  • Sweating increased( hyperhidrosis) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Sweating( sweating, hyperactivity and hypertension sweat glands, increased sweating) - in medicine, this is all called the term hyperhidrosis.

    Sweating is a natural physiological process, involved in the body's thermoregulation. During physical exertion, increased ambient temperature or during the intake of hot food, sweating may increase. The process of sweating speeds up stress, anxiety and spicy dishes.

    Sweat removal is a very important function of the human skin, due to it, if necessary, the body temperature decreases, toxic substances are released. Normally, sweat is noticeable only in the case of physical overstrain, an increase in ambient temperature, sweat mainly in the legs, palms and underarms, because they have the highest density of sweat glands.

    Causes of excessive sweating

    Some people sweat and there is a slight increase in air temperature, and sometimes, on the contrary, when it decreases, with nervous tension, and at high temperatures, sweat may be "hail".This condition is already attributed to increased sweating, and it can be both a physiological feature of the body, and the consequence of a disease.

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    Diseases leading to increased sweating

    Increased sweating is observed with:

    • functional disorders of the autonomic nervous system,
    • neurasthenia, neuropathy,
    • tuberculosis,
    • hyperthyroidism( elevated thyroid function),
    • pancreatic dysfunction,
    • kidney disease,
    • diabetes,
    • obesity,
    • syringomyelia,
    • neurosyphilis( stage 3 syphilis), AIDS, tuberculosis and other infections,
    • rickets( or just a lack of vitamin D, especially in children),
    • rheumatism,
    • chronic tonsillitis and other common diseases,
    • hyperplasia of sweat glands,
    • keratodermia,
    • Platypodia.

    Hyperhidrosis( excessive sweating) can be caused by external factors( wearing rubber airtight footwear, stockings and socks made of synthetic fiber, etc.), as well as by improper nutrition.

    Symptoms of excessive sweating

    Sweating often develops in limited areas of the body( feet or hands sweat, armpits, perineum).The skin is moist, cold to the touch, on the hands and feet there are signs of acrocyanosis( cyanotic shade).Sweating is often accompanied by pyococcal( bacteria) and yeast( fungal) skin lesions.

    The sweat itself does not have a smell, the unpleasant spirit familiar to all is given by bacteria that feed on the skin and multiply due to this. This unpleasant smell, observed in persons who do not observe the rules of personal hygiene, is called bromidrosis or osmidrosis. An unpleasant odor can arise both from the decomposition of sweat bacteria, and because of the release from the sweat of substances with a pronounced odor( sulfur, ammonia, garlic, tobacco, etc.), as well as in violation of the menstrual cycle in young women, with sugardiabetes, some dermatoses( pemphigus, vegetative syphilis).Often, such conditions require medical advice and treatment.

    Chromidrosis is manifested by staining sweat in people in contact with cobalt, copper, iron and other chemicals.

    People with hyperhidrosis get involved in a vicious circle - they sweat, worry about this and because of this they sweat even more.

    Treatment of hyperhidrosis

    Treatment of hyperhidrosis should be directed primarily at eliminating the cause that caused excessive sweating. It is necessary to carefully examine the therapist, phthisiatrist, neurologist, endocrinologist and start diagnosing the disease with its treatment.

    If excessive sweating is caused by the characteristics of the body, the essence of the treatment is to block the activity of the sweat glands in order to reduce sweat secretions. The choice of method of treatment depends on many factors, including the general condition of the patient, his way of life and the area of ​​the lesion.

    Local treatment for excessive sweating

    With minor sweating, local treatment can be done, which includes applying to the problem areas of the skin preparations containing:

    1. Salts of aluminum chloride - temporarily close the sweat ducts. The effectiveness depends on the concentration of the drug. This is basically gel and solid deodorants from sweat. They are used mainly at night. At the initial stage daily, and then the frequency of application is reduced to once in 2-3 weeks. Alunite, chermigite, alum-potassium alum have a similar effect.
    2. Aldehydes ( formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, urotropin) - block the excretory function of the sweat glands. This fragrant talc and solid deodorant from perspiration( baby powder Johnson and Johnson, Deodorant Lady Sleep Stick, Adidas, because of the high irritating and allergenic effects are only used locally in problem areas.)
    3. Denatured keratin , closes the ducts of the sweat glands.

    Combined cosmetics( deodorants, gels, powders, creams) contain a complex of substances that prevent unpleasant odor of sweat: preparations of the company VICHI, Belordizayn, Belita, Oriflame, Avon, Fabewhich produce special lines of skin care products

    Phytotherapy for excessive sweating

    The following herbs are used externally as infusions:

    1. Mint is a soothing, relaxing effect
    2. Walnut leaves - contains various fruit acids that protrude into thethe role of peeling
    3. Sage - contains useful essential oils that will help eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat.
    4. Chamomile - eliminates inflammation.
    5. Bark of a birch and an oak - possesses the expressed antibacterial and tannic properties.
    6. Nettle - contains the necessary vitamin complex and minerals for the skin.
    7. Irish moss is an antimicrobial activity.
    8. Lemon - eliminates unpleasant odors, is effective in combating skin fungi.

    Infusions of these herbs should be rubbed into the skin 2 times a week with massage movements for about 30 minutes. With increased sweating of the legs, you can prepare foot baths.

    Salon procedures

    For strongly increased sweating, the following are recommended:

    1. Electrophoresis and iontophoresis - treatment by the action of current on the ion channels of sweat glands.

    2. Subcutaneous injections of botulinum toxin - inhibit the release of acetylcholine in the nerve endings, thus blocking their activity. In the problem area, several injections are made, their number depends on the area of ​​the site. An anesthetic cream is used to exclude possible unpleasant or painful sensations. The effect of treatment of hyperhidrosis with the help of botulinum toxin injections manifests itself in 2-6 days and lasts from 3 to 8 months.

    Surgical intervention with excessive sweating

    Surgical methods guarantee the maximum result of getting rid of sweating, but they have more possible complications:

    1. Removal of sweat glands in the axillary basins ( sometimes occurs with skin removal).The effectiveness of such treatment is up to 90%.But there is a risk of complications associated with the formation of scar tissue, which leads to limiting limb mobility.
    2. Sympathectomy - The procedure involves the destruction of the sympathetic nerves responsible for excessive sweating.
    3. Liposuction - removal of sweat glands in deep layers of subcutaneous fat by means of special probes( cannula) through microscopic incisions on the skin surface.

    General treatment of hyperhidrosis

    Inside take vitamin complexes, sedatives( valerian, motherwort).If necessary, the doctor appoints:

    1. Antibacterial ointments, lotions( baneocin, zinerite, levomycetin ointment, metronidazole)
    2. Antifungal ointments, gels( terbinofin, mycospores, oreungal, nizoral, lamizil)
    3. Antibiotics inside( more often antibioticsbroad spectrum of action).
    4. Anticholinergic drugs( atropine, belloid).Treatment with these drugs is used only in severe cases due to the severity of side effects( dry mouth, dry eyes, mydriasis, urinary retention, bradycardia, sedation)
    5. Vitamins B, E, A.
    6. Calcium channel blockers( diltiazem).
    7. Psychotropic drugs( diazepam, xanax, amitriptyline).

    Diet for excessive sweating

    If you have problems with hyperactivity sweat glands you need to revise your diet. Do not eat foods such as onions and garlic, fish, hot spices( chili peppers).

    General recommendations for people with hyperhidrosis

    - Hygiene: frequent washing of problem areas several times a day.
    - Wearing natural fibers from a porous structure.
    - Frequent change of clothes and shoes.
    - Avoid coffee, alcohol and spicy food.
    - Eliminate the causes of stress, tension and anxiety.
    - Often ventilate the room in which you are.

    Doctor cosmetologist Kondratenko NA