancer - a rather scandalous couple, quarrels, tantrums are common for them, but by some miracle they stick together.
    4. Twins-Leo - an incredibly successful couple. Unconventional Lion skillfully establishes control over Gemini.
    5. Gemini-Virgo is an extremely unfortunate marriage. Both cold and calculating, will experience mutual dislike.
    6. Gemini-Libra - often a successful combination, quite a happy, comfortable marriage.
    7. Gemini-Scorpio - a rare, difficult union, an unsuccessful marriage.
    8. Twins-Sagittarius - two opposite signs, but they say that the opposites attract.
    9. Gemini-Capricorn - such marriages are infrequent and rather fragile, the partners can not find anything in common.
    10. Gemini-Aquarius is a good combination, partners will find for each other much in common.

    Among which elements to look for the perfect pair of

    The best sign for Gemini should be looked for among its elements - the elements of Air.

    Get a happy couple between two Gemini probability of 50 to 50.

    The most harmonious relationship and even passionate will form in Gemini with the signs of Aquarius and Libra.

    But the ideal sign for Gemini is to look in the element of Fire. And this will be the Lion, he is bright, emotional and the life of the partner Gemini will do the same.

    A perfect pair will be created by Twin and Sagittarius, although this, at first glance, will seem incredible.

    Marriage with Aries will be successful, but if there are no common interests, it can become short.

    Marriages with Watermarks can be called hopeless and they are very rarely successful.

    So speak horoscopes about the relationship of Gemini with other representatives of the zodiac. But you must remember that all people are different, and the relations between all of them are different. Therefore, you must hear your heart and feel your partner.

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