  • Anaphylactic shock - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Anaphylactic shock is an acute systemic( ie involving more than one organ) allergic reaction to repeated contact with the allergen. In this case, anaphylactic shock can threaten life as a result of pronounced pressure drop, possible development of suffocation.

    With this kind of allergy, each of us can face for the first time at any moment of life. Sometimes this happens when prescribing drugs, for example an antibiotic, or conducting anesthesia in a dentist's office, in a restaurant during an exotic meal tasting or on a picnic after a wasp bite. The main difference between anaphylactic shock and other allergic reactions, say urticaria, is precisely the severity of the manifestations of the disease. This does not mean that every anaphylactic shock ends for an allergic fatal, completely( !), Most such reactions with adequate medical care are successfully resolved. Nevertheless, people who have had anaphylactic shock should always have a "allergy passport" with an indication that he had a similar reaction and a syringe with epinephrine( adrenaline) in the event of a possible recurrence of an anaphylactic shock episode.

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    Symptoms of anaphylactic shock

    Depending on the severity of anaphylactic shock, there may be different intensity manifestations of the disease. Typically, anaphylactic shock begins with the appearance of itching, hives and / or Quincke's edema, perspiration in the throat, cough, and blood pressure begins to decrease. Also, the feeling of heat, headache, tinnitus, constricting pain behind the sternum, and shortness of breath can be disturbing. Consciousness persists until there is a marked decrease in pressure, with excitement and anxiety or lethargy and depression present.

    Possible allergens of anaphylactic shock

    The most common cause of anaphylactic shock are medicines:

    • antibiotics;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • anesthetics;
    • radiopaque means;
    • vaccines, etc.

    Even carrying out skin allergic tests and allergen-specific immune therapy can cause anaphylactic shock .

    Anaphylactic shock can also develop with food allergens, such as peanuts or seafood.

    Often the cause of anaphylactic shock is insects( bees, wasps, bumblebees and other hymenoptera).

    Prevention of anaphylactic shock

    Prophylactic measures are possible only in the situation when the exact cause of anaphylactic shock is established. For example, in the case of a drug or food allergy, avoid taking medications or foods that cause anaphylactic shock.

    Complications of anaphylactic shock

    The most dangerous complications of anaphylactic shock are collapse( lowering blood pressure to 0/0 mm Hg), swelling of the larynx, trachea and major bronchi, severe cardiac arrhythmias.

    Diagnosis of anaphylactic shock

    As a rule, in connection with the severity of symptoms of major problems in the diagnosis of anaphylactic shock does not occur.

    Treatment of anaphylactic shock

    If an anaphylactic shock occurs, immediately call an ambulance. It is necessary to lay the victim on his back, turn his head to his side.

    Medical assistance consists in providing airway patency( if necessary, artificial ventilation can be provided), maintaining arthritic pressure( dopamine, adrenaline, fiz.svostry), reducing the severity of allergic reactions( glucocorticoid, antihistamines).