
Mask for dry skin of the face at home: tightening masks, for problem, withering, weather-beaten skin, for moisturizing and elasticity of the skin

  • Mask for dry skin of the face at home: tightening masks, for problem, withering, weather-beaten skin, for moisturizing and elasticity of the skin

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    Mask for dry skin at home: the best recipes

    Dry skin delivers a lot of discomfort. It reacts extremely sharply to the sun's rays, to the wind and frosty weather. The sebaceous glands are not sufficiently active, so the facial skin remains unprotected. To maintain the skin in a normal state can mask for dry skin of the face at home.

    In this case, you should consider all the features of this skin type. For each problem there are their own recipes.

    Masks for skin hydration

    Very moisturizing and nourishing mask is prepared from fatty cottage cheese with the addition of milk, cream or sour cream. Ingredients are mixed until uniform and the mask is ready for use.

    Moisturizing effect has also sour cream in its pure form. It just needs to be applied to the face, and then washed off.

    Mask for giving elasticity

    For this purpose, you can prepare a "French mask".

    Cream - one glass;

    Vodka - 100 grams;

    Lemon juice;


    Glycerin - a teaspoon.

    All components should be well mixed and used before bedtime. It is stored in the refrigerator and is suitable for daily use.

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    The skin will retain its elasticity if periodically used such a mask:

    Sour cream - a tablespoon;

    Sunflower seeds - a tablespoon of ground;


    Mask for problem skin

    Clear the young skin and save acne can banana mask. For its preparation, take one banana and one tablespoon of white and brown sugar.

    For this purpose, you can use a mask of green clay. It must be diluted with milk and stirred so that there are no lumps.

    For fading facial skin.

    . Withering skin requires moisturizing, nourishing and healing. Do one of the following masks:

    Recipe 1

    Honey - 10 milligrams;

    Yolk - 2 pieces;

    Vegetable oil - a teaspoon.

    Recipe 2


    Semolina - 20 grams;


    Curd - 15 grams.

    The shell must be turned into a powder, add the cottage cheese and semolina and dilute with milk.

    Masks for irritated and sensitive skin

    Remarkably soothes the skin with a yeast mask. For its preparation you need to dissolve the yeast in milk, wait 20 minutes, add a spoonful of sour cream and apply to the skin.

    Another effective mask:


    Lemon is a slice;

    Yolk - one;Olive oil - a teaspoon.

    From parsley cook the broth and take a tablespoon. Mix all the other ingredients and combine with a decoction.

    Masks for weather-beaten facial skin

    Frosty windy weather leaves its imprint on dry, sensitive skin. To save it from the undesirable consequences can such masks:

    Oil compress

    Suitable for any vegetable oil - sunflower, olive, almond or jojoba. It should be slightly heated and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Cover with a napkin or towel.

    Compress from hop cones

    From three spoons of cones prepare a decoction, insist for half an hour, moisten a tampon and apply to the face.

    Tightening masks

    Into the composition of tightening masks for dry skin is an egg yolk. If you do not have enough time, you can just shake it and put it on your face.


    Yolk - one;

    Almond oil - a tablespoon;

    Honey - tablespoon;

    Lemon juice is two drops.

    Masks for combined skin

    Combined skin contains signs of oily and dry skin. In this case, a perfect cucumber mask. Vegetables need to be rubbed, add the yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil.

    To this end, use masks made of white, blue or black clay.

    If you have irritations and acne, you can make a honey mask. Honey dilute with vodka and apply to the skin.

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    Dry skin causes a lot of discomfort. It reacts extremely sharply to the sun's rays, to the wind and frosty weather. The sebaceous glands are not sufficiently active, so the facial skin remains unprotected. To maintain the skin in a normal state can mask for dry skin of the face at home.

    In this case, you should consider all the features of this skin type. For each problem there are their own recipes.

    Masks for skin hydration

    Very moisturizing and nourishing mask is prepared from fatty cottage cheese with the addition of milk, cream or sour cream. Ingredients are mixed until uniform and the mask is ready for use.

    The sour cream has also a moisturizing effect in its pure form. It just needs to be applied to the face, and then washed off.

    Mask for giving elasticity

    For this purpose, you can prepare a "French mask".

    Cream - one glass;

    Vodka - 100 grams;

    Lemon juice;


    Glycerin is a teaspoon.

    All components should be well mixed and used before bedtime. It is stored in the refrigerator and is suitable for daily use.

    The skin will retain its elasticity if periodically used such a mask:

    Sour cream - a tablespoon;

    Sunflower seeds - a tablespoon of ground;


    Mask for problem skin

    Clear the young skin and save acne can banana mask. For its preparation, take one banana and one tablespoon of white and brown sugar.

    For this purpose, you can use a mask of green clay. It must be diluted with milk and stirred so that there are no lumps.

    For fading facial skin

    Withering skin requires moisturizing, nourishing and healing. Do one of the following masks:

    Recipe 1

    Honey - 10 milligrams;

    Yolk - 2 pieces;

    Vegetable oil - a teaspoon.

    Recipe 2


    Semolina - 20 grams;


    Curd - 15 grams.

    The shell must be turned into a powder, add the cottage cheese and semolina and dilute with milk.

    Masks for irritated and sensitive skin

    Remarkably soothes the skin with a yeast mask. For its preparation you need to dissolve the yeast in milk, wait 20 minutes, add a spoonful of sour cream and apply to the skin.

    Another effective mask:


    Lemon is a slice;

    Yolk - one;

    Olive oil - a teaspoon.

    From parsley cook the broth and take a tablespoon. Mix all the other ingredients and combine with a decoction.

    Masks for weather-beaten facial skin

    Frosty windy weather leaves its imprint on dry, sensitive skin. To save it from the undesirable consequences can such masks:

    Oil compress

    Any vegetable oil - sunflower, olive, almond or jojoba. It should be slightly heated and applied to the affected areas of the skin. Cover with a napkin or towel.

    Compress from hop cones

    From three spoonfuls of cones prepare a decoction, insist for half an hour, moisten a swab and apply to the face.

    Tightening masks

    Into the composition of tightening masks for dry skin is an egg yolk. If you do not have enough time, you can just shake it and put it on your face.


    Yolk - one;

    Almond oil - a tablespoon;

    Honey - tablespoon;

    Lemon juice is two drops.

    Masks for combined skin

    Combined skin contains signs of oily and dry skin. In this case, a perfect cucumber mask. Vegetables need to be rubbed, add the yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil.

    To this end, use masks made of white, blue or black clay.

    If you have irritations and acne, you can make a honey mask. Honey dilute with vodka and apply to the skin.

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