  • Cesarean section

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    Caesarean section is an operation, as a result of which the doctor makes a cut of the abdomen and the wall of the uterus, through which he extracts the child and the latter. This is the most common operation today for obstetric care. There is an opinion that doctors specially began to conduct so many operations to get more money from poor women, without subjecting themselves to laborious work on the management of natural childbirth. This is not true. To expand the indications for cesarean section, doctors went to reduce maternal and child mortality. Our population does not differ in special health, if not vice versa. A pregnant woman with some kind of disability is sometimes unable to give birth independently, without risk to life. But this does not mean the uncontrolled appointment of this operation. The decision to perform the surgery is taken by several doctors after a comprehensive examination of a woman( ECG, a study of the biochemical composition of the blood, determination of her group and Rh factor, smears on the degree of purity and presence of inflammation, examination by specialists depending on chronic diseases).Health check is also carried out by a child( ultrasound, various examinations of the work of his heart).There are absolute and relative indications for cesarean section. The first are indisputable in the recommendation of the operation, in the presence of at least one of them, no doctor in the maternity hospital will allow a woman to give birth alone, it is deadly dangerous for her and her baby. The second, in a complex or at the discretion of the doctor, can serve as an appointment to the method of delivery.

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    Absolute indications include:

    1) full placenta previa, which closes the child out of the uterine cavity;

    2) narrowing of the pelvis 3 and 4 degrees, which is determined by the doctor when measuring its size;

    3) pelvis with sharply reduced size and altered shape after fractures or for other reasons;

    4) urolithiasis in the presence of stones that block the small pelvis;

    5) cicatricial narrowing of the vagina and cervix of the strong uterus;

    6) Various tumors of the pelvis, ovaries, bladder, preventing the free passage of the child in childbirth.

    Relative indications include:

    1) pelvic presentation of the fetus;

    2) large fruit;

    3) prolapse of the umbilical cord;

    4) malformations of the uterus;

    5) late complications of pregnancy;

    6) threatening or started shortage of fetal oxygen;

    7) scar on the uterus after the previous caesarean section;

    8) weakness of labor, not amenable to drug correction.

    This is far from a complete list of situations in which a woman is prescribed a cesarean section. We will not bore you with a list of different pathological conditions, but you see that all of them under certain conditions are a serious obstacle to natural delivery( see figure).

    Fig. Indications for caesarean section