Useful and medicinal properties of the clown planus( lycopodium)
A perennial evergreen herbaceous plant with a very long( up to 1 m or more) creeping along the ground and rooting stem and densely leafy, ramified branched branches. Leaflets small, numerous, rigid, linear, at the tip turning into a long white curled hair, obliquely upward on the
directed, located on the stem with thick spirals in 10-12 longitudinal rows. Spore-bearing spikelets on legs, located at the tops of branches and stem, mostly 2 in length and consist of cristae-located, broad-ovoid serrated sporelysts, on the inner side of which there are kidney sporangia filled with spores. Spores in July-August.
Grows in conifers, mainly in pine forests, along forest edges, etc. It often forms continuous thickets.
With a healing purpose, use the herb and spores of this plant. Gather them carefully, cutting off the twigs with scissors and substituting some kind of vessel( preferably a paper bag), since the spores can easily dissipate at the slightest shaking or twig of the twig. Therefore, collect twigs better in the morning with dew, in quiet and wet weather. Dry them on paper in the room. After the spores are separated from the plant, and then dried, they must be sifted through a thick( silk) sieve. The spores are very loose, easily can be sifted even through a small hole or slot, so it is better to store them in bottles with good corks. Leaves of twigs should not be confused with spores, therefore it is not recommended to grind the twigs in their hands, but it is necessary to separate them by sifting. Spores are easily ignited in the air, so during work it is necessary to handle the fire very carefully.
In medicine, spores of the clown planus and other species are used as the best baby powder;they are also useful as a powder for wounds and diaper rash.
Inside use a decoction of spores and herbs in all diseases of the kidneys and bladder as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and partly diuretic.
Thanks to the first two properties, this broth is also useful in diseases of the liver, as well as of the respiratory tract. In these cases, it is prepared from the mere spores and grass of the plains.
In the absence of a dispute, the broth can be prepared from twigs. In scientific medicine, it is known under the name lycopodium .
Spore broth: 2 tbsp. Spoons of spores for 2 cups of raw water, boil for 15 minutes;drink 1 tbsp.spoon( with spores) every hour.
Decoction of herbs: 30-40 g per 1 l of water, boil and use 2 tbsp each.spoons every hour.
Spores contain up to 50% fatty oil, phytosterol, glycerin, sugar, protein. In the grass, alkaloids of clava-tine, nicotine, clavatoxin, lycopodia, etc., with a curare-like paralyzing effect were found.
In scientific medicine, spore placenta is used as an anti-inflammatory and drying agent as a powder for children and adults, in pharmaceuticals - for sprinkling pills. Plune is a part of a complex preparation against various forms of radiculitis, lumbago, plexitis, neuromyositis - akofit( radiculina).
Water infusion of herbs and spores in folk medicine is used in diseases of the liver and kidneys, urinary incontinence, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract diseases.
Ointment spore broth is used for washing and lotions for various skin diseases - scaly lichen, itching rashes, furunculosis, abscesses, and convulsions.
In countries of Western Europe, the preparations of the plauna are recommended for atony of the bladder, bladder stones, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, liver diseases, rheumatic and nerve pain.