  • Improvement of vision

    From all parts of the country we receive letters asking for advice and with almost the same questions. It is also likely that some questions have appeared with you, after that. Therefore, I selected the most frequently asked questions. Perhaps among them you will find answers and some of the questions that concern you.

    QUESTION: I live in a desert where a very hot sun shines. Should I be in this heat for 10 minutes, necessary for solarization? I'm losing consciousness.

    ANSWER: The intensity of the sun's radiation depends on the climate and on the time of the year. The duration of solarization is not regulated in any way. You should be guided by the degree of comfort of your condition. In case of excessive heat in the desert, sit at the edge of the shade and lean out in the sun with closed eyelids only for short periods of time. Make turns by crossing the lighted surface. After that, go to the shadow( or room) and make a palm.

    QUESTION: Should I keep my eyes open during palming?

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    ANSWER: None. Palming is a time of rest. Eyes are best resting when they are gently covered.

    QUESTION: Big turns make me dizzy. Why?

    ANSWER: You do not "take" everything yourself with you during the turns, but leave your eyes behind. The head and shoulders should move together, while all the surrounding must sweep past you. Think about the movement - everything before you floats by. Then the eyes will begin to move their smallest, many times repeated for a second movements that improve vision. When the eyes move, they see.

    QUESTION: I recently became a widow. My eyes feel terrible, probably from tears. Whenever I do palming, I am attacked by sad thoughts. Do I need to do palming?

    ANSWER: Yes, it is necessary. Your eyes now need more rest than ever, but your psyche also needs rest. Catch some nice radio broadcast and listen carefully to it. Or let someone read to you out loud. If you are alone, revive the happiest days in the memory of the meeting with your husband. Pleasant, joyful memories will bring mental and emotional relief. Try to do just before you go to bed to do palming.

    QUESTION: If I "blink at every point and close my eyes at the end of each paragraph", I can never read much enough?

    ANSWER: Look at how much time you take away one blink. The duration of blinking, in fact, is negligible. Reduce the closing time of the eyes, but make them long enough so that you can mark the difference between them and blink.

    QUESTION: My little girl is rocking in the car. Is it possible to undertake anything?

    ANSWER: Teach her big turns and help her feel the movement, allowing objects to sweep past. Nausea is caused by the effort to "cling" to objects in the foreground, for example, telephone poles at the road. She needs to tell her to look away from herself. Then the objects that are closer will not bother her any more.

    QUESTION: It seems to me that sometimes my six-month-old child has a left eye. Can anything be helped?

    ANSWER: Make every effort to ensure that anything that captures the child's attention occurs on the left side of him. Often swing the child to the mirror to his left. On a few times a day, swing the child through the bright sunlight, then do it yourself with his hands palming, putting the child on his lap and leaning his back on himself. At the same time, swing and lull him the way he wants. The eyes of children are still in their development stage, so during this period you can do a lot to improve their vision.

    QUESTION: Is not a big stress reading a small font?

    ANSWER: A very small font is a means of relieving stress, since it can not be read with the naked eye unless the eyes are relaxed. Effort in this case, which is harmful, will never bring success.

    QUESTION: If I almost completely close my eyes, I see better. Is it good?

    ANSWER: None. This puts pressure on the eyeballs, and pressure is already a stressful state, leading in turn to some kind of eye strain.

    QUESTION: Do I always have to do these exercises?

    ANSWER: These are not physical exercises, but relaxation exercises. They must be performed until the correct habits of vision are formed in you and they become subconscious. Then you can forget about your eyes, except for their solarization to maintain the eyes in a healthy state and conduct the palming to prevent fatigue. From time to time, or after a test of some kind of stress, or illness, take a refreshing course of treatment.

    QUESTION: How to make your eyes move during a mental presentation?

    ANSWER: You do not have to do anything with your eyes. Mental representation is a memory. If you remember any mountain or tree, you do not knowingly do anything with your eyes. The psyche is busy with the memory. The fact that this makes the eyes completely independent of the will of man. Do not disturb yourself thinking about physical( material) eyes.

    QUESTION: Why do you claim that sunglasses are so harmful? It seems to me that I feel good about them.

    ANSWER: Sunglasses starve eyes that lack light and who must receive it to function well. Feed your eyes with sunlight, and they will learn to feel good in any light.

    QUESTION: When I attend a lecture, I get headaches. Why?

    ANSWER: You, most likely, "stare" in the face of the lecturer. Let your gaze travel over his face from ear to ear, then from his face to the floor and back. Do not forget to blink, breathe and do short eye closings, only listening to the lecturer's voice. After that, if you look back again, your eyes will feel rested.

    QUESTION: I was given a book with a very large font, but it spoils my eyes and worsens their eyesight. Why? After all, it should be easier to read.

    ANSWER: To see any letter or word, the nerves of the retina should be completely avoided. Getting around the whole big font is too hard work. Therefore, dealing with small print is much easier.

    QUESTION: My friends say that my eyes have become somehow sunken, teary, and generally look terrible when I take off my glasses. Will it always be like this?

    ANSWER: Many people, when they first take their glasses off, have a "spectacled" look. But as the state of the eyes improves and the development of vision, the eyeballs return to their place in the orbit, advancing forward from the orbit. The sun normalizes lacrimation and gives shine to the squirrel eyes and their cornea, while intensifying the color of the iris of the eyes. Well solarized eyes are beautiful. Persuade your friends to do these exercises.

    QUESTION: I'm short-sighted. I was advised never to go without glasses, otherwise I will go blind. It's true?

    ANSWER: None. Carefully experiment with your vision. In your personal room, take off your glasses, make a palm, then walk around the room looking at familiar things without any effort. Again make a palm. Did your eyes feel relieved? The look without glasses with relaxation is completely different from the arbitrary or forced use of the eyes without glasses with tension.

    QUESTION: I am 75 years old and I have a real "senile vision".Can this method help me?

    ANSWER: Age does not matter. My youngest patient was 18 months old, and the oldest was 97 years old. You can help anyone who can learn to relax.

    QUESTION: With my glasses, I have good eyesight. But whenever I read or sew, my neck stretches and causes me such pain that I have to give up these exercises. What can I do to reduce these pains?

    ANSWER: Such an effect on the neck can have certain types of eye strain. Try to do relaxation exercises when there is such trouble.

    QUESTION: When I leave the building for lunch break, the blinding light of the sun literally kills me, although on the beach in the sun I could comfortably spend the whole day. Why is this happening?

    ANSWER: No blinding light on the street hurts you, but a shock from an unexpected change of contrast between what was inside the building and what is on the brightly lit street. On the beach there is no shocking contrast, so the eyes adapt to a long-lasting brightness. As a result, you do not experience any pain.

    QUESTION: Can I improve my vision using only your technique?

    ANSWER: We have received a lot of pleasant reports about cases of return of sight from people engaged in self-study. Of course, a well-trained instructor could lead you to a shorter path to good vision and could offer such things as would ensure the maximum degree of your relaxation for a quick improvement. If within your reach there is such a teacher, it would be good to take a few lessons from him.

    QUESTION: While working in my institution, I have the opportunity to do a short time solarization through the window glass. Is it good?

    ANSWER: Brightness is what gives rest and strengthens your eyes. Glass does not serve in this case as an obstacle to success.

    QUESTION: I live in a harsh climate, where for several weeks we do not see the bright sun at all. Is there anything to compensate for the lack of light?

    ANSWER: Get a good bright electric lamp. If possible, put a reflector on it. Stand up or sit three feet in front of it and use it instead of the sun, following the instructions of the articles devoted to solarization. Try to turn your head from side to side, alternating your open and closed eyes. Such an occupation, of course, is somewhat worse than if you were using sunlight, but still better than nothing.