  • Pertussis treatment with folk remedies

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    Pertussis is a contagious disease characterized by seizures of a convulsive cough, sometimes with vomiting. Suffer from whooping cough mainly in childhood.

    Pathogen of pertussis - Bordetella pertussis, short stick with rounded ends, gram-negative, fixed. Most often ill children under 5 years old, adults often have atypical illness. The main method of laboratory diagnostics is bacteriological( most cultures can be isolated in 90% of patients, the final answer is received on the 5th-7th day), direct immunofluorescence method is often used to detect Bordetella pertussis( sensitivity - 60-70%) and PCR( possesses 100% sensitivity and specificity), serological methods are not suitable for early diagnosis of pertussis

    Symptoms: seizures of a convulsive agonizing cough with asphyxiation at night. Coughing can be accompanied by vomiting. More about the symptoms, see here.

    What's going on? Begins whooping cough as an ordinary cold with a runny nose and a cough, and this lasts about a week. In the mornings, the temperature is normal, and in the evening it can significantly increase. In the second week, attacks of a convulsive cough with a characteristic howling of the breath at night begin, which may be accompanied by vomiting. The person blushes during an attack( sometimes there is a cyanosis), the tongue protrudes from the mouth, the eyes are watery, the eye capillaries may burst. The attack usually ends with expectoration of viscous sputum. Attacks can last up to 15 minutes, and their frequency - up to 30 per day. After an attack the child is very tired and frightened. Pertussis - a long-term disease, lasts from a month to three, depending on the severity of the disease.

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    A timely vaccination against pertussis will help prevent infection with this disease, and if the child does get infected, it will ease the course of the disease. Infection occurs from an already sick person, when communicating with him in the same team, when using the same toys, linens, dishes. The first signs of pertussis appear 5 to 14 days after infection. The onset of the disease is subtle.

    The child slightly coughs, his general condition does not change, he is also active, eats well. But over time, cough begins to build up, reaching the attacks with vomiting. This period lasts 1.5-2 weeks. Coughing seizures follow one after another with small interruptions, there may be 20 to 30 seizures per day. The face of the child during an attack is puffy, crimson, tears flow, a large amount of saliva is released, he complains of pains in the intercostal muscles and in the abdomen. With the development of the disease, the child coughs up a large amount of viscous sputum. Redness of the eyes is noted, since small vessels burst. The duration of this period is 1-3 weeks. Gradually there is a decrease in the frequency of coughing attacks, they become less severe and prolonged, vomiting disappears.

    A child throughout the disease is the source of infection, so you need to isolate it for 30 days. Pertussis is dangerous for serious complications, especially in children of the first year of life, so it is very important to recognize the disease in time and start treatment. To distinguish whooping cough from a simple cold can a doctor who prescribes treatment. During an illness in the summer, a child needs to be as much as possible in the fresh air, this will reduce the frequency of seizures. In winter you can walk at a temperature of at least -10 ° C, in windless weather. At home it is often necessary to carry out a wet cleaning and to ventilate the room.

    In the first week of illness, nothing will allow you to suspect pertussis. It looks like an ordinary cold with a slight runny nose and a slight dry cough. By the end, there are no deli, the mother usually thinks that the cold is over, and sends the child to school."There was only a slight dry cough."The first suspicions arise during the second week. Now you can see the child's long coughing attacks at night. He coughs 8-10 times for one exhalation. One night after several such attacks, the baby starts to choke, and it vomits. Or he has a whooping cough. This is a howl that escapes from the child after a fit of coughing when he tries to breathe. Nowadays, when pertussis vaccination is so common, the disease is rarely so severe as to reach the stage of pertussis cough, and in some cases there is no vomiting. The diagnosis in this case is based on the character of the cough in the second week( kha-kha-kha-kha-kha-kha-kha-kha-chain in quick succession without inhalations in the middle) and that there are pertussis patients in the neighborhood.

    Do not rush to the conclusion that your child has whooping cough, if he coughs heavily in the first week of the disease. In fact, a strong cough in the first week just says that it is not whooping cough. Pertussis may last several weeks. The average stage of pertussis cough lasts four weeks, in severe cases - two to three months.

    If the case is doubtful and it is important to establish a diagnosis, two laboratory tests can help. The first is called "plate for coughing."The child coughs on a special plate covered with gelatin, in which pertussis bacteria develop rapidly. If the doctor discovers these bacteria, he is sure that he has pertussis in front of him. But if there are no bacteria, this does not prove that there is no whooping cough. The test is most reliable in the first two weeks of the illness. The second test is a blood test. In some cases, the result is definite, especially for the third and fourth weeks;in others, the test does not help.

    Pertussis is a serious illness, especially in a child younger than two years old. It should be avoided like the plague, especially if the child is ill in the neighborhood. At this age, the main danger is the exhaustion of the body and the development of pneumonia.

    The doctor will prescribe the treatment based on the child's age and the severity of the case. Usually they use cough remedies, but they rarely help much. In many cases, a child becomes better when he is in the cold air day and night, but naturally it needs to be protected from freezing. Strong children are sometimes allowed to play in the fresh air, if they do not have temperature. Of course, they should not play with other children. Some children have less frequent coughing attacks;if the child does not get out of bed. If a child tears, it is better to feed it not thrice a day, but more often in small portions. It is safer to feed it immediately after vomiting, because for a while he will not have a coughing fit. If the muscles of the abdomen are tired of the cough, you can bandage the stomach with a dense bandage.

    Because pertussis is a serious illness, especially in newborns and young children, it is important to call a doctor;as soon as there is suspicion. This should be done for two main reasons: to gain confidence in the diagnosis and to apply the treatment correctly. For infants, special treatment is required, and often it is very effective.

    Quarantine requirements differ in different districts. Usually a child is not allowed to go to school for five weeks after the onset of the disease if vomiting has stopped. Pertussis infectiousness does not disappear suddenly after several weeks. It weakens gradually, and the easier the cases, the faster. At home, you can consider a child not dangerous to others if within two weeks he is noticeably less coughing. Pertussis occurs 5 to 14 days after infection. If the infant has not yet been vaccinated and has been exposed to the patient, he can be injected with serum to prevent the disease or ease its course.

    During the disease, there are 3 periods:

    1. Catarrhal period. It is characterized by a dry, strong cough, runny nose and a slight increase in body temperature. These phenomena persist for 1-2 weeks. Then comes the turn of the next period.

    2. Spasmodic period. It is characterized by an increase in severe attacks of cough. Attacks have the form of tremors, which quickly follow one another after exhaling. After a coughing thrust, a wheezing breath arises. Then again, coughing and whistling are repeated. During a fit of cough, the patient blushes, and sometimes turns blue, her eyes water, and the veins on the neck swell. The head extends forward, and the tongue protrudes outward.

    3. Authorization period. This is the final stage of the disease. During this period, coughing episodes slacken, sputum goes away and the patient's condition gradually improves.

    The severity of the disease can be divided into three forms of the disease:

    The mild form of pertussis is characterized by normal state of health, short coughing attacks( no more than 10-15 per day).The respiratory function is not disturbed.

    The medium-severe form of the disease is characterized by deterioration of well-being and an increase in body temperature. The patient becomes sluggish, irritable, his sleep and appetite is disturbed. Attacks of coughing become worse( 20-30 per day).They become longer, the patient becomes blue, and the wheezing in the lungs is heard.

    The severe form of the disease is characterized by a significant increase in body temperature, sleep and appetite disorders, severe pallor of the skin and swelling of the face. Rattles are heard in the lungs. Coughing attacks are frequent, prolonged and severe. The respiratory function is sharply disturbed, the pale and cyanotic skin tone is observed. During an attack of cough, bleeding from the nose, involuntary urination and defecation are often noted. Often the episode ends with vomiting. As a rule, the duration of the entire disease is 1.5-4 months.

    Diagnosis of the disease is based on epidemiological history and the characteristic manifestations of the disease. Identify the pathogen can be by bacteriological study of nasopharyngeal mucus or sputum.

    Treatment is performed in a hospital. A bed rest is prescribed until the body temperature decreases. Very useful stay patient on fresh, especially cool, air. From medications, antihistamines and antibiotics are prescribed. And also the means, which dilute sputum and promote its withdrawal.

    The prognosis in most cases( with adequate and full treatment) is favorable.

    Prevention is the routine vaccination of children.

    What does do? It is desirable to maintain a cool temperature in the patient's room, but avoid supercooling the body. The more time a child spends on the street, the better. Food should be high in calories and easily digestible, more liquid than usual, and saturated with vitamins. Once your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, it should be isolated for 40 days so as not to infect surrounding children and adults.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends with pertussis:

    • drink milk with boiled cloves of garlic;

    • drink a decoction of figs on milk;

    • mix honey and butter in a 1: 1 ratio, give a teaspoon several times a day;

    • drink tea from the leaves of plantain;

    • rub the breast with a mass of crushed garlic and butter.

    Warning! Vaccinations against whooping cough significantly reduce the course of the disease! .

    With poor sputum, a light massage of the upper chest and back area will help. It is necessary to gently rub 1 - 2 drops of fir oil, while using the easy tapping with fingers and palms.

    Instead of fir oil, you can use radish or garlic juice. Inhalation of phytoncides of garlic also helps to kill pertussis in the upper respiratory tract of the child.

    During the massage, the back of the child can be placed on his knees with his stomach down, so that the head hangs slightly, this facilitates a better sputum discharge.

    As an anti-inflammatory, restorative and restorative weakened body, it is recommended to take a mummy solution.


    0.1 g mummy, 50 ml water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mummy completely dissolve in warm water.

    How to use.

    To be taken within 10 days once a day, on an empty stomach.

    1. Fruit of a black radish of medium size to wash and together with a peel to grate on a small grater. A little warm 1-2 teaspoons of honey, mix honey with a radish and put this mush in a tissue bag or cloth and put on your throat as a compress.

    Top cover with something warm. Keep for 20-40 minutes. After removing the compress gently wipe the skin with vegetable oil. Do this procedure better at night.

    2. Grate the cabbage and beetroot. For 1 cup of the resulting mass add 1 tbsp.spoonful of 6% vinegar and stir. Insist in a dark place for at least 2 hours, then squeeze the juice and rinse them with a throat. You can take this juice and inside by 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day, before diluting it with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. This will help to remove the inflammation in the throat.


    250 ml of pure kerosene, 1 tbsp.spoon of salt.

    Method of preparation.

    Stir the salt with kerosene.

    How to use.

    Rinse throat with strong raids 1 time, repeat if necessary every other day.


    0.5 kg of onion, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Chop onion, add honey and sugar, add water and cook over low heat for 3 hours, cool.

    How to use.

    Take 3-6 tbsp.spoons throughout the day.

    Also good results give the use of pieces of lemon or its juice with honey.

    You can 1 tbsp. Spoon the honey completely dissolve in 250 ml of warm water. With this solution rinse your mouth and throat( this removes the inflammation of the tonsils).

    1. To ease the breathing of the child, you can drop 3 to 4 drops of fir oil on a burning light bulb in the room, put it next to it, let it breathe for a few minutes with fumes.

    2. With a strong cough, you need to drip 3-5 drops of fir oil on the root of the tongue in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed.


    350 g licorice root, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Licorice root, chop, boil in water over low heat for 7-10 minutes, cover until cooling. Decoction to filter.

    How to use.

    Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day. Such a decoction will calm the cough, improve sputum discharge. To take the infusion in a warm form, it does not have to be heated, you can just dilute it with a little boiling water.


    2 bulbs, 2 tbsp.spoons of sugar.

    Method of preparation.

    Peel onion, finely chopped, covered with sugar. Leave it overnight. In the morning, crush in a mortar and strain through a strainer.

    How to use.

    Take 1 teaspoon as often as possible to relieve cough.


    2 teaspoons of kidneys of pine, licorice root, anise fruit, fennel fruit, thyme grass, 400 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the grass with pour boiling water, insist 40 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Take in warm form for 2-3 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.


    3 teaspoons fennel ordinary fruit, anise ordinary fruit, 2 teaspoons flax seeds, thyme grass, 400 ml water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the grass with pour boiling water, insist 40 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Take in warm form for 2-3 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.


    for 3 teaspoons of leaves of coltsfoot, plantain leaves large, 4 teaspoons of pine buds, 400 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the grass with pour boiling water, insist 40 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Take in warm form for 2-3 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.


    1 teaspoon of elecampane root high, eucalyptus leaf, peppermint grass, coltsfoot leaves, marigold flowers, St. John's wort, large plantain leaves, pine buds, anise fruit, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    All components to grind, pour boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Take 2-3 tbsp.tablespoons infusion 3-4 times a day after meals.


    2 teaspoons of thyme herb, root of althea medicinal, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the grass with pour boiling water, insist 40 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Take in warm form 2-3 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day. Pertussis vaccine is usually included in DTP( vaccines against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus).Although the overwhelming majority of children do not have an undesirable reaction to pertussis vaccine, in some cases it is noted. This reaction is divided into three categories.

    Easy reaction. The most frequent reaction, which is rather a discomfort. This is a swelling and tenderness at the injection site, a slight fever( postvaccinal fever), up to 38.3 ° C( rectal), kept for one day, and a slight irritability within one to two days. Approximately 50% of children after vaccination observe such a reaction.

    Reaction of medium gravity. Occurts less often;an average temperature rise( up to 38.9 ° C), lasting twenty-four hours, an edema at the injection site, a tearfulness for twenty-four hours, irritability for one or two days, after which all symptoms disappear. There is no need to call a doctor.

    Severe reaction. In very rare cases as a reaction there is a rise in temperature to 40.6 ° C, a constant inconsolable crying for more than three hours after vaccination, unusual, very high crying, lethargy, drowsiness, possible convulsions. Call a doctor.

    Because the benefits of pertussis vaccine still outweigh the risks, the American Pediatric Academy recommends mandatory vaccination against whooping cough. It should be noted that in countries temporarily suspended vaccination against pertussis due to fear of the population, outbreaks of pertussis occurred, after which mandatory vaccination was reintroduced. It is also noteworthy that the statements that pertussis vaccine is allegedly associated with brain damage, after careful studies were false. Take, for example, one sensational case, when a pertussis vaccine allegedly caused brain damage;with further study of the question it became clear that the child was not even given this vaccination. Pertussis vaccine was also unreasonably blamed for the syndrome of sudden child death, but studies have revealed that there is no connection between them.

    Today, a new pertussis vaccine( acellular or acellular, vaccine) has replaced the old vaccine for repeated vaccinations at the age of eighteen months and five years. Now she is undergoing research to obtain permission to use it for three primary vaccinations against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus.

    So that when the prick was not hurt

    So that the child is not afraid of injections, hold the baby firmly on his or her lap or by pressing to his chest;do a minute massage to relax the child's leg or arm( relaxed muscles during the injection are not so painful).Do not worry yourself. Fear of injecting is contagious and is transmitted especially quickly from mother to child. After the injection is done, immediately distract the child with a toy or some kind of joyful gesture and words, for example, say: "Goodbye, doctor, goodbye!"