  • Results of the 5th month

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    Motor reactions. The child stably stands with the whole foot supported by the mouse, crosses the legs. Can sit for a short time, holding on to something with both hands. Long lies on his stomach, lifting the body, leaning on the palms of his straightened hands. Tries to turn from back to stomach. If you hold your hand firmly, pressing on the sole, he will straighten his legs and move forward much. Actively kicking.

    Skills. Eats a half-thick and thick food from a spoon. Opens the mouth when the spoon touches the lips. Removes food with lips a little. He eats slowly.

    Actions of with items. Takes a toy from the

    of an adult's hand from a comfortable position. Holds a toy-rattle with a long handle, 10-12 cm, for 30 seconds. He learns to use his hand as a tool for getting objects under vision control. He learns the smallest details of objects. One form of examination is touch. Toddlers learn things for a long time, sometimes looking at their hands. Examination of the child produces both fingers and mouth. He brings an object to his mouth and touches it with gums. He actively explores his body, as well as everything that is close to him. Masters the skill of getting. Disparate actions begin to be coordinated. This manifests itself in the mastery of an object by the hand under the direction of the eye-in grasp. Before reaching for the object, the child looks for it with his eyes, then moves his hand to where

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    • At 5 months, the second stage of infancy begins. The first directional action arises - grasping, objective perception. The hand reaches for the object, the mouth closes, the hand develops. A child spends considerable time in an upright position.

    Interest in the study is intensified, and one of the forms of examination is touch. This is a period of special complacency of the child.

    Do not worry if the saliva begins to flow abundantly to the child's 5 months of age. Salivary glands function from the moment of birth, releasing a significant amount of saliva. By 5 months, salivation increases, reaching salivation, and children do not have time to swallow saliva.


    • The weight of the boy - 6600-7600 g

    • The weight of the girl is 6200-7000 g

    • The height of the boy is 64-66 cm

    • The height of the girl is 63-64 cm

    is the object. Uses fingers to examine the texture of objects.

    Spotting reactions. Distinguishes close people from strangers in appearance. Gives different reactions to acquaintances and strangers. At the sight of a stranger, movements slow down, they can cry. Well watches the toy in all directions.

    Auditory responses. Recognizes the voice of the mother or other loved one, listens to an unfamiliar voice, looks for the speaker with the eyes. Re-sounding can be indifferent. He listens to a familiar voice, seeks eyes, smiles, worries if his voice goes silent. Distinguishes a strict and tender intonation of the speech addressed to him, reacts differently to them. The affectionate smiles, revitalizes, focuses on a strict, frowns, can cry. Very confidently turns the body to the source of sound.

    Speech reactions. It's a long time gurgling. It plays with the spoken sounds that it produces with the help of saliva. In the speech, the vowels ah, uh, oh, oh, ha-ha, ma-ah, eu.

    Emotions. The "exchanging method" of communication appears. Use of voice is used to attract the attention of the mother and express their intention to participate in

    communication. She rejoices at another child, takes toys from him. He laughs loudly. Very active. Reacts violently on tickling.

    Intelligence. The child discovers that he has legs and other parts of the body, but he is really interested in exploring his own hand. He is interested in objects that are not only nearby, but also remote at a distance of 1 meter. He studies very carefully the small details of objects. It establishes a connection between the voice of an adult caring for him and his appearance. At this stage, the child has already determined whether the adult close to him is responsive.