  • ARVI - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    ARVI( acute respiratory viral infections, also often called ARI - acute respiratory diseases) - a whole group of diseases similar in their features, characterized by the defeat, mainly of the respiratory system. Usually, if there is no identification of the pathogen, they diagnose ARI, since the causative agent may be not only viruses. The main way of transmission of the virus-pathogen of ARVI is airborne. If there is a bacterial pathogen, the path of transmission through contaminated objects or food is possible.

    Causes of ARVI

    It is believed that more than 90% of all "colds" are caused by viruses. The remaining 10 fall on other microorganisms. In the epidemic period, up to 20% of the population may be ill, and with pandemics up to 50%( every second!).

    The number of species of viruses, pathogens of acute respiratory infections is more than two hundred! Among them, and known to all the flu, an amateur to mutate and surprise humanity with their new species( avian influenza, swine flu. ..), and lesser known parainfluenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus infection. The source of infection is a sick person, especially if this person is at an early stage of the disease: feeling a malaise and weakness until the moment when a person becomes aware of himself / herself sick., already singling out the virus, it infects its environment - a work collective, fellow travelers in public transport, a family. The main way of transmission is airborne, with small particles of mucus and saliva released during conversation, coughing, sneezing.

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    An alternative food route, easier - through dirty hands. Not all people are susceptible to the pathogens of ARVI, the level of natural immunity may not allow the virus to penetrate and develop in the body, but stress, poor nutrition, chronic diseases, hypothermia, poor ecological conditions can seriously reduce the level of protective forces and then the virus will penetrate into the tissues andbegins to multiply, the person will fall ill.

    Symptoms of acute respiratory infections

    No matter how the virus that caused the common cold was called, in any correct( classical) case of the disease, one can observe general symptoms: a combination of the so-called "general infection" syndrome( chills, muscle pain, headache, weakness, fever, weakness, enlarged lymph nodes on the neck, under the lower jaw, behind the ears, on the occiput) and respiratory tract damage. There are also signs of edema of the mucous - the so-called catarrhal phenomena: congestion and / or abundant discharge from the nose, sore throat, eye pain, lacrimation, cough, which can be dry paroxysmal barking;and may be accompanied by the release of sputum( usually light).

    For example, for influenza, unlike other respiratory infections characterized by a sudden onset with a pronounced manifestation of the most "general infection" syndrome and delayed manifestations of respiratory tract damage. In other respiratory viral infections, symptoms of respiratory tract infection come first, for example for parainfluenza it is laryngitis( inflammation of the larynx), for adenovirus infection - pharyngitis( inflammation of the pharynx) and conjunctivitis.

    It would be good if all diseases were "correctly", as described in the textbooks, then a literate person would look on the Internet, prescribe a treatment and be happy without going to the doctors. However, the human body is such a complex system that its reaction to one or another causative agent of the disease can not exactly be predicted even by a light from medicine. Because of the peculiarities of the organism, ARVI can take a variety of forms from erased, asymptomatic, to extremely severe and completely unimaginable( atypical) forms. In the latter cases, the doctor's help will certainly be necessary. However, mild forms of respiratory diseases can conceal a danger, so a person with a cold can be a carrier of meningococcus, the causative agent of severe meningitis and sepsis. What conclusion can be drawn? Probably this: self-diagnosis - entertainment amateur medicine, and the diagnosis of the disease - a serious work of a specialist. If medicine is not your hobby, then consult a specialist from medicine.

    So, about ARVI.Of the symptoms of the disease, in addition to the general ones described above, one should highlight those that will indicate complications and should make the sick person particularly anxious and turn to a specialist, sometimes urgently.

    Symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring urgent medical attention:

    - temperature above 40 degrees, almost or not reacting to the reception of antipyretic drugs;
    - impaired consciousness( confused consciousness, fainting);
    - intense headache with the inability to bend the neck, bringing the chin to the chest
    - the appearance of a rash on the body( sprouts, hemorrhages);
    - pain in the chest during breathing, difficulty in inhaling or exhaling, feeling of lack of air, coughing with phlegm( pink coloring - more seriously);
    - prolonged, more than five days of fever;
    - the appearance of secretions from the respiratory tract of green, brown, with an admixture of fresh blood;
    - chest pain, independent of breathing, swelling.

    In addition, if the usual symptoms of ARVI do not go through 7-10 days, this will also be an occasion to consult a specialist( most often an ENT doctor).Special attention is required by children: if the apparent ARVI is complicated by weighting of symptoms or the appearance of symptoms from any other organs and systems - it is urgent to see a doctor!

    Diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection

    Diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection is not particularly difficult in the case of a typical course of the disease. To exclude possible complications, a chest x-ray, general blood and urine tests, if there is a suspicion of a bacterial cause of the disease, can be sown to determine the pathogen( bacteria).Immunological studies to determine the type of virus that caused the disease are of practical value only in severe forms of diseases, serious difficulties in diagnosis( and, accordingly, in treatment), in other cases this value is exclusively scientific. Viral cold can be confused with the initial stage of hemophilic infection( even a doctor can confuse, because the symptoms are identical) and other diseases, so when the symptoms increase or when new, more severe symptoms attach, pay attention to the doctor.

    Treatment of acute respiratory infections

    An old anecdote about a cold, which is treated for seven days, or it passes for a week, does not quite accurately reflect the essence of ARVI treatment. It is not so important, for what time will the respiratory viral infection take place, it is more important with what losses( or advantages) the human body will leave the struggle. Therefore, to treat ARI is necessary, not letting everything "by gravity".

    And in ARVI, as in the treatment of any disease, it is necessary: ​​

    - To influence the cause of acute respiratory infections : specific antiviral drugs, preparations containing immune proteins( human interferon), drugs that stimulate the production of the body's own interferon are used for this.

    Special antiviral drugs( remantadine, zanamivir) begin to act almost immediately after administration( ingestion, application of ointment), but they have one significant drawback - they have a fairly narrow spectrum of action, that is, if the infection is caused by the type of virus that is not expectedtreatment, the effect of such drugs will not be.

    Interferon preparations( influferon, viferon) have a broader spectrum of action; they also begin to act almost immediately after administration, they have shapes for every taste: from drops to injections and rectal suppositories. Essential shortcomings in this group, in general, no, but since interferon is not "your", then the body sooner or later will begin to block its action, to produce antibodies.

    And, finally, stimulant preparations for the production of its own interferon( amiksin, tsikloferon, derinat).Own interferon - the most acceptable option in antiviral protection, but it is worth knowing that the effect of these drugs develops not immediately, but for several( 4-8) hours. Combines the antiviral properties and simultaneously stimulates the production of interferon, the popular drug "arbidol".

    - To influence the symptoms of ARI: for this the pharmaceutical industry offers a mass of combined drugs that have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and restorative action( antigrippin, koldreks, etc.).Applying such medications from ARI, you should pay attention that not all of their components may be necessary for you. So, for example, it is not recommended to reduce( knock down) the temperature below 38 degrees, because an increase in body temperature is a mechanism that promotes the activation of the protective properties of the body and reduces the activity of virus multiplication. Another component, vasoconstrictive( phenylephrine), is of questionable value, since it acts along the route of administration, causing narrowing of the vessels of the gastrointestinal tract rather than the inflamed respiratory tract.

    Drugs for symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections: analgesic( paracetamol), antihistamine( suprastin, klaritin), nasal drops and vitamin C not only cost 2-3 times less, but also provide more flexible, in comparison with colorful sachets,approach to the removal of cold symptoms.

    - Rinsing of the nose. Against the common cold and for the prevention and treatment of diseases of ENT organs, as well as complications, a nose wash is applied. However, most solutions for the treatment of runny nose in the form of ready-made aerosols imply a procedure for nasal irrigation, rather than for immediate rinsing. Irrigation, unlike washing, can only reduce the thick consistency of nasal secretions, but will not solve the problems with their removal along with harmful bacteria. After irrigation the mucous membrane quickly dries up, which further aggravates the rhinitis, provokes swelling. Washing helps reduce inflammation, improve the mucous membrane of the nose and reduce the risk of sinusitis and sinusitis. Modern methods involve the washing of the nasal passages with special antiseptic agents. For example, the components of the drug "Dolphin" get to the sinuses of the nose, diluting the clots of mucus and naturally leading them out.

    - Maintain a lifestyle, maintain a diet that contributes to the fastest possible recovery of : physical rest( bed or half-bed regime) is needed, food should be easily assimilated, with sufficient vitamins, despite lack of appetite, however,will not have the necessary "building" elements for its recovery. The room should be systematically ventilated( naturally, in the absence of the patient).

    An indispensable component of a diet for ARVI - a liquid( containing alcohol is excluded).It should be a lot, up to 2-3 liters per day, because with excess fluid will be displayed products of the activity of viruses - toxins that cause most unpleasant symptoms of ARVI.The type of liquid is determined by the taste of a person: it can be ordinary water, tea with lemon, cranberry juice, and vegetable teas( rose hips, herbs).

    Drugs for treatment of acute respiratory infections

    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac. These drugs have anti-inflammatory effect, reduce body temperature, reduce pain. It is possible to take these drugs in the composition of medicinal powders such as Coldrex, Tera - flu, etc. It should be remembered that it is not necessary to lower the temperature below 38 ° C, because it is at this body temperature that the protective mechanisms against infection are activated. Exceptions are sick, prone to convulsions, and small children.
    • Antihistamines are medicines that are used to treat allergies. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, therefore reduce all signs of inflammation: nasal congestion, mucosal edema. Preparations of the first generation of this group - dimedrol, suprastin, tavegil - have a side effect: they cause drowsiness. Preparations of the second generation - loratadine( klaritin), fenistil, semprex, zirtek - do not have this effect.
    • Drops for the nose. Vasoconstrictive drops for the nose reduce edema, relieve congestion. However, this is not as safe a drug as it might seem. On the one hand, during ARVI it is necessary to use drops to reduce the edema and improve the outflow of fluid from the sinuses to prevent the development of sinusitis. However, frequent and prolonged use of vasoconstrictive drops is dangerous in the development of chronic rhinitis. Uncontrolled administration of drugs causes a significant thickening of the nasal mucosa, which leads to dependence on drops, and then to a permanent nasal congestion. Treatment of this complication is only surgical. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the regime of drinking drops: no longer than 5-7 days, no more than 2-3 times a day.
    • Drugs from a sore throat. The most effective means( it is the most unloved by many) is the gargling of the throat with disinfectant solutions. You can use infusions of sage, chamomile, as well as ready-made solutions, such as furatsilin. Rinse should be frequent - every 2 hours. In addition, disinfectant sprays can be used: hexoral, bioparox, etc.
    • Cough preparations. The purpose of cough treatment is to reduce the viscosity of phlegm, make it liquid and easy to cough. It is important for this drinking regime - warm drink dilutes sputum. With difficulties with cough, you can take expectorant drugs, such as ATSTS, mukaltin, bronholitin, etc. Do not yourself( without consulting a doctor) take drugs that suppress the cough reflex - it can be dangerous.

    Antibiotics of ARVI are not treated! Antibiotics are completely powerless against viruses, they are used only in the event of bacterial complications. Therefore, antibiotics should not be used without prescribing a doctor. These are unsafe for the body preparations. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the emergence of resistant to them forms of bacteria.

    Folk remedies for treatment of acute respiratory infections

    A bit about folk methods of ARVI treatment. True folk methods are a storehouse of wisdom created by many generations, however, increasingly for folk medicine the fruit of the irrepressible fantasy of some charlatans is betrayed. So, some "people's" offer to treat ORVI with ice douches, laxatives, enemas, starvation, products of oil distillation. Suspicion should cause recipes containing many components( a list of good half of the directory of medicinal plants).Do not get carried away by extreme thermal procedures( baths, saunas, wraps).In the formulation of folk remedies for ARVI or cold, there should be no chemical components and no poisonous herbs, even in small doses.

    The correct folk method should be simple, straightforward and easy to use. Usually it is the use of broths of berries containing many vitamins( for example, dog rose, cranberry), infusions of herbs that help reduce inflammation and intoxication( lime, chamomile, bearberry, cowberry).In the form of a means for inhalation, eucalyptus, pine, containing phytoncides onions and garlic can also be used.

    In ARVI, it is not advisable to use inside the tinctures - medicines prepared for alcohol.

    Complications of SARS

    Despite the efforts being made to treat, SARS can be complicated. The most frequent complications are pneumonia, bronchitis, purulent processes in the sinuses of the nose, otitis media. Possible damage to the heart muscle( myocarditis), the brain( meningoencephalitis).If a person has chronic diseases, then against the background of ARI they can become aggravated. Complications of ARVI can lead to death of the patient.

    Complications in ARVI from the respiratory system and ears

    1. Acute sinusitis. During , is weakened and more susceptible to other types of infection, including bacterial infections. A common complication is bacterial sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, namely, sinusitis, frontalitis, sphenoiditis. It is possible to suspect that the course of ASVI was complicated by the development of sinusitis, it is possible if the symptoms do not go away within 7-10 days: nasal congestion, heaviness in the head, headache, fever. In the absence of treatment, acute sinusitis easily passes into a chronic form of the disease, which is treated much more difficultly. It is necessary to understand that it is only a doctor who can diagnose acute sinusitis, and even more so prescribe a treatment.
    2. Acute otitis media. Such an unpleasant complication of colds, like the inflammation of the middle ear, is familiar to many. Skip and not notice it is difficult. However, acute otitis media is extremely important not to start and consult a doctor on time to prescribe adequate treatment. The infectious process in the middle ear is fraught with serious complications.
    3. Acute bronchitis. Bacterial infection can also affect the bronchi. Acute bronchitis manifests itself as a cough, often with sputum separation of yellow or green. It should be noted that people suffering from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract( chronic bronchitis, sinusitis) tend to develop exacerbations of these diseases during and after ASVI .
    4. Pneumonia( or pneumonia).Perhaps, one of the most formidable complications of ASVI .The diagnosis is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination, but if the usual cold does not improve within 7-10 days, high fever persists, cough should be consulted immediately with a doctor.

    Prevention of ARVI

    Prevention of ARVI includes:

    1. Immunization of : vaccination with a vaccine against a viral infection carries an incommensurably greater benefit than a possible harm and, on time made, saves, if not from the disease, from its severe forms - exactly.
    2. Chemoprophylaxis of : administration of antiviral drugs and immunostimulants in preventive doses. This also includes vitamin prophylaxis - the intake of vitamins, for the normalization of vital processes( for example, against the background of harmful environmental factors).
    3. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle : quitting smoking, eating well and sleeping, exercising, hardening.
    4. Restricting contacts with people already sick .

    Frequently asked questions about ARVI or cold:

    I think I'm sick. Is vodka with pepper and Russian baths suitable as a prophylaxis?
    Answer: None. Alcohol has a damaging effect on the pharyngeal mucosa( and even the larynx and nose), pepper will increase blood circulation, accelerating and weighting the course of the disease. The question of a Russian bath is solved individually, to the majority of people thermal procedures are recommended in the period of convalescence.

    I'm cold. What antibiotic is better to have a drink?
    Answer: None. The majority of "colds" are exactly ARVI.Antibiotics treat complications of acute respiratory infections with the participation of bacterial infection.

    What are the best multivitamins for ARVI prevention: expensive( name), or very expensive( name)?
    Answer: For prevention of acute respiratory viral infections it is better to take mono -( single) or oligovitamins( with a small composition).Multivitamins should be replaced with full nutrition.

    After recovery, is it possible to catch the same viral infection again?
    Answer: In general, no. After the disease, a person develops immunity, though only to the type of virus that caused the disease.

    The doctor said that I have the flu, and recorded a "SARS" in the medical record. He deceived me or specifically wrote a lie to the card?
    Answer: The doctor has diagnosed the "flu" on the basis of typical symptoms, however, in order to record such a diagnosis in the card it must be confirmed by immunological studies, which it is inexpedient to conduct for each patient with a viral infection. Therefore, the doctor did much easier - wrote "ARVI", because the flu is in this group.

    The doctor advised this homoeopathic remedy. It is safe and, they say, very effective. Is it possible to replace them with your treatment?
    Answer: Your right to refuse the prescribed treatment. However, I, as your doctor, question the therapeutic effect of homeopathic remedies. A more or less predictable effect can be expected only from traditional means.

    What are the causes of frequent ARVI in children?
    First of all, these are the same viruses. The newborn receives temporary immunity to respiratory viruses from the mother, but by the age of 6 months this immunity is weakening, while the child's own immunity has not yet been fully formed. At this time the child is most susceptible to colds. Young children lack personal hygiene skills, such as washing their hands, covering their mouths with sneezing and coughing. In addition, children often touch their noses, eyes and mouth with their hands. The drainage system for removing secretions from the ears and sinuses in children is not developed enough, which contributes to the development of bacterial complications of catarrhal diseases( sinusitis, otitis).In addition, the trachea and bronchi of the child is also significantly smaller than that of adults, so children tend to obstruct( block) the airways with a profuse secret or swollen mucosa.

    Seasonal immunocorrective prophylaxis of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection in adults

    Use of vitamin preparations "Hexavit", "Revit", "Decamevit" and "Undevit" at age dosages 2-3 times a day after meals 20-30 days.
    Dibazol - 0,02 g per day for 10 days in the periods preceding the rise of ARVI in September-I round;November - II round;February - III round.
    Eleutherococcus extract in the form of 25-30 day courses of 20-30 drops per reception 2-3 times a day.
    Ginseng tincture is prescribed inside before meals for 15-25 drops 3 times a day.
    Tincture of Schisandra - 20-25 drops 3 times a day before meals. Course - 25-30 days.
    Complete, rich in vitamins and protein food.
    Hardening procedures. Physical education, sports.

    Emergency chemoprevention of influenza and ARVI in adults

    The most accessible and effective means of emergency prevention during an epidemic of influenza in adults is rimantadine. Acceptance of the drug begins with the appearance of the first influenza patients in the family( intrafocal prophylaxis) or in the team( extra-focus prophylaxis).In the first case, 1 to 2 tablets are taken by all adult family members( taking into account contraindications) within 2-7 days, with ophthalmic prophylaxis - within 20 days.
    Arbidol is prescribed in contact with patients with influenza 0.2 g per day before meals for 10-14 days, during the seasonal increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infection and the flu epidemic - 0.1 g per day every 3-4 days for 3weeks.
    It should not be prescribed to patients with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.
    Oxolin Ointment 0.25% for intranasal administration is given during the flu epidemic.
    Amiksin - as an inducer of interferon is prescribed at 0,125 mg per week by a course of 4-6 weeks.

    Doctor therapist Sokov S.V.

    Zinc can help with cold

    Taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, zinc reduces the duration and severity of colds in healthy people, according to the results of the Cochrane Systematic Review, according to the online "Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews" dated February 16, 2011.

    "This review confirms evidence for zinc as a remedy for colds," said lead author Dr. Meenu Singh of the news release."However, at present, it is still difficult to give general recommendations, because we do not have enough knowledge about the optimal dose, the form of the drug or the duration of treatment."

    To evaluate the effect of zinc on cold symptoms, the authors used CENTRAL( 2010, Issue 2, Acute Respiratory Infections Group's Specialized Register), MEDLINE( 1966 to May week 3, 2010), and EMBASE( 1974 to June 2010).Inclusion criteria were randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled studies in which zinc was used for 5 or more consecutive days, for treating a cold, or longer for prophylaxis.

    The search identified 13 therapeutic studies, registered a total of 966 participants, and 2 preventive studies, registered a total of 394 participants that matched the selection criteria. Zinc intake was associated with a significant decrease in the duration of cold symptoms( a standardized mean difference of -0.97), as well as severity( SMD-.39).

    The proportion of participants who had symptoms after 7 days of treatment was lower in the zinc group, versus the control group( odds ratio 0.45).

    However, overall adverse side effects were higher in the zinc group( odds ratio 1.59), such as a taste disorder( odds ratio 2.64) and nausea( odds ratio 2.15).

    "Our review has studied additional zinc intake only in healthy people," Dr. Singh said."But it would be interesting to know if zinc can help asthmatics, whose asthma symptoms tend to worsen with a cold."