  • Help with constipation

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    Constipation of

    Constipation is the absence of stools in adults for more than 48 hours, for infants less than 1 time per day, with the stool becoming firm consistency and also released after prolonged straining. The basis of constipation is a violation of the movement of stool masses through the intestines, caused by a weakening of the peristalsis or the presence of a mechanical obstacle. Most often, children and elderly people suffer from constipation. The cause of constipation can be various diseases: most often constipation occurs as a result of the presence of a functional and organic pathology of the digestive system. These include narrowing of the lumen of the bowel caused by neoplasm, scars or congenital abnormality of the intestine( elongated large intestine, megacolon, Hirschsprung disease), pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, dysbacteriosis and diseases of the anus( anal fissures, hemorrhoids);

    • Functional and organic diseases of the central nervous system;

    • neurogenic disorders associated with spontaneous suppression of the reflex to defecation as a result of unpleasant experience of painful acts of defecation;

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    • toxic etiology of constipation caused by the action of certain drugs, for example, preparations of lead, morphine, nicotine, nitrobenzene, anticholinergics and antispasmodics;

    • pathology of the endocrine system: insufficient function of the pituitary, thyroid, ovaries;

    • Inadequate maintenance of foods containing fiber( vegetable, fruit, cereals) becomes a fairly frequent cause of slowing of peristalsis or development of "flaccid intestine syndrome";

    • Inactivity - low physical activity, sedentary lifestyle.

    First of all, treatment of constipation involves compliance with the diet.

    All food should be exposed to the park, cooked or baked in the oven.

    Bread and bakery products from premium flour, rice, oatmeal, semolina, vermicelli, blueberry, quince, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, cocoa, canned goods, smoked products, marinades, fried, onions, garlic, alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the ration..

    The following products are allowed to be consumed: gray, bran bread, crispbreads, low-fat soups, vegetable broth, borsch, beetroot, okroshka, fruit soup, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, white cabbage and green peas, crumbly porridges and casseroles, ripe sweet fruitand berries, soaked dried fruits - prunes, figs, dried apricots, apricots, fruit and vegetable juices, milk drinks, fresh curds and curd casseroles, puddings, cheese cakes, mild cheeses, soft tea and coffee, rose hips, butter and vegetable oilimosti.

    It is mandatory to comply with the drinking regime. The amount of liquids drunk per day should not be less than 1.5 liters. Regular bowel movement is necessary, for which the child is recommended to plant on a pot daily for a reflex to defecate. Patients with constipation should lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical education, therapeutic gymnastics, conduct physiotherapy, which removes intestinal spasm.

    Natural and inexpensive means of stool correction are natural fibers - bran. Ground wheat bran is added to the food, before drinking it is recommended to pour boiling water for 30 minutes. The drug is prescribed for 1 tsp, 7 days after 2 tsp, after 7 days - 1-2 tablespoons.spoons 2-3 times a day, with each meal. Bran is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription.

    If the stool was not present for more than 3 days, it is recommended that the enema be staged to purify the intestine. Currently, more and more often not simply cleaning enemas are used, but thermal contrast enemas, which are carried out in the morning and in the evening by cold and warm liquid. The setting of enemas is an average of 5 to 7 days, depending on the length of time the chair is absent.

    In case of ineffectiveness of diet therapy, reception of bran and enemas, laxative preparations are used:

    • Senna leaves - water extract of leaves is prepared from 5-10 g per 100 ml of water, it is prescribed for 1 tbsp.spoon 1-3 times a day, or 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, or in the form of an adult in the 1-3 st.spoons for the reception, children from 2 to 4 years - 1 teaspoon, from 5 to 7 years - 1 dessert spoon, from 8 to 14 years - 1 st.spoon at the reception;

    • regulax - for adults, the drug is prescribed for 1 cube( briquette), children over 12 years - 1/2 - 1/4 cube in the evening;

    • rhubarb roots - the drug is prescribed for children under 2 years - for 0.1 g, from 3 to 4 years - for 0.15 g, from 5 to 6 years - 0.2 g, from 7 to 9 years - 0, 25 g, from 7 to 9 years - 0.25-0.5 g, over 10 years and adults - 0.5-1 g per reception;

    • buckthorn preparations - the broth is prepared from 1 tbsp.spoons of bark, pouring a glass of boiling water, which then cool and filter, taking half a glass at night and in the morning;

    • phenolphthalein( purgen) - for children older than 3 years, the drug is prescribed at 0.05 g, adults - 0.1 - 0.2 g per reception, 1-3 times a day;

    мальтсупекс ( extract of malt and barley) - the drug is prescribed for children from 1 to 2 years of 1 tbsp.spoon a day, mixed with 240 ml of water and juice.

    For spastic constipations accompanied by severe pain syndrome, antispasmodics are used:

    • papaverine - the drug is prescribed for children older than 6 months to 2 years for 5 mg, 3-4 years for 5-10 mg, 5-6 years for 10 mg,7-9 years - 10-15 mg, 10-14 years - 15-20 mg 3-4 times a day. The maximum daily dose for children of the first year of life is 10 mg, 1-2 years 20 mg, 3-4 years 30 mg, 5-6 years 40 mg, 7-9 years 60 mg, 10-14 years 100-200 mg;

    • no-spa( drotaverin, spasmol) - for children up to 6 years the drug is prescribed for 10-20 mg, 6-12 years for 20 mg, for adults - 40-80 mg 1-2 times a day. Solution for intramuscular administration is prescribed for 0.1 ml per year of life;

    • dibazol - for children under 1 year the drug is administered intravenously, intramuscularly and internally at 1 mg, 1-3 years - 2 mg, 4-8 years - 3 mg, 9-12 years - 4 mg, over 12 years andadults - 5 mg 1-2 times a day;

    • mebeverin - is released in capsules of 200 mg, is prescribed inside before meals, is not chewed and is washed down with water 1/2 - 1 capsule 2-4 times a day, depending on the age.

    If the cause of constipation is the psychoemotional instability of the patient, prescribe sedatives and tranquilizers. These include:

    • valerian - for children under 7 years, 1 teaspoon is prescribed, over 1 year old, 1 dessert spoon, 1 tablespoon adult;spoon 2-3 times daily before meals. Tincture is given in droplets 3-4 times a day, as many drops per reception as a child years, in tablets 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day are used;

    • Leonurus-tincture take 20-50 drops 3-4 times a day before meals;

    • novopassit - is applied on 2,5 10 ml 2-3 times a day.

    In turn, if the cause of constipation are organic diseases of the colon( neoplasms, Hirschsprung's disease, etc.), it is often required and surgical treatment aimed at restoring intestinal patency.