  • Hypotonia treatment with folk remedies

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    Hypotonia is the lowered arterial blood pressure for heart weakness, anemia( anemia), as well as with a decrease in the tone of the tissues of organs.

    Symptoms: The main manifestations of hypotension are headaches and dizziness with general weakness, sweating, pain in the heart, insomnia, lethargy and irritability. Pathological hypotension can lead to loss of consciousness, fainting and shock.

    If your pressure is lower than 80/55 mm Hg.st., immediately call for an "ambulance", because with further lowering of pressure, acute renal failure may develop.

    What's going on? Hypotension is divided into two types. The first type, the so-called physiological hypotension, is associated with severe physical stress( professional sports, job as a loader).The second type is called of abnormal hypotension, which can be a consequence of heart failure and anemia, acute infections, as well as disturbances in the endocrine system. Hypotension can develop after the transfer of infectious diseases, as a result of neuropsychiatric overstrain or mental trauma.

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    What does do? As well as with hypertension, it is necessary to periodically measure the pressure to prevent a hypotonic crisis. Hypotension is treated under the supervision of a doctor, so you need to contact your district doctor at the first suspicion of the disease. It is advisable to lead a more active way of life, exercise daily in acceptable for age and health status limits, more to be in the fresh air.

    Prevention of hypotension, as well as hypertension, is a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to establish a reasonable alternation of work and rest, to provide a full sleep and stay in the open air. Amplified sports are contraindicated, moderate - welcome. A variety of water procedures, massages are useful. It is very important to ensure full nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals. Staying in the sun should be minimized. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink strong blood and tea to raise blood pressure.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends strong freshly brewed tea and numerous herbal preparations, as well as tinctures of Eleutherococcus or Schizandra( 20-30 drops for half an hour before breakfast and lunch) and ginseng( 5-20 drops before breakfast and lunch) for the treatment of hypotension.

    Take 2 parts of the rose hips, 2 parts of the lovelock root, 2 parts of the herb rue fragrant, 1 part of the wild strawberry leaves, 1 part of the chicory ordinary flowers, 1 part of the herb Veronica officinalis, 1/2 part of the rhizomes of the marsh, 1/2 part of the fruitjuniper common and 7 parts of St. John's wort herb. Drug collection is ground.

    In the evening 2-3 tablespoons of the prepared collection are brewed in a thermos 1/2 liters of boiling water. Insist until morning. During the day, drink all the infusion in 3 doses 30 minutes before meals.

    In hypotension complicated by neurocircular dystonia, such a collection is used.

    Take 3 parts of the rose hips, 2 parts of the plantain leaves, 2 parts of the herb of the angustifolia, 2 parts of the herb buds, ivy, 1 part of the herb grass, 1 part of the peppermint leaves, 1 part of the herb dork dyeing, 1 part verbena herb, 1 /2 parts of rhizomes of calamus, 1/2 part of juniper common fruit, 7 parts of St. John's wort, perforated, ground and mixed.

    In the evening 2-3 tablespoons of medicinal collection pour half a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos until the morning. The next day the prepared infusion is drunk in 3 meals 30 minutes before meals.

    Take 20 g of valerian root, 20 g of zamaniha root, 10 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of Chinese magnolia-vine. Seeds of Chinese magnolia vine are pounded in a mortar, and the rest of the raw materials are ground. Prepared collection pour half a liter of cold water, insist 6 hours, then boil for 5 minutes, cool, filter through 2 layers of gauze.

    In the absence of zamanicha root, 10 ml of spirituous tincture of zamaniha or 20 ml of Eleutherococcus extract are added to the broth, and mixed. Take 50 ml in the morning and day 30 minutes before meals.

    You can take 3 to 6 months 2 times a day( morning and evening) for 15-20 drops of alcohol tincture of ginseng.

    Daily take tincture of Schizandra Chinese twice a day for 20-30 drops 15 minutes before meals.

    Take an alcoholic tincture levzei safflower( maral root) 30 drops 2-3 times daily before meals for 2-3 weeks.

    People's physicians of Siberia recommend using arterial hypotension and asthenia to apply an alcoholic( vodka) infusion of rhodiola root pink( golden root).Chopped root of rhodiola rosea( 50 g) pour 50 g of vodka, insist 7 days in a dark place. Then filter. Store the tincture in a dark place.

    Begin taking with 10 drops mixed with water, daily adding 1 drop and bringing up to 40 drops, 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day( morning and evening) for 1 month. The dose is selected individually. If 15-20 drops improve the general condition and normalize blood pressure, do not increase the dose.

    10 g of dried rhodiola pink root is poured into 500 ml of water, brought to a boil, cooled and drunk 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Apply tincture of sulphonate platanol in a ratio of 1: 5 to 70% alcohol. Take 10-20 drops 2 times a day for 20 minutes before meals for 3-4 weeks.

    Yakut shamans for the treatment of hypotension use a liquid alcohol extract from the ungainly antler( antlers) maral, deer, or spotted deer. Inside take 25-40 drops 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. But this drug has contraindications: it can not be taken by those who have severe atherosclerosis, angina or increased coagulability of blood.

    In China, with arterial hypotension, the next dose is prescribed. Take 40 g of ginseng root, 5 g of astragalus root, 5 g of white pion root, 8 g of angelica root, 15 g of licorice root, 30 g of St. John's wort flowers, mixed and ground. After that, the collection is poured with 1/2 liter of raw cold water, it is insisted for 6 hours, then it is brought to a boil, cooled and filtered through Marluce.

    Take 1 tablespoon in the morning and day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. After the arterial pressure is normalized, the drug is stopped.

    Ukrainian healers have used infusion of such plants since hypotonia: they took 30 g of flowers and young leaves of St. John's Wort, 10 g of herb wormwood, 30 g of zamanicha root, 20 g of immortelle sand, 20 g of chamomile flowers, 20 g of medicinal herbs, 10 grams of medicinal herbs.g root of the whiteness of the white, crushed. After that, 2 tablespoons of the collection was poured with 1/2 liter of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours and filtered. We took 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

    Take 6 medium-sized lemons, pass them through a meat grinder along with the peel, but without grains. After that, add the resulting mass to a 3-liter jar, pour 1 liter of cold boiled or distilled water and cover with a lid. Withstand the can in the refrigerator for 36 hours, then add 600 g of liquid honey, mix thoroughly and again put in the refrigerator for 36 hours. From time to time, the jar should be shaken.

    Finished product take 3/4 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals, until the mixture ends. Carry out 2 courses of treatment, taking a break for 2-3 weeks.

    For the treatment of hypotension use such a tool. Take 50 g of coffee beans, fry them and grind in a coffee grinder. Add 500 g of honey and juice of 1 lemon, mix thoroughly.

    Drug is taken 1 teaspoon every 2 hours after a meal. Keep it in a cool place.

    In the treatment of hypotension, the first 4-6 days use exclusively a fruit diet along with the consumption of vegetable juice.

    Every day 3 times a day a mixture of the following juices is taken: 300 g carrot, 110 g spinach;170 g of carrot, 140 g of beet, 140 g of cucumber;250 g of carrot, 110 g of celery, 60 g of spinach, 60 g of parsley juice.

    The following 2 weeks adhere to the dairy-vegetable diet, including fruit-vegetable and fruit-and-milk. Fruit and vegetable diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables. All fruits must be ripe. If you do not have fresh fruit, you can eat scraped dried fruits with honey, unrefined sugar, grated carrots, raisins, currants and milk.

    Instead of fresh fruit, you can consume a salad of any vegetables. If a person prefers to eat boiled vegetables, then cook them better for a couple.

    Fruit-and-milk diet is the same fruit diet, but with the addition of milk at every meal. On the 1st day of the diet, you should drink 1/2 liter of milk. Gradually, this amount is adjusted to 2 liters( depending on how the body tolerates milk).Both fruit-vegetable and fruit-and-milk diet does not contain bread. The consumption of salt is not limited.

    After the 2-week diet, they switch to the usual food: vegetable soups on meat broth, milk soups, cereals, wheat bread of 2nd grade with addition of bran, fruit and vegetable salads, tea with honey and milk.

    With arterial hypotension, especially after an infectious disease, it is recommended to use pollen. Take it for 1 tablespoon in pure form or in a mixture with pergus and honey on an empty stomach for 15 minutes before the first breakfast.1 tablespoon without top contains 15 g of dry pollen. This portion is easy to swallow at one time, but if desired, you can divide it into 2 parts and take one before the first breakfast, and the other either before lunch or before dinner.

    In the first 4 days of staying on a fruit diet in the evenings put cleansing enemas. In the morning take a shower( 28-30 ° C) for 1-2 minutes or spend a full bath with water at room temperature in the bath.

    A sponge or a rough towel is moistened with water and quickly washed from top to bottom by the whole body.

    This procedure, as a rule, takes 2-3 min. Each week, the water temperature is reduced by 1-2 ° C to gradually move to colder water( directly from the tap).It is very useful to add a little table vinegar( 1/4 cup to 0.5 l water) or a handful of salt into the water. If a person is shivering or has a cold body, it is not worth to rinse.

    You can carry out this procedure in two stages: in the morning, wash your hands, chest, stomach, and in the evening - back and legs. Quick and careful washing with very cold water will never do any harm.

    Once a week, you can take a cold bath( 25 ° C) for 30 seconds. After that, you should walk around the room with a quick step to warm up, toweled before the sensation of warmth. This is done for 2 weeks, then the number of procedures is reduced by 2 times, but many go barefoot around the room, and in the summer - on the ground.

    550 ml of water, a piece of baby soap, 3 g of salicylic acid, 500 ml of purified turpentine turpentine, 20 ml of camphor alcohol.

    Method of preparation.

    Pour water into enameled dishes and bring to a boil, then add finely soaped soap to it and continue boiling until dissolving soap, then add acid, turpentine, camphor alcohol. Mix thoroughly with a wooden stick. Store in a dark and cool place in a glass container.

    How to use.

    Take a bath with a water temperature of 36-37 ° C and dilute in it 20 ml of the solution obtained in the first procedure, then increase the dose each time by 5 ml, and after the seventeenth bath apply the achieved dose until complete recovery. The duration of each procedure is 15-20 minutes.

    Every morning, lying in bed, spend self-massage, starting with the hands, head, neck, then massage the chest, abdomen.

    After this, standing, with the help of a roller massager massage the back, the lumbar region, the hips, and the hands - the shins and feet. First, perform a light massage, and then increase the pressure.

    The procedure is 10-15 minutes daily or every other day.

    Aerotherapy is used in various forms: air baths, walks in the air( the head should be closed from the sun at the same time).After air baths, water procedures( sea, river, lake, swimming with swimming) are recommended for 4-8 minutes, whenever possible daily.


    1 tbsp.a spoonful of carrot juice, horseradish juice, 1 lemon juice, honey.

    Method of preparation.

    All the ingredients are mixed.

    Method of use.

    Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals. Keep mixture in a cool place.

    1. The Tartar is thorny. 20 g of dry flower baskets and leaves on a glass of water. Boil 10 minutes on low heat, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day to raise the tone and increase blood pressure. You can brew some leaves.

    2. Schisandra, tincture. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day on an empty stomach before breakfast and lunch for 30 minutes, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day to raise the tone and increase blood pressure. You can brew some leaves.

    2. Schisandra, tincture. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day on an empty stomach before breakfast and lunch 30 minutes before meals. Take 1 tablespoon water.

    3. Leuzea safflower( maral root), tincture, liquid extract. Take an extract of 20-30 drops 2 times a day on an empty stomach, before breakfast and lunch 30 minutes before eating. Tincture to take on, 10-40 drops the same.

    4. The cyme is sandy( immortelle).10 g immortelle for a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes, strain. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals in a cooled form.

    5. Golden root( rhodiola rosea), tincture. Take 20-40 drops 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch, 30 minutes before meals, for 10-20 days.

    6. Ginseng, tincture. Take 5 to 20 drops 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch before meals, for 2-3 weeks.

    7 .The immortelle is sandy. 10 g pour 1 cup of boiling water, wrap, insist 30-40 minutes, strain. Take in a cooled form for 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Do not take with kidney disease!

    8. 20-30 ml of royal jelly under the tongue 3 times a day.

    9. Flower pollen with honey in the ratio 1: 1 or 1: 2 to 50 ml 3 times a day.

    9. Strong tea, coffee ( in the absence of contraindications).

    10. Port - 100 ml once a day.

    11. Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine. Alcohol tincture is prepared in a proportion of 1:10.Take 35-40 drops at the reception. According to other sources tincture should take 20-30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 2 times a day before breakfast and lunch for 30 minutes.before meals.

    12. Decoction of flower baskets and leaves of the prickly throat. 20 g of dry flower baskets and leaves on a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes.on low heat, insist, wrapped, in for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day to raise the tone and increase the pressure.

    13. Birch leaf white - 2 parts, herb veronica herb - 2 parts, root of elecularis - 1/2 part, leaves of strawberry forest - 1 part, herb hyssop medicinal - 1 part, grassnettle leaves - 1 part, fruit of the pardant ordinary - 2 parts, peppermint leaves - 1/2 part, dandelion root of the - 2 parts, black currant leaves - 1 part, turkey grass prickly - 5 parts, grass horsetail field - 1 part, cinnamon cinnamon bush - 3 parts.2-3 tablespoons of the collection( depending on the body weight), pour in the evening in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of steep boiling water. The next day, drink all the infusion in 3 doses warm for 20-40 minutes.before meals.

    14. Root of marsh aureus - 1/2 parts, veronica officinalis grass - 1 part, root of elecampane high - 1 part, , St. John's wort St. John's wort - 5 parts, grass of angustifolia - 1 part, fruits2 parts, peppermint leaves - 1 part, herb rue fragrant - 1 part, prickly throat grass - 5 pieces, cinnamon bush cakes - 3 pieces.

    Prepare and apply as in the previous

    collection. You need to act on a special point located in the middle of the lower part of the neck. Press the index finger in a light form for up to 1 minute.

    In case of withdrawal from smoking, the effect on BAP is carried out at the occurrence of the desire to smoke. The pressure should be short-lived, but intense, almost painful. Such therapy can also be performed with hypotension - low blood pressure.

    Arterial hypotension is characterized by a decrease in systolic pressure below 100 mm Hg, diastolic pressure below 60 mm Hg. Patients suffering from this disease should be subjected to a thorough examination, since arterial hypotension can be both an independent disease and a symptom observed in peptic ulcer, anemia, hypoglycemia, chronic hepatitis, with the action of medications, etc. In such cases, treatment should be directed at eliminating the cause that caused arterial hypotension. The use of point massage can improve the effectiveness of ongoing treatment activities.

    For the treatment of arterial hypotension, it is advisable to massage points of general action.

    3.36 - Zu-san-li [402].

    2.4-He-gu [397].

    2.L-Qu-chi [400].

    4.6 - San-yin-jiao [403].

    Some authors recommend using massage of other points.

    5.5-Hsi-guan [404].

    11L - May-yang( "The Big Sun").The point is located outward and downward from the outer end of the eyebrow. The location of the point corresponds to the location of the temporal muscle, the branch of the temporal artery and the branch of the trigeminal nerve. The point is used in the treatment of migraine, facial nerve neuritis, chronic conjunctivitis, toothache, and vision disorders.

    11.20 - Feng chi [399].

    13.20 - Bai-hui [399].

    It is also advisable to massage the points 2 L ( He-gu) [00] and 3.36 ( Zu-san-li) with this variant of action [402].