
If a man loves and avoids his beloved: what to do in this case

  • If a man loves and avoids his beloved: what to do in this case

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    A truly deeply and sincerely loving man wants to spend as much time as possible with his beloved woman. Therefore, avoidance is a serious reason to think, even if you are completely sure of his feelings.

    What if a man loves and avoids? Try to stand in his place, assess the problem with his eyes. When a man clearly avoids situations in which you can remain alone, although everything else in his behavior clearly indicates what he likes, it is likely that the reason is in you.

    Men, although they are called strong sex, are very vulnerable and vulnerable. Perhaps your chosen one, being a witness of your harsh and categorical judgments and a sharp sense of humor, does not want to be ridiculed by you.

    Also, men feel uncomfortable in a society of self-confident women. They are not psychologically ready to play the role of the second plan with a lady who has her own opinion about everything and does not want to listen to the arguments of the opposite side.

    Therefore, before blaming a man, take a look at yourself. It is possible that your chosen one has ceased to avoid you, you just have to be able to sometimes keep silent or listen to someone else's opinion.

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    Possible causes of

    Why does a man avoid communication? Remember what happened before.

    • Perhaps you have quarreled because of a trifle and pride does not allow him to ask the first truce.
    • Another possible reason - for some reason he suspected you of treason( or vice versa, he changed and suffers because of guilt).
    • His life is not limited only to you. Emerging troubles at work, with friends, other close people can lead to the fact that he simply does not have the moral strength to communicate. In such situations, he just needs to be silent.
    • He found out something about you that was compromising, impartial. Although he himself does not want it, his attitude toward you has changed. But love, too, has not gone anywhere. Therefore, he needs time to put everything in order.
    • He suffers from stress, depression, chronic fatigue, health problems. Such troubles men do not like to discuss with anyone, especially with close people.

    There may be many reasons. But most often it's about the characteristics of male psychology. A man in love avoids a woman because he is afraid. In this case, the more he loves, the more he values ​​the opinion of the chosen one, for fear of falling in her eyes.

    How to behave to a woman?

    The one with whom you have been together for a long time does not communicate with you. Because of what a man avoids looking into the eyes? What to do in this situation?

    The most constructive way out is a serious heart-to-heart talk. Thoroughly prepare for the conversation, think over the arguments. Do not start immediately with accusations of neglect, cruelty and heartlessness. Do not throw in the face: "You do not love me anymore."On the contrary, let him know that in any situation he can count on your understanding, help and unconditional support that he can trust you.

    To stock up with arguments, try to talk with his friends, colleagues and relatives. They can shed light on possible problems at work, in studies, with close people, with health, with a car that he does not want to share, so as not to worry you once more.

    If everything is all right with him, ask if he has any complaints about you. Annoying trifles, which he does not dare to point out to you, fearing to offend, can accumulate and lead to alienation.

    If you could not hear anything intelligible, and the conversation did not help, suggest for a while( at least for a couple of weeks) to part and live separately, not meeting with each other and not communicating. Sometimes, to start appreciating, it is enough to lose.

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