  • Useful and medicinal properties of gyro dyeing

    A low half-shrub with erect numerous stems. Leaves are regular, simple, whole. Inflorescences are dense, long brushes. Flowers five-membered, irregular, yellow. Calyx double-hued, corolla of butterfly type, stamens 10, all fused into a tube. Pistil is one, the ovary is upper. Fruit - bob, naked, slightly curved. Blossoms in June-July, fruits ripen in August-September.

    Distributed in the steppe and partly forest zones of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. It grows on the edges of forests, among shrubs, in flood meadows.

    Medicinal raw materials are the leafy branches of the branches with flowers. Collection is done during flowering. The raw materials are dried in the shade in the air or in a well-ventilated room.

    The main active principles are ether.oil and alkaloids: cytisine, methylpithysine, anagyrin, sidetein;from the flowers of the plant pigments are isolated: genistein and luteolin, which possess coloring properties.

    There are indications that the infusion from the green parts of gorilla dye has a distinct vasoconstrictive effect, stimulates breathing and can stimulate the function of the thyroid gland.

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    In folk medicine, it is believed that it is a diuretic and a laxative, with a reduced function of the thyroid gland acts like thyroid.

    Water infusion or decoction from the branches of the gorse is prescribed inside as a strong diuretic for edema

    of cardiac and renal origin, with the purpose of choleretic action is used for liver diseases, including those accompanied by jaundice;with rickets, dropsy( abdominal) and exhaustion.

    Application of

    Decoction 1: 10 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    Decoction 2: 15 g of dried herbs are poured in cold water( 0.5 L), boiled, evaporating to 1/3 of the liquid;use 2 tbsp each.spoons every 2 hours until the result( normalization of the functional activity of the intestine or kidney).Take a decoction with a break in a day.

    External infusion or broth is used for furunculosis, lichen, scrofula.

    Since the plant has a strong effect and is poisonous, it should be used with caution and only as directed by a physician.

    Infusion: 1 hour or 1 tbsp.a spoonful of herbs for 0,5 liters of boiling water, to insist 2 hours, to take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.