  • Enterobiosis( pinworm) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Pinworm( Enterobius vermicularis) is an almost transparent helminth of white color, 0.5-1 cm in size( "small threadlike worm"), with pointed end( hence the name "pinworm"), affects all parts of the intestine, but thick predominantly. The disease is referred to the Nematozes group, which includes all the roundworms that cause infection. A synonym for the disease itself with pinworms is Enterobiosis( from the Latin name of the helminth itself).

    The life cycle of the parasite does not exceed 2 months and in practice cases of recovery without treatment are recorded, if self-infection is excluded. If self-infection occurs, the disease can last several years and lead to serious complications. The incubation period( the absence of clinical manifestations from the moment of infection) is 15 days. The source is a sick person who infects himself and others. The transmission route is fecal-oral. After a strong itch in the perianal area, they often forget to wash their hands and under the fingernails there are eggs of pinworms, which then fall on food and household items.

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    Causes of infection with pinworms:

    violation of sanitation, disinfection and personal hygiene( especially the habit of taking hands in the mouth - it provides self-infection and a prolonged course of the disease).

    Symptoms of pinworm:

    The main manifestation of enterobiasis is nocturnal itching in the anal region, and this is due to the peculiarity of the life of females - they creep out into the perianal region at night and lay eggs there( each female lays 5-15 thousand eggs), then die. Males die immediately after fertilization. Deferred eggs can not be detected with the naked eye and they can stay in the environment for up to 3 weeks, being on household items and presenting a risk of infection to others, tk invasive( capable of penetration into the intestines and maturation), they become 5 h after birth.

    Dyspeptic symptoms: abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, anorexia. There may also be instability on the part of the of the nervous system ( sleepless nights make themselves felt) and are irritable. Inflammation of the female reproductive system ( because pinworms can often crawl into the area of ​​the female perineum and move on, causing the corresponding symptoms).But all the signs are relatively unstable( except for itching in the peranal area), because they will depend on the individual characteristics of the immune system of each in response to the toxic-allergic and mechanical response of the helminth.

    Pinworms can cause and cough, as it happens that their larvae enter the lower respiratory tract.

    Diagnosis of pinworms:

    General blood test ( UAC) - increased E( eosinophils) - a response allergic reaction to the introduction of helminth. Perhaps a picture of the blood will show inflammation, but this will only talk about the complicated course of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The main method for diagnosis is microscopy of perianal scrap ( it is done in the morning or evening, before washing, at intervals of 3 days), the same study is repeated after 3 weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. It is possible to use the for coprological examination, but the chances of pinpointing pinworms will be minimized, because they are in an unfixed state only at the time of egg deposition, otherwise they can not even be detected.

    The method of adhesive tape is also practiced - the use of polyethylene tape on the perianal area, after which the results are examined under a microscope directly on the tape.

    Treatment of enterobiasis:

    treatment is performed with antiparasitic drugs, for children of older ages and adults the treatment is almost identical, but there is a separate contingent for which the choice of drugs is limited - pregnant and breast-feeding children. For pregnant and toddlers on breastfeeding apply drugs piperazin, naphthamone, pyrvinium pamoat, flowers of wormwood tsitvarnoy. For all other people, standard drugs are used: piperazine, naphthamone, vermox( mebendazole), vankvin, adipant. But they should be drunk with the account of anamnestic data( absence of certain pathologies on the part of organs and systems), because the drugs have contraindications. The most convenient to use Vermox( you can children over the age of 1) 1 tablet 1 time after eating, the reception is repeated after 4 weeks.

    A child from pinworms should be treated only if the examination showed that the parasites do exist. Do not give the child anthelmintic funds, based only on the symptoms. After all, antihelminthic drugs are more or less toxic.

    On the day of treatment, especially for babies, it will be advisable to use cotton swabs( moistened with vanillin) in the anal area to reduce itching;You can also ointment with anesthesin.

    Treatment with folk remedies is also possible if organic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract are excluded( otherwise it can lead to a perforated ulcer), the main method is garlic. It is desirable to use in the diet of cereal products rich in fiber to restore intestinal motility. The use of bifidum / lactobacillus or the drug linex( in its composition bifidum and lactobacillus are more protected from the acidic environment of the stomach).Drainage therapy in the form of setting cleansing enemas with decoction of chamomile.

    Complications of enterobiasis:

    The severity of the symptoms and the possibility of complications will depend on the number of infected helminths, the place of their attachment in the intestine and the response of the body( in the hypertonic type of response, the symptoms will be more pronounced).The most frequent complications include: from the stomach and intestines - appendicitis, dysbacteriosis. From the female sexual system - vaginitis, endometritis, salpingitis.

    Prevention of infection with pinworms:

    compliance with hygienic standards( in particular, thorough ironing of the laundry).Periodic use as a disinfectant in the apartment 5% solution of carbolic acid or 10% solution of Lysol. And at the time of treatment, the antiparasitic drug should be taken by everyone who was with the patient in close contact and used household items.

    Consultation of a doctor on the topic of pinworm and enterobiosis:

    Question: How long to treat enterobiasis?
    Answer: The duration of treatment will depend on the condition at the time of going to the doctor, and already as a consequence of the choice of the drug( 1-5 days, with the repetition of the procedure in 3-4 weeks).

    Question: Is the immunity to pinworms formed?
    Answer: this issue is quite controversial and is still in the draft, but at the moment, are prone to a negative response, as repeated infections with pinworms often happen.

    Physician therapist Shabanova IE