
Heaviness in the stomach - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Heaviness in the stomach - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    The rapid rhythm of life in recent times often forces a person to forget that it is necessary to eat properly to avoid the unpleasant consequences of snacks on the run. The consequences of these are expressed in the appearance of unpleasant sensations and discomfort, and can even lead to diseases of the digestive tract.

    One of the first bells of the fact that not everything is favorable with the digestive system is the heaviness in the stomach. This feeling that the stomach in the epigastric region under the ribs is full, patients in such cases describe their condition with the term "a stomach got up."Perhaps the appearance of nausea and an unpleasant eructation. The causes of such discomfort can be both quite harmless, and caused by diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas.

    For the successful digestion and assimilation of food, the coordinated work of these organs is necessary. If the function of any of them is violated, gravity in the stomach may appear.

    Possible causes of severity in the stomach

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    The severity in the stomach after eating can be caused by the following factors:

    - inaccuracies in eating and eating fatty, fried, spicy, spicy foods in large quantities,
    - overeating, especially at a later time,
    -regular snacks between main meals,
    - frequent consumption of fast food products,
    - eating disorders - eating once or twice a day instead of four or six, eating a lot of food at one meal, takingfood for watching TV or reading.

    Severity in the abdomen on an empty stomach can occur in the following situations:

    - taking certain medications, for example, antibiotics,
    - alcohol and smoking, drinking coca cola, lemonade can irritate the gastric mucosa, causing discomfort,
    - functional disordersgastrointestinal tract - irritable bowel syndrome, manifested not only by gravity in epigastrium, but also by manifestations of dyspepsia - nausea, alternation of unstable unstable stools with constipation, intensebubbled abdominal pain,
    - constant stress lead to increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which adversely affects the mucosa,
    - pregnancy - a physiological condition capable of squeezing effect uterus viscera deliver discomfort that disappears after birth.

    Diseases accompanied by heaviness in the stomach

    Most often, the heaviness in the stomach without any other symptoms is due to inaccuracies in the diet. But it is not uncommon for cases when such a feeling is a sign of a disease, and then it is combined with other symptoms.

    Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the internal wall of the stomach due to malnutrition, infection with the Helicobacter pylori microorganism, irritating effect of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or vice versa, inadequate production of it. It shows signs such as:
    - heaviness in the stomach,
    - nausea, especially after eating,
    - rare vomiting,
    - burping with an unpleasant odor,
    - persistent blunt or acute pain in the epigastric region.

    The stomach ulcer develops gradually due to the same causes as gastritis, but differs from it by the formation of ulcers - defects on the stomach wall from the inside. It shows the same symptoms, so for differential diagnosis should be screened. The risk of an ulcer is that it can lead to the development of dangerous complications that require surgical intervention. For example, bleeding, perforation of the ulcer( a through defect in the wall of the stomach), malignancy of the ulcerative defect. The stomach ulcer is characterized not only by gravity in the epigastrium, but also by frequent vomiting with acidic contents, pain in the epigastrium at night, seasonal exacerbations-the appearance of symptoms in the autumn and spring seasons.
    Stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach( pyloric stenosis) is a cicatricial narrowing of the outgoing stomach due to ulcerative or neoplastic lesions. It manifests itself in the stomach, with pains in the stomach, nausea, vomiting stagnant contents, in severe cases, food, eaten a few days before vomiting. Such a state is dangerously full of narrowing of the gatekeeper, as a result of which even a small part of the food can not pass into the intestine, and death from exhaustion may come.
    Duodenal ulcer , usually occurs as a result of infection of the stomach with the H. Pylori microorganism. With this disease, the heaviness in the stomach is combined with "hungry" pain in the near-umbilical area - intense or aching pains 2 to 3 hours after eating, disappearing immediately after eating. This is the main characteristic sign of the ulcer of the bulb 12 - the peritoneum, but it may not be.

    Gastric cancer , in contrast to gastritis and ulcers, for a long period of time, sometimes many years, is not accompanied by pain. Often the patient is troubled by the heaviness in the stomach, nausea, rare vomiting and unstable stools. At later stages, there is a pronounced pain syndrome and multiple vomiting. It is possible to suspect a terrible disease if the severity in the abdomen is combined with rapid causeless weight loss, pronounced weakness, fatigue, sharp pallor, decreased appetite, slightly elevated temperature, anemia in the blood. This combination of symptoms is called a syndrome of small symptoms.

    Chronic pancreatitis is a pathological process in the pancreas due to alcoholism, nutritional errors, gallstones, viral or traumatic damage to the gland tissue, leading to the inability of the gland to produce enzymes in sufficient quantities to digest food. In addition to the severity in the stomach, manifested by bloating, nausea, frequent vomiting, poured pain in the left hypochondrium, peri-oophoric region and in the back at the level of the lower ribs( girdling pains).The main symptom - "fat", light yellow, mushy stool, badly flushed off the toilet because of the large content of undigested fats.

    Chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis are manifested by nausea, vomiting of bile, jaundice of the skin and eyeballs, belching with a bitter aftertaste, stool breaking, pain in the right hypochondrium.

    Hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis of alcoholic or viral origin is also capable of influencing the stomach not only because of the increase in the liver, but also because liver cells produce bile components, the lack or excess of which leads to a disruption in the digestion of food. Are blunt pain in the right upper quadrant, jaundice, stool disorders, with cirrhosis - dilated veins on the skin of the abdomen and a significant increase in the circumference of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

    Gastroenteritis, or infectious disease of the stomach and small intestine, has a pronounced clinical picture with nausea, multiple vomiting, loose stools and fever. Heaviness in the stomach and a decrease in appetite may persist for several days or weeks after recovery.

    Symptomatic treatment of gravity in the stomach

    Do not self-medicate when there is gravity in the stomach. To begin with, the patient should analyze his lifestyle and change the diet if he does not eat properly. Even with the most busy work, there should always be time for lunch with homemade food prepared on the eve and brought with you in the container. If there is no such possibility, at present there are enough establishments offering a hot lunch with a varied menu. Do not get carried away snacks sandwiches or other food in the dry.

    In addition, it is necessary to exclude frequent use of alcohol and carbonated drinks, as well as smoking, especially on an empty stomach. Do not overeat at night, as the last meal should be no later than 3 to 4 hours before bedtime.

    If the patient's activity is associated with frequent stress and anxiety, you can contact a psychologist or drink a prescribed course of sedatives to prevent the negative effect of a constantly high level of adrenaline in the blood. Moreover, the exclusion of stressful situations will be useful not only for the digestive system, but also for the heart and blood vessels.

    If all provoking situations are excluded, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic drugs for treating the severity in the stomach. The same drugs should be taken and if there is any disease along with the main medicines( antibiotics and omez for the treatment of ulcers, antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis, etc.).Symptomatic drugs include:

    - antacids( phosphalugel, diamond, renni, maalox, geviscon, etc.) envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach, preventing the corrosive action of hydrochloric acid, and immediately relieve heartburn and related gravity in the stomach,
    - enzymespancreatin, hermital, mikrazim, kreon, mezim, etc.) contribute to the digestion of food, playing a substitute role in the deficit of its own pancreatic enzymes,
    - inhibitors of the proton pump( omeprazole, pantoprazole, etc.) and blockadeH - 2 histamine receptors( ranitidine, famotidine, etc.) reduce the production of hydrochloric acid by the cells of the stomach,
    - spasmolytics( drotaverin, but - spa, papaverine, etc.) have a relaxing effect on the pyloric muscles, helping to get rid of pain and feeling of heaviness,
    Prokinetics( motilium) promote the progression of the food lump, stimulating the muscles responsible for the stomach and small intestine.

    With a single violation of nutrition, for example, during the celebration of an event, and in connection with this, with overeating and drinking alcohol, you can take an antacid and enzyme drug yourself. But with frequent violations of the diet, drugs should not be abused, it will be much more useful to reconsider your lifestyle.

    When should I see a doctor?

    Do not delay with a visit to the doctor if the severity in the stomach is combined with such symptoms:

    - persistent repeated vomiting,
    - vomiting of stagnant food,
    - high temperature,
    - frequent liquid stools, especially watery green or reminiscent of rice brothas it can serve as a symptom of a dangerous infectious disease,
    - sharp weight loss, pallor, decreased appetite, pronounced fatigue,
    - intense abdominal pain.

    It is important - if the patient has identified and excluded all possible harmless causes that can cause gravity in the stomach, and discomfort still persists, you should immediately consult a doctor to undergo a test to diagnose diseases that can cause unpleasant symptoms. The doctor in this case will decide on the need to prescribe medications.

    Which doctor should I use when I feel heaviness in my stomach?

    Refer to your local GP in the community or a gastroenterologist. If the severity in the stomach is combined with other acute symptoms, it is necessary to call an emergency team.

    What tests should I take if I feel heavy in my stomach?

    The doctor at the first conversation and examination of the patient will make preliminary conclusions and make the necessary survey plan. It may be necessary to carry out diagnostic methods such as:

    - a general blood test - the level of hemoglobin is estimated( if it decreases, anemia develops), the number of white blood cells is suspected for the infectious nature of the disease and ESR( a significant increase may indicate a tumor in the stomach, but is not specific),
    - biochemical blood test - the level of hepatic indexes( ALAT, ASAT, bilirubin), increasing in liver diseases, and alkaline phosphatase increasing with pancreatitis,
    -nalysis blood for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori to evaluate whether the organism to these bacteria specific antibody reacts if they are present in the patient's stomach,

    - respiratory urease test for Helicobacter pylori. The essence of the method is as follows: the patient is invited to drink a solution of urea with labeled carbon atoms. If the bacteria are in the stomach, they will decompose the urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is trapped in the exhaled air with special equipment. If there is no infection, urea is excreted from the body in a different way.
    - ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - the sizes and structure of the liver, pancreas, gallstones, anatomical gallbladder anomalies that can cause disturbances in the process of digestion of food are evaluated,
    - FEGS( fibrogastroscopy) - visual examination of the esophagus, stomach and the initial part 12- the peritoneum with the help of a fibroscope device - a thin tube inserted through the esophagus with a miniature chamber at the end. Allows you to evaluate the integrity of the gastric mucosa, see if there are ulcers or signs of gastritis and assess the degree of perforation of the gatekeeper with his stenosis. It is mandatory for suspected gastrointestinal bleeding if there are no contraindications. The procedure is unpleasant, but tolerable, therefore, it is not necessary to refuse it, since this is the only diagnostic method that allows you to confirm or deny the diagnosis,
    - radiography of the stomach and intestines - is performed after the patient receives a barium suspension - radiopaque substance. It is necessary if it is impossible to carry out PHAGS.It allows to determine the "niche", or barium depot in the stomach ulcer or 12 - duodenum, as well as the filling defect in stomach cancer.
    - MRI of the abdominal cavity is performed if a tumor of the stomach, pancreas, intestine or liver is suspected to clarify the location and degree of germination in neighboring organs.

    What specific methods of examination will be needed in this or that case, the doctor decides on full-time admission.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that whatever the reasons for the constant severity in the stomach, you should contact a doctor in a timely manner so as not to delay with treatment of stomach diseases, if any. If such a symptom occurs rarely, from time to time, and the patient traces a clear connection between its occurrence and overeating, harmful habits or stresses, then it is worthwhile to think about changing the way of life. After all, with the constant presence of such unfavorable factors in human life, they not only cause discomfort, but they themselves can lead to the development of gastritis, stomach ulcers or pancreatitis.

    Doctor therapist Sazykina O.Yu.