  • Treatment of avitaminosis and scurvy with folk remedies and methods

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    2. Lemon. Lemon juice squeezed into the water and drink at scurvy, rinse your mouth with scurvy. During scurvy eat lemons, cut into slices, lightly interspersed with sugar. At tsing it is very useful to use citrus fruits( oranges, mandarins, grapefruits).

    3. Onion. During scurvy, it is very useful to eat onions and green onions. It is also very useful to consume victorious onions( wild garlic), which contains a large amount of ascorbic acid( vitamin C).

    4. White cabbage and other varieties of cabbage. With scurvy eat any cabbage, both fresh and sour. Especially useful salads are fresh cabbage, because they contain a large amount of vitamin C.

    5. Garlic. Use garlic in all types with food and separately with bread at scurvy.

    6. Spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch. Water decoctions of needles are used for oral administration and for rinsing the mouth with scurvy.4 cups of winter trimmed needles, pour 3 cups of cooled boiled water, acidify 2 teaspoons of diluted hydrochloric acid. Insist 3 days in a dark place, drain. Apply 1/2 cup 2 times a day, sweetening to taste, like vitamin infusion.

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    7. Black currant. When using chicken, use black currant berries. In spring, cut the young branches of black currant, finely chop them and boil 7-10 minutes in water. Drink tea as a decoction.

    8. Rowan is red( fruits).There are fruits of mountain ash red when they are ripe.1 tablespoon of ashberry fruit per 1 cup of boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, insist 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day with berries.

    9. Primrose. Fresh leaves and flowers in the form of salad are used for beriberi( deficiency in the body of vitamins C and A).1 tablespoon of dried leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

    10. Cyprus. Fresh leaves are added to salads as a vitamin remedy.1 tablespoon of dried leaves on a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1-2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    11. Aspen( bark, kidney).Pinch( 1 tablespoon with top) of kidney or bark of aspen for 500 g of boiling water. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Insist 3 hours, wrapped. Take as tea soup 1 cup 3 times a day, sweetening with honey. Tincture of the kidneys on vodka or alcohol. Apply 20-40 drops 3 times a day.

    12. Cowberry ordinary. Vitamin tea: cowberry fruit - 2 parts, nettle leaves - 3 parts, rosehip fruit - 3 parts. Shredded raw materials mix well, 4 teaspoons brew with a glass of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, strain and drink a glass 2-3 times a day.

    13. Kalina ordinary. Vitamin tea from fruits has a tonic and calming effect. A tablespoon of fruit to brew a glass of boiling water, insist 1-2 hours, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.14. Strawberry field. Leaves are like a vitamin remedy in the form of tea. A tablespoon of chopped leaves brew a glass of boiling water in a porcelain or glassware, insist 10-15 minutes, drain. Drink like tea.

    15. Black currant. In medical practice, black currant fruits are used as a vitamin remedy.

    Dried fruits of the currant are part of the vitamin collections:

    a) black currant fruit, rose hips( equally).2 teaspoons of the collection brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist an hour, strain through gauze, add sugar to taste. Drink 1/2 cup infusion 3-4 times a day;

    b) Blackcurrant fruit - 1 part, nettle leaf - 2 parts, rosehip fruit - 3 parts. Tablespoon of the mixture to brew 2 cups of boiling water, Method of preparation and use - as in the previous recipe;

    c) the big popularity uses a black currant with sugar. In it, for a long time, vitamins are well preserved( per 1 kg of berries - 1.5 kg of granulated sugar).

    16. Rosehips. Rose hips are a part of various charges:

    a) hips, black currant fruit( equally).A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain, add sugar. Drink 1/2 cup of vitamin tea 3-4 times a day;

    b) rose hips, fruits of mountain ash( equally).2 teaspoons of the mixture brew 2 cups of boiling water. Method of preparation and use - as in the previous recipe.

    Vitamin gathering.

    17. Rosehips - 1 part Collection № 1. Black currant berries - 1 part

    18. Rosehips - 1 part Collecting № 2. Feces of viburnum - 1 part.

    19. Rose hips - 1 part Gathering number 3. Berries cranberries - 1 part

    20. Rosehip fruits - 3 parts Gathering № 4. Berries cranberries - 1 part

    Nettle leaves - 3 parts

    21. Nettle leaves - 3 parts Collection №5.Fruits of mountain ash - 1 part

    22. Hips - 1 part Gathering number 6. Fruits of mountain ash - 1 part

    Brews so: 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 2 to 3 times a day.