  • Syrup of rose hips

    "Rose hip Syrup" is a multivitamin preparation. It is used in children and adults for treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis( in particular, C and P), also with stagnant phenomena in elderly people and children in the gallbladder.
    Syrup of dog rose is a familiar medicine since ancient times. It was used in the Middle Ages, and the harvest of wild rose berries in Russia was kept at that time in the Kremlin and issued under a special decree. They were treated with scurvy and various "stomach ulcers".In several European tracts of the time, rose hip syrup was referred to as a gastric or choleretic agent.

    This syrup is a viscous dark brown liquid with a sweet taste of rose hips and berry extracts, which contains several types of organic acids, including apple and citric acids, which are simply necessary in many metabolic processes. Flavonoids and tannins. Pectin and carotene are antioxidant "chains".Tannins, irreplaceable as anti-inflammatory and a means to combat diarrhea. Salts of iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and many more many trace elements - the list is more than in the synthetic "Duovite".By the way, about the vitamins - they are also relatively large in the dog rose, especially the valuable vitamin C, although there is enough K, and V. Syrop from the hips improves the body's vitamins, increases the body's defenses, increases stamina with increased mental and physical loads, promotes a balancedwork of all body systems. The effect of rosehip syrup is due, first of all, to the presence of a large number of vitamins: ascorbic acid( vitamin C) rutin( vitamin P), flavonoids, carotenoids, tannic and pectic acids.

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    Has a general strengthening effect, stimulates non-specific resistance of the body, enhances tissue regeneration, reduces vascular permeability, takes part in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, has anti-inflammatory properties. It has immunostimulating( against humoral and cellular immunity) and choleretic action( due to the presence of organic acids and flavonoids).

    Effects on the body

    General restorative - significant, shows the reception after injuries, wounds, severe operations, as background during chemotherapy and treatment with antibiotics.
    Choleretic - one of the best both among natural remedies, and among synthetics. And at any stage of the pathological process.
    Activity against blood clots - "dilution" of blood and strengthening of capillaries, they become less brittle and brittle.
    Immunostimulating action - of course, this is not echinacea, but it is also quite effective, in addition, the immune response persists for more time, and exhaustion occurs more slowly. This means that the effectiveness will be weaker, but you can take the drug longer, and already during the illness.
    Action on the metabolism - normalizing, that is, it slows down the "overclocked" exchange of pros of athletes and increases in people with excess weight. It is very useful for obesity or long unsuccessful attempts to gain weight.
    Antidepressant is mainly due to magnesium and vitamin B. It does not compare with chemistry, but because of its low toxicity to the liver can be used in case of contraindications.
    A whole range of positive effects on the digestive tract is a weak anesthetic, astringent, effective in controlling diarrhea and improving peristalsis( dynamic bowel function).
    To make a rose hip syrup, first make a decoction of rose hips. Ready broth, passed twice through a sieve, return to a pan, add sugar and continue heating in a water bath until the sugar dissolves. Pour the finished syrup from the dog rose into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. For 4 cups of rose hips, 2 glasses of water and 1 glass of sugar.

    Indications for use

    Gallstone disease - facilitates the general condition and the passage of small stones, relieves secondary inflammation, allows you to reduce the dosage of pain medications. One dessert spoon three times, regardless of food intake. A large amount of liquid is shown, preferably juices.
    Hypovitaminosis is one of the first means, and it is necessary to prescribe in shock doses, many times exceeding the recommended ones, until the symptomatology disappears, then according to the standard scheme. That is, you can safely drink a half tablespoons, without fear of side effects. If combined with vitamins, then only monopreparations that do not contain group C and B.
    Intoxication, including alcoholic or medicamentous. It is advisable to begin reception as soon as possible, it is possible to exceed recommended dosages five or more times. It is combined with most detoxes and does not cause a burden on the kidneys.
    Peptic ulcer. Perfectly helps the reception of pollen, honey and syrup in the ratio 1/2 \ 2.Naturally, not in the period of bleeding and exacerbation. Provided naturalness of honey and pollen, no matter what the origin of beekeeping products.
    Ideal for athletes, especially professional athletes - you can take long enough, courses for a month, with virtually no side effects. Incompatible with multivitamin preparations to minimize the risks of hypervitaminosis.
    Hepatitis, the most diverse etiology, including fat and chronic - syrup reduces inflammation, improves cellular nutrition, outflow of bile. Treatment scheme is basic, from the leaflet - the liner, that is, the standard dessert spoon three times a day.
    Cholecystitis, even in the acute period - naturally, only within the framework of complex therapy. A good remedy in the rehabilitation period as a mono treatment. It is combined with synthetic preparations.

    Usage during pregnancy

    May be used during pregnancy and lactation, but as directed by a physician.

    Contraindications to use

    The drug is contraindicated in cases of individual intolerance( allergy), bronchial asthma, as well as gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during an exacerbation. With caution should be prescribed in diabetes mellitus because of the high sugar content in syrup, as well as during pregnancy and lactation( on the recommendation of a doctor).
    Side effects of
    Allergic reactions possible;in some cases, there may be dyspepsia( diarrhea).With prolonged use of rose hip syrup with excess of these dosages possible hypervitaminosis, a decrease in pressure. Possible side effects Allergic reactions may occur. In some cases dyspeptic phenomena( diarrhea) are observed. This syrup for people suffering from diabetes should be used with caution( because of the high content of sugar in the preparation).Use the drug with caution and in children - because of the presence of ethyl alcohol in its composition.

    Way of application and dose

    Assign inside: adults - 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day;children from 2 to 3 years - 1/2 teaspoon, 3 to 6 years - 1 teaspoon, 6 to 12 years - 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times a day.

    Storage conditions

    In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.
    Shelf life
    6 months.