
Ureaplasmosis( ureaplasma urealitikum) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Ureaplasmosis( ureaplasma urealitikum) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Ureaplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the urogenital sphere. At present, the term "ureaplasmosis" is not officially used, in modern medical literature, the term ureaplasma infection is used to refer to diseases and conditions associated with ureaplasma infection.

    Causes of ureaplasmosis

    This pathology is caused by ureaplasma( Ureaplasma urealyticum), which in turn is divided into two subspecies: 1) parvum and 2) T-960.But this information will be more useful, probably for laboratory assistants and scientific workers, and not for patients. I said this, because often these tests are written on these two forms, but the symptoms and treatment in both cases will be the same.

    Ureaplasma urealysikum schematically

    Ureaplasma urealitikum, view of the electron microscope

    Ureaplasmas are isolated for the first time in 1954 from the urethra. They belong to the Mycoplasmatales family, that is, uraplasmosis is the same mycoplasmosis. Ureaplasma differs from other types of mycoplasmas in that it splits uric acid to ammonia. Sexually transmitted, but can be transmitted from mother to child, through amniotic fluid( mostly girls).

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    There is still no consensus as to whether ureaplasma should be considered a pathogenic microorganism, that is, harmful to the body, whether it be classified as a sexually transmitted infection, whether treatment should be prescribed if it is detected, if there are no symptoms. And yet, by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 315 of 2000, ureaplasmosis was excluded from the list of infections that were registered as sexually transmitted diseases, but according to the classification of sexual infections of the WHO 2006, Ureaplasma urealyticum( ureaplasma urealiticum) refers to the causative agents of sexual infections.

    The disease is poorly understood and different authors interpret it in different ways. As always, in my article I will rely on personal experience, and not repeat what is written in other materials.

    Symptoms of ureaplasmosis

    If we talk about the symptoms of infection with ureaplasmas, then we must remember that ureaplasmosis is a latent infection. In a monovision, it proceeds asymptomatically, that is, excretions, there will be no cuts. It is much worse if ureaplasmosis is combined with other sexually transmitted diseases. There are many complications that I will describe below.

    So remember, you will not diagnose yourself, but you can identify ureaplasmosis only in the clinic, taking the appropriate analysis. As I wrote earlier in my articles: Do not forget at least once a year to be screened for sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment is impossible with accurate diagnosis.

    What is dangerous ureaplasmosis during pregnancy or conception? This infertility, because, like any urogenital mycoplasma, it "sits" on the sperm, interfering with its movement to the egg. Miscarriages, premature birth, intrauterine infection of the fetus, the same frequent complication, especially in conjunction with other infections. Therefore, do not forget to carefully examine the dermatovenerologist before the planned pregnancy.

    Analyzes for the determination of ureaplasma

    When you come to the clinic, you will be offered to take tests, which are taken by the brush only from the urethra in men or the cervix in women. Often, planting is given, where, in the presence of an agent, it grows on a nutrient medium, because normal ureaplasma microscopy is not determined.

    You can also determine the sensitivity to antibiotics. But my attitude to this is ambiguous. All the same the causative agent in an organism and outside of it or him is a different status. And 100% say that ureaplasmosis will be well treated with this or that drug is difficult.

    Excellent method and DNA determination of the pathogen( PCR).It is good to know whether one or another organ is affected, for this purpose, ultrasound of the uterus of the appendages is made in women and the prostate gland in men. If we treat ureaplasmosis, without taking this into account, we will not achieve the desired concentration of antibiotic in the diseased organ, since it is swollen and hard to reach.

    Treatment of ureaplasmosis

    Ureaplasma urealitikum is conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, that is, they cause diseases under certain unfavorable conditions, in particular, if there are other diseases transmitted sexually. When a patient has one ureaplasma, I start to treat with immunomodulators( pyrogenal, immunal), physiotherapy( magnetotherapy, inductothermy), resorption treatment( lidase).In a word, I prepare the body for taking antibiotics and conduct diagnostics of other sexually transmitted infections.

    Very often, against the backdrop of treatment, such formidable diseases as "gonorrhea and trichomoniasis" get out, which "got" deep into the body.

    Of antibiotics that treat ureaplasmosis well, use macrolides( chemomycin, josamycin).Just apply tetracyclines,( unidox), but to them at the present stage there is stability. Almost all drugs can be bought freely in a pharmacy, but the right treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor, having carried out an accurate diagnosis, which can not be done independently in an apartment.

    During treatment it will be necessary to refuse from sexual relations and the use of alcoholic beverages. When taking tetracyclines - from the sun and solarium, because during this period, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet increases. You can not drink and eat milk and dairy products, carbonated and mineral water during their intake.

    Control after treatment is performed one month after the last use of antibiotics. If there were complications, then a control examination in the form of ultrasound diagnosis.

    You can not cure ureaplasmosis with folk remedies, you can just start an infection. Folk remedies are prescribed with the main treatment - these are various collections of herbs, like yarrow, three-color violet, a medlina. As you already understood, there is nothing to do without antibiotics.

    Complications of ureaplasmosis

    As I mentioned, in addition to the pathology of pregnancy, ureaplasmosis is dangerous with such formidable complications as prostatitis( inflammation of the prostate gland in men), and inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries in women( salpingoophoritis) leading to infertility. Such complications occur very often, as seen from my practice, especially if ureaplasmosis is combined with other STIs. The bad news is that these complications can occur without obvious complaints from the sick person. People just do not ask for help. That is why it is useful to undergo preventive examinations and take at least once a year tests for STDs.

    Prevention of ureaplasmosis

    Prophylaxis of ureaplasmosis is the same prevention as all STIs.

    1. Avoidance of casual sexual relations
    2. Active prophylaxis with a doctor, after them( the earlier, the better).
    3. Condom use and proper application.
    4. Antiseptic solutions( miramistin, chlorhexidine) in the urethra in men, after sexual intercourse, as well as suppositories( pharmatex, terzhinan, "hexicon") in women.

    Consultation of a doctor for ureaplasmosis

    Question: Is infection with ureaplasmosis possible from animals?
    Answer: None. Ureaplasmosis is anthroponosis( transmitted from person to person).

    Question: After the treatment, I passed the control in a month. The analysis is negative, ultrasound of the prostate gland is normal. Can I consider myself cured?
    Answer: Yes.

    Question: If I have found ureaplasmosis, then both sex partners are treated?
    Answer: Yes.

    Doctor dermatovenereologist Mansurov AS