  • The Benefits of Walnuts

    Caloric content and chemical composition

    Below is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part of walnut.
    Nutritional Value
    Caloric Value 656 kcal
    Proteins 16.2 g
    Fats 60.8 g
    Carbohydrates 11.1 g
    Dietary Fibers 6.1 g
    Water 3.8 g
    Saturated fatty acids 6.2 g
    Mono anddisaccharides 3.9 g
    Starch 7.2 g
    Ash 2 g
    Vitamin PP 1.2 mg
    Beta-carotene 0.05 mg
    Vitamin A( RE) 8 μg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.39 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.12 mg
    Vitamin B5( pantothenic) 0.8 mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.8 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 77 μg
    Vitamin C 5.8 mg
    Vitamin E) 2.6 mg
    Vit(Phylloquinone) 2.7 μg
    Vitamin PP( Niacin Equivalent) 4.8 mg
    Macro Elements
    Calcium 89 mg
    Magnesium 120 mg
    Sodium 7 mg
    Potassium 474 mg
    Phosphorus 332 mg
    Chlorine 25 mg
    Sulfur 100 mg
    Iron 2 mg
    Zinc 2.57 mg
    Iodine 3.1 μg
    Copper 527 μg
    Manganese 1.9 mg
    Selenium 4.9 μg
    Fluoride 685 μg
    Cobalt 7.3 μg

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    Useful properties

    Since ancient times the juicegreen shells of immature walnut used for coloring hair. If you want to give your hair a soft chestnut shade, try rinsing your head after washing with the following decoction: 3 tablespoons of chopped green shells or walnut leaves per liter of water, boil 10 minutes, strain, cool to 36-40 ° C. Staining can be strengthened or weakened, if appropriateincrease or decrease the amount of raw materials and water. The same broth rinse the throat during inflammatory processes, the oral cavity - with loosening of the gums.

    Powder from the dried pericarp of an unripe nut( it needs a little - literally at the tip of the knife) stops the nosebleeds, they are covered with abrasions on the skin.

    A small amount of fresh peanut butter can be obtained from nuts themselves. Thoroughly crush or crush several cores to a powdery state. Cut a small flap from the old nylon stocking( gauze is not good - it will absorb oil) and make a "knot" with walnut contents. Twisting the sides of the "knot", you will act like a press. Fresh eyed oil lubricates eyelids with conjunctivitis, it helps with burns, non-healing wounds. More information about useful properties, see here.

    When purulent rashes on the skin, acne, eczema, lichen make baths from decoction of dry leaves of walnut( 300 g per 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes, infuse 3-4 hours, strain, add concentrated broth to bath water).

    Not only the fruits - the leaves have a high phytoncidity - their scent is afraid of flies, moths. Dry leaves are shifted fur, woolen things. Prepare( dry) the leaves during flowering( May, June).

    For therapeutic purposes, use leaves, fresh unripened fruits and their crust. Decoction of leaves( tablespoon for a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes) is useful for diarrhea, atherosclerosis, chronic eczema, gout - drink it instead of tea three times a day for a glass. The same decoction is good to make lotions and compresses with inflamed eyelids, baths for rheumatism, gout, rachitis. Fresh, mashed leaves are applied to boils.

    The medicinal tincture from small-cut green young fruits( 7-8 nuts per 200 g of vodka) has perfectly proved itself. Nuts insist in a dark bottle in the sun for 2 weeks - a black odorous tincture helps with diarrhea and poor digestion of food( on a tablespoon three times a day after meals).

    cosmetics use kernels, peel of fresh nuts, leaves, and also walnut oil. Perfumery industry produces various nutty phytoshampuns that contain walnut extract.

    In many countries, the leaves and flesh of the walnut pericarp are widely used in cosmetics for the manufacture of ointments and creams for the treatment of acne, inflammatory skin diseases.

    For a better and quicker tanning, you should grease the skin with nut oil.

    A chestnut shade of hair can be obtained using a fresh green walnut shell. To do this, the shell must be crushed, spread with water to the state of gruel and applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

    It is recommended to use vegetable milk to wipe any skin: soap( 15 grams) is finely chopped, poured into 0.5 cups of water, put on a water bath and heated until the soap dissolves. To the solution should be added 15 grams of beeswax and, continuing to heat, allow it to melt, stirring occasionally. Separately from the kernels of walnuts to prepare "milk."For this, the kernels must be peeled off( they are easily cleaned if they are poured with boiling water and left for a while), 4-5 nuts finely chopped, then a little, with thorough stirring, add a glass with a quarter of the water. Formed milk-shaped fluid strain through a clean cloth, squeeze out the remainder. Obtained thus "milk" pour in( very slowly, at first dropwise) into a pre-prepared hot mixture. Then pour all the contents into a bottle, shake thoroughly and add 100 grams of camphor alcohol or vodka. The resulting drug is good for keeping the skin fresh and reducing pores. Can be stored for a long time.

    Recipe for mask: remove the walnut from the shell, grind to a homogeneous mass, add a teaspoon of butter, a teaspoon of yolk and the same amount of honey, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse. Vitaminizes, cleanses and tones up the skin.

    With sweaty hands and feet, you can alternately use cold and hot baths. For hot baths prepare a decoction of 4 tablespoons of walnut leaves, filled with 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, strain and hot to use for baths. The same decoction should be wipe the skin of the face with acne. A tablespoon of chopped walnut leaves pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes. Infusion is used to rub the skin of the body after a bath with sweating. From the infusion it is recommended to make baths once a week with sweating of hands and feet.

    Tincture of walnut leaves on vodka( 1:10) or alcohol( 1: 5) is used for excessive sweating of the axillary basins. Alcohol tincture before consumption is diluted with boiled water 1: 1 or 1: 2, it is recommended to rub the skin 1-2 times a day.

    It is recommended to apply alcoholic tincture( 1:10) from leaves and green pericarp walnuts, taken in equal proportions for the treatment of vitiligo disease. Spots are smeared 1-2 times daily for several months. Treatment can be combined with solar irradiation, starting from 1-2 minutes, adding 1-2 minutes per day for 20-30 days. In this case, the surrounding healthy skin is protected from irradiation with a photo-protective cream. A valuable quality of tincture is a moderate coloring of the skin, which allows to mask the stains.

    Nut oil is rubbed into the scalp with hair loss and to enhance their growth. In addition, for the growth and strengthening of hair, as well as their coloring in darker colors, a strong broth of leaves and pericarp walnut is recommended.

    According to the observations of dentists, after a few minutes of chewing the leaves of the nut, the teeth are very cleaned - they become white.

    Leaves and especially the pericarp, some women of fashion paint their lips in brown, bistre, umbrella and other tones. And this color is stable and lasts for several days, and most importantly, unlike lipstick, there is no harm from it, on the contrary, it is of great benefit.

    Strong decoction of leaves used to strengthen hair when rinsing. Two tablespoons of juice, squeezed from the green peel, mix with the solution and dye the hair in a chestnut color.

    Green, darkened peel of nuts boil for 3-4 hours in water, filter and evaporate until thick. Then add a double amount of fat, oil and boil on low heat until a dark brown cream. This composition dyes the hair in brown and chestnut color.

    Dark greasy hair should be rinsed after washing decoction of leaves: 3 tablespoons of leaves pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and cool a bit and rinse( in a warm form).

    Mask for dry skin: the kernel to grind, add 1 teaspoon of yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey. Clears, tones up the skin.

    Acne vulgaris - use the infusion of leaves on vodka - 1:10.Take 1 tablespoon of leaves for half a cup of water. From the tincture make the application first for 10 minutes, again moistened, applying for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 20-25 procedures. In the first half of the course - daily, in the second - every other day. Preferably use a warm tincture.

    Perspiration of hands, feet - 4 handfuls of leaves pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes. This broth wipes the acne prone skin, underarms with excessive sweating, diluting the tincture with boiled water. Wipe 1-3 times a day all the body, especially with menopause.

    Green shell - 15 grams - ground, mixed with 25 grams of burnt alum, 50 mg of water, 75 grams of vegetable oil. Insist on low heat for 15 minutes and brush applied to parting, lubricating the roots of the hair, then dye all the hair in a chestnut color. They wrap their head for 40 minutes. Rinse off excess paint with warm water, rinse with vinegar( 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

    If green leaves are crushed, mixed with iron filings, insist for a week, stirring daily, and this compound lubricate the hair on the head, then the hair will become silvery.

    And if you pour vegetable oil in the glassware, put the cut ends of the nut buds there, close the hole, bury it under the nut, i.e. leave the contents until the nut is ripe, and then get the product and color it with gray hair,then they will turn black.

    To soften the skin, especially dry, a drop of nut oil carefully rubbed into the fingers and hands from the bottom upwards for 15-30 minutes. Similarly, soften the skin of the face and neck. In addition, as a cosmetic product, a nourishing cream is used, prepared from 2 kernels of nut, ground and mixed with 25 grams of creamy mlela and one teaspoon of sour juice( lemon, pomegranate or cranberry).In a small saucepan in 4 tablespoons of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of grated soap, adding the mixture: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, decoction of walnut leaves( 1 tablespoon of leaves in 1/4 cup of water), and add 4 tablespoons of olive or corn oil. Stir the mixture until it cools.

    If the core of the old walnut is burned, mix the ashes with wine, then when this mixture is introduced into the vagina, it helps to suspend the monthly in women.

    If this core is chewed and applied to malignant tumors, grease carbuncles or lichen in children - healing begins. A mixture of the same nut kernel powder with vegetable oil achieves greater efficiency.

    In recent years, interest in medicinal plants has considerably increased, among which, in the arsenal of folk remedies, the walnut takes a worthy place. It, certainly, is considered as perspective raw material for reception of the valuable preparations containing a complex of vitamins С, groups In, Р, provitamin, and also mineral substances.

    HAIR COLOR FROM THE WALNUT OF THE WALNUT.300 g of green pericarp, 60 g of water, 30 g of alum, 80 g of vegetable oil. Freshly ground fresh, mixed with these ingredients and gradually warmed until purchased with a mixture of the desired brown color. Then, putting on rubber gloves, apply a toothbrush on a strand of hair. Everything must be done quickly, as the mixture loses its coloring properties.

    Walnut along with other woody, fruit-berry, vegetable and herbaceous plants is a natural storehouse of biologically active substances and, as a matter of fact, constantly replenishes the green pharmacy of our planet.

    Walnut infusion in olive oil for hypovitaminosis


    1 teaspoon of walnut leaves, 8 teaspoons of olive oil.

    Method of preparation.

    Leaves the leaves finely, pour olive oil and mix thoroughly.

    Insist for 2-3 days.

    How to use.

    Infusion to treat affected areas of the oral mucosa with a deficiency of vitamin C.

    Walnut infusion for hypovitaminosis


    1 tbsp.spoon of walnut leaves, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Leaves finely chop and pour boiling water. Insist for 2-3 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Infusion to use in a warm form for mouth rinses 2-3 times a day.

    Manufacture of medicinal alcohol nutty tincture

    From fruits of a walnut wax ripeness in the olden days vodka was prepared, according to the Russian medical institutions, "strengthening the stomach".

    Preparation of tincture. It is recommended to take 10-15 fruits of the wax ripeness, quickly cut them in thin circles( this prevents the oxidation of active substances) and pour 0.5 liters of 40% ethyl alcohol. The container is tightly clogged and insisted at room temperature for 14-16 days. The resulting product is drained into a tightly clogged bottle of dark glass. Ready tincture - a liquid of dark chestnut color, fragrant, with an embalming smell. The product is suitable for long-term storage( in a dark cool place).Remains of cooking tincture is not thrown away.

    Tincture of walnut on alcohol is taken internally with pain in the stomach, in the intestinal region, as well as in disorders of stool( diarrhea).At one time use from 5 to 10 ml of the product for 1/2 cup of warm boiled water - 3-4 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    Reminder! The use of the product in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be agreed with the attending physician in order to exclude acute surgical pathology and acute infectious diseases( dysentery, cholera, etc.).

    Remains of cooking nut tincture can be used as follows: fill 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, add 100-150ml of 40% ethyl alcohol, tightly seal the container and insist for 20-25 days, if possible exposing to the sun. At the end of the infusion, drain and drain the product. The resulting so-called walnut liquor is taken orally 15-20 ml for indigestion.

    A tree with a height of up to 20 m and more with a powerful spreading crown, a light gray bark, deeply fissured on old trunks, smooth on branches. Leaves alternate, petiolate, odd-pinnate, up to 45 cm and over, with 3-4 pairs of leaves. The latter are elliptical or elongate-ovoid, dark green on top, lower light more luminous. The plant is monocotyledonous;flowers small, unattractive, same-sex;staminate - collected in long hanging inflorescences-earrings up to 8-10 cm long;stamens 20-30 in the lower flowers, 6-8 in the upper flowers of the inflorescence. Pestle flowers with a four-bladed perianth are arranged in groups or singly at the top of annual branches. Pestle with a single-cavity ovary and two sedentary fimoral stigmas. Fruit is a false drupe. The outer pericarp is fleshy, green, maturation becomes leathery, blackens, separated from the "nut" - bones. The nut shell( inner pericarp) is grayish-brown, woody. The seed( the kernel of the nut) is covered with a thin shell, consists of a large embryo. Blooms in April-May;fruits ripen in late August.

    Walnut is widely cultivated in Central Asia and the Caucasus. In the wild, it occurs only in the southern mountainous regions of Central Asia.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves, fresh unripe fruits and pericarp, which can be cut with a knife, fruits. The pericarp contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tannins, etc. Seeds contain fatty oil, which includes glycerides of linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids;tannins and a lot of vitamin C, vitamins B, vitamins E, P, fiber, salts of iron and cobalt.

    Scientific medicine uses a preparation of walnuts in the form of ointments, solution and suspension for the treatment of skin tuberculosis, as well as lesions of the skin with streptococcal and staphylococcal infection. Apply it and for the treatment of epidermophytosis of smooth skin. Green fruit is used to obtain vitamin C concentrates. An ELO preparation has been prepared for the treatment of tuberculosis diseases. From the leaves, a carion preparation was prepared for the treatment of lupus.

    Nuts are used in medical nutrition, as they are a high-calorie product. The kernels of the nuts are more than twice as high as the highest-grade wheat bread. They contain 40 to 70% fat, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are given great importance in the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as liver diseases. In nuts, a lot of fiber, so they increase intestinal peristalsis. The best work of the intestines is also promoted by the oil contained in them. All this is useful for obesity and in old age. Nuts are recommended for anemia due to the presence of cobalt and iron salts in them.

    Nut and leaf preparations are strong, stimulating, antiscorbutic and anthelmintic;they regulate the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In folk medicine, walnuts are used for catarrhs ​​of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, cardiosclerosis and cerebral sclerosis, as well as for other diseases occurring against the background of atherosclerosis, with rickets, exudative diathesis, scrofula, diabetes mellitus, and gout - inside andexternally, with bleeding, round worms.

    External preparations from a walnut apply for healing of wounds, ulcers, at treatment of a skin tuberculosis, at a lupus, a furunculosis;toothache, throat disease, angina - rinse the throat, as well as with eczema and lichen.

    It is recommended to use crushed walnuts with honey for the treatment of diseases of the lungs and other diseases that deplete the body.

    In ancient times the walnut was considered a means of preventing poisoning by the strongest poisons. For this purpose it was recommended in the morning on an empty stomach to take two walnuts with two wine berries, with leaves and salt.

    For expulsion of ascarids and tapeworms, freshly squeezed oil with wine or dry nuts with wine was given. Nut oil was also used for urinary stones.

    Since ancient times, people use skin baths with skin tuberculosis and scrofulosis with a decoction of walnut leaves.

    Decoction of green peels of walnut for the expulsion of worms have been used since the time of Hippocrates. The bark of walnut roots, dried and turned into a fine powder, has a gentle laxative effect. Infusion of leaves is recommended inside not only as an anthelmintic, but also for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, with scrofula, heart diseases, rickets, diabetes, and externally - rinse the mouth with tonsillitis and gingivitis. The fruit bark serves for the same purposes as the leaves. The chewed walnut is often used in people as a band-aid, applying it to the abscess( especially to the nail-eating).

    Application of

    For the treatment of hypertension : 100 grams of nuts daily with or without honey for 45 days.

    Infusion of dry leaves: 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water and after cooling, filter, take 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.

    Broth of dry leaves : 1 tbsp.a spoonful of leaves boil in 2 cups of water for 15-20 minutes, taken inside the same way as infusion, with diabetes, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, rickets, scrofula, rinse the mouth with sore throats.

    Decoction of : 20 g of chopped young leaves or unripe fruits in 200 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for external and internal use.

    Tea: 10 g per 200 ml;use with all the above-mentioned internal diseases and diabetes.

    Tincture : 30 g of chopped immature fruit is poured with a liter of alcohol( in extreme cases - vodka), insist in a bottle in the sun for 14 days.

    Liquor : strain the tincture, fill up the remaining fruits with sugar( to taste), mix well( until hardening), top up with alcohol( or vodka) and insist for another month, then filter and squeeze through gauze. For taste, add a little cloves, cinnamon. Tincture and liquor are equally useful for poor digestion of food in the stomach, only liqueur is less effective, but more pleasant: one glass after eating.

    Ointment for wounds : 15 g or 1 tbsp.spoon of sliced ​​walnut leaves, pour 100 g of sunflower oil, hold for 7 days, then oil with leaves warmed in a boiling water bath for 3 hours, twice strain through cheesecloth, boil the filtered another 30 minutes. After this, 15 g of yellow wax is added to produce the ointment.

    Oil infusion is prepared from cut fresh leaves, taken in an amount of 50-80 g, insist on 300 ml of sunflower oil at room temperature for 15-20 days.

    The bark of the roots of the nut is used as a gentle laxative, which does not cause pain.


    One useful tip - it is not recommended to sleep under a walnut tree to avoid nightmares, and the person did not get upset with nerves, and he did not lose weight and was not sick.

    The fruits of the walnut are very caloric, so use with caution to those who have problems with weight, no more than 3-5 nuts per day.

    The use of walnuts can provoke allergic reactions, use with caution in cases of increased blood clotting, colitis and enterocolitis, inflammation in the oral cavity.