  • Treatment of rubella by folk remedies and methods

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    Rubella is one of the most contagious viral childhood diseases, it is an infectious disease. Infection occurs when communicating with a patient or newly infected rubella.


    The onset of rubella disease is characterized by a slight rash in the throat and an increase in temperature. Children may have a runny nose, photophobia, pain when swallowing and coughing.

    The incubation period of rubella is 2 to 3 weeks after infection.

    It often affects children of preschool and school age. In children's collectives, there is often a massive infection of rubella, which contributes to the further spread of the disease. The rubella virus spreads through the air.

    The first symptoms of the disease may appear 11 days after infection. More about the symptoms, see here.

    An early manifestation is swelling of the posteroderma and occipital lymph nodes. Sometimes a child has a runny nose and cough. Simultaneously with a slight increase in temperature, a small reddish rash appears throughout the body.

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    In order not to confuse rubella with measles, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Elements of the rash do not fuse with time, and it disappears in 2-3 days, leaving no pigmentation.

    What's going on? In , the first day of the disease, the entire body covers a rash, very similar to measles, - flat pink spots. On the second day the spots merge, and the whole body turns into a huge pink inflamed spot. No signs of a cold, unlike measles, are not observed, but the lymph nodes behind the ears and at the back of the head become very swollen and painful.

    As a rule, after 3 days the rash disappears and recovery comes.

    Rubella is not dangerous by itself, but by its complications. In severe forms of the disease affects the central nervous system, can develop meningitis and( or) encephalitis. Especially dangerous is the rubella virus for pregnant women, as it penetrates the placenta and damages the fetus, leading to congenital malformations. Therefore, women with a gestation period of no more than 16 weeks with rubella disease are advised to terminate their pregnancy.

    Frequently rubella flows easily, the child's condition does not deteriorate, it is also active, only a little decrease in appetite. Complications after rubella usually does not happen. The disease does not require special treatment, it can be aimed at increasing the immunity of the child. In the period of rashes the child should be isolated, it is necessary to conduct wet cleaning and airing the room where the child is.

    1. For severe itching, it is recommended to dissolve 1/2 cups of baking soda in a bath of warm water. Take a bath 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes.

    2. Dissolve 1/10 teaspoons of potassium permanganate in a bath of warm water( to make a solution of pale pink color).Take a bath 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes.