  • Cosmetics - oats

    Oats contain the most valuable for our skin macro and microelements: copper, zinc, cobalt, iron, manganese. And of course, a unique complex of vitamins E and P, as well as group B. Biologically active substances of this cereal penetrate deep into the pores of the skin, clearing them of dirt and harmful substances. In addition, oats and products from it effectively exfoliate dead skin layers, promote generation - the birth of new cells, soften the skin, make it smooth and supple, soft and velvety. There are home cosmetic products with oats almost instantly;with regular use can replace a whole battery of expensive imported products.

    Very important advantage of oat preparations: beneficial effect on all skin types. If the skin is oily, the pores are dilated - oats clean and degrease, prevents the appearance of inflammation and acne. Skin of dry type, too sensitive, prone to irritation, - removes and these problems, effectively moisturizes and nourishes. With a normal skin type, it freshens, maintains a balance of moisture and nutrients.

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    Perhaps, in special advertising, "Hercules" cosmetics do not need. Cosmetologists around the world use oats extracts for the production of a variety of creams, lotions, tonics, etc. And their patients share recipes of oat masks and "beauty salads" with each other.

    Cleansing facial skin with oat flakes

    If by science. ..

    Oat flakes are passed through a meat grinder. A tablespoon of the resulting mass is diluted with water to a mushy consistency. This gruel is applied to the face and neck and slightly rubbed until it begins to "roll down", easily sliding over the skin. Then rinse with water.

    ( Let's make a note: if you have dry skin, then wash off any cosmetics with warm water, if it's greasy, then in a contrast way: first hot and then cold.)

    This procedure should be performed daily before bedtime for a month.

    It's very simple. ..

    If oatmeal porridge is your usual breakfast, you can boil another portion( without salt and sugar) at the same time. When it cools down, wipe the face with it, then rinse with water at room temperature. This is a great tool for cleansing dry skin, although fatty also does not hurt. Instead of oat flakes, you can use flax seeds or bran.

    Cleansing the skin with bran

    Any bran - wheat, rice, oatmeal - to pass through a meat grinder, a tablespoon of the resulting mass diluted with water to a mushy consistency. This gruel wipe your face and neck until you feel that it slides easily over the skin. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

    Precisely the same cleansing of the skin of the face and neck can be carried out using the crumb of rye bread soaked in hot water.

    Facial cleansing is performed daily( before bedtime) for a month.

    "Soap" for oily skin

    Grate baby soap on a fine grater and add to it bran or oat flakes( 2 tablespoons of bran or cereal for 1 tablespoon of soap), dilute with water at room temperature. The resulting gruel wash your face, lightly massaging the skin, for 3-4 minutes. Then rinse and rub with lotion.

    Mask for dry skin

    2 tablespoons oat flakes boil for 15 minutes on milk or water. Cool to about body temperature( 36-37 C), add 1 tablespoon of honey and apply the mixture on the face. To sustain 20 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.