  • Streptococcal infection - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Streptococcus is a whole family of microorganisms. Under a microscope, they look like a chain of balls. Among this family there are non-dangerous for humans, but several species cause quite a large number of dangerous diseases from food poisoning to purulent processes practically at any point of the body.

    Streptococcus under the microscope

    The term "streptococcal infection" defines a group of diseases caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. So it was called because of the property to destroy the red blood cells. This group includes, erysipelas, scarlet fever, local and generalized purulent-inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon, furuncles, osteomyelitis, wound infection, streptococcal sepsis and endocarditis. Streptococcal infection is a trigger mechanism for rheumatic fever( rheumatism), acute glomerulonephritis( inflammation of the kidney tissue).The closest relative of beta-hemolytic streptococcus is pneumococcus( streptococcus pneumonia) is the main causative agent of pneumonia, sinusitis.

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    The pathogenic effect of streptococcus is determined by its ability to produce toxins( poisons): streptolysin has a destructive effect on blood cells and heart tissue, erythrogenin causes the enlargement of small vessels and causes the appearance of a rash, for example in scarlet fever, leukocidin destroys leukocytes - one of the elements of the immune system. In addition, streptococci secretes enzymes that promote penetration and spreading it in tissues.

    The source of the infection is a sick person, possibly an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen.

    The main way of transmission of streptococcus is airborne, besides the contact-household way is possible - through dirty hands, contaminated care items. Penetration into the body often occurs through the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract( 96-97%), it is possible to get infected through the damaged skin or through the umbilical cord in newborns.

    In the place of introduction of streptococcus the body develops a foci of inflammation serous, purulent or with necrosis of the affected tissues( necrotic).Isolating specific enzymes, streptococcus overcomes local barriers and penetrates the blood and lymphatic system, causing the formation of foci of streptococcal infection in distant organs( heart, bones, etc.), inflammation of the lymph nodes. Toxins secreted by streptococcus cause a sharp rise in temperature, vomiting, headache, impaired consciousness( often with scarlet fever, erysipelas, sepsis).No less significant is the so-called allergic syndrome: the patient develops an allergic reaction to the components of the cell membrane of the streptococcus, during which the kidneys, heart, joints are damaged by the immune system. Immunity after the transferred streptococcal infection is unstable, so a person can repeatedly suffer from streptococcal diseases( the exception is one of the components - against the toxins produced by streptococcus, it remains for life, providing protection against recurrent scarlet fever).

    Symptoms in streptococcal infection

    Briefly consider the specific manifestations of streptococcal infection.

    Scarlet fever .Purple fever was called scarlet fever in the 17th century because of one of its manifestations - a copious pinpoint rash. Scarlet fever occurs with a high body temperature, pronounced intoxication. One of the signs of scarlet fever is inflammation of the tonsils( tonsillitis, tonsillitis).The disease begins sharply with chills, general weakness, headache, sore throat when swallowing, body temperature rise to 38-39˚.6-12 hours after the onset of the disease, a rash appears, initially more noticeable on the hands, feet, upper body. The maximum development of the rash reaches 2-3 days of the disease, gradually disappearing by the beginning of the second week.

    Symptoms of streptococcal infection

    If a person has immunity against streptococcus toxins, then getting infected with this pathogen, a person will not get scarlet fever, but an angina.

    Angina is an inflammation of the tonsils of the pharynx( most often the palatine).It is the transferred angina, in the absence of anti-streptococcal treatment, more often than other diseases is the cause of the development of autoimmune processes leading to damage to the heart and kidneys. The probability of angina disease depends on the state of the local immunity of the tonsils: the lower it is, the greater the chance of getting a sore throat. Reducing the overall immunity, under the influence of hypothermia, adverse environmental conditions also increases the likelihood of an angina.

    overcome local security barriers tonsils, strep begins to multiply and produce a variety of substances that cause inflammation, which can be in nature catarrhal, follicular, lacunar and necrotic. The penetration of streptococci and the products of their vital activity through the lymphatic pathways into the lymph nodes causes their acute inflammation. When the failure of the barrier function of tissue surrounding the tonsil, streptococci can penetrate the tissue around the tonsils, causing them inflammation( called peritonzillit, peritonsillar abscess), while penetrating the blood can lead to the development of sepsis. Absorbed in the blood products of the vital activity of streptococci cause a violation of thermoregulation, as well as damage to the tissues of the body and in the first place - the central and peripheral nervous system, kidneys, liver, blood vessels, myocardium, and others.

    The incubation period with angina is 1-2 days. The onset of the disease is acute. Most often among the full health appear chills, general weakness, headache, aches in the joints, sore throat when swallowing. Chills last for 15-30 minutes, then a feeling of heat. In severe forms of the disease, chills continue for a long time, and are repeated the next day. Headache blunt, does not have a certain localization, persists for 2-3 days. The ache in the joints, in the lower back appears almost simultaneously with the chills and persists for 1-2 days. Sore throat, initially minor, worries only when swallowing, then gradually intensifies, becomes permanent, reaches maximum severity on the second day. Rash with angina does not happen. Tonsils with angina are enlarged, with a yellow-white purulent coating or white vesicles( follicles).

    Roger is not an expressive word, but another disease caused by streptococcus. The disease has both common signs of infection - headache, fever to 39-40˚, chills, weakness, muscle pain, and specific - inflammatory lesions of skin areas. The area of ​​the affected skin rises above the healthy, has a bright uniform( red) color and clear boundaries. Depending on the severity of the disease, skin damage can be limited to the area of ​​redness, but, in severe cases, blisters and hemorrhages may appear.

    The bone marrow inflammation of , which spreads to all layers of the bone, is called as the osteomyelitis of .Streptococcus can be its cause in 6-8% of cases. The disease is manifested by a purulent lesion of the bone marrow. The bone substance dies off, an abscess is formed, which soon breaks out.
    The extreme manifestation of streptococcal infection is sepsis. This disease develops in people with sharply reduced immunity. From the primary focus the pathogen is spread by blood through the body, new and new foci of infection appear-abscesses in the liver, kidneys, brain, lungs, bones, joints, etc. The disease can take lightning-fast forms, with the death of the patient for 2-3 days, but can last for years( the so-called chroniosepsis).

    Diagnosis of streptococcal infection

    The diagnosis of streptococcal infection is based on the symptoms of the disease. To clarify the nature of the disease( the degree of reaction of the body), as well as to exclude possible complications, the patient conducts blood, urine, and electrocardiography tests. To clarify the type of pathogen, bacteriological studies are carried out-plantings of biological material from foci of infection( eg, smears from tonsils, foci on the skin, sputum from the lungs).By establishing a diagnosis, the doctor must distinguish disease streptococcal nature of diphtheria( tonsils defeat similar to angina), rubella and measles( rash, similar to those with milder forms of scarlet fever), infectious mononucleosis( sore throat), dermatitis and eczema( similar to a skin lesion aterysipelas).

    Treatment of streptococcal infection

    treatment of streptococcal infections is carried out using antibiotic penicillins: benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, bicillin Bitsilli 3 or 5 on the third-fourth day after the beginning of treatment with penicillin. Stability against penicillin antibiotics streptococci is not available. With an allergy to penicillins, an erythromycin-type antibiotic( erythromycin, oleandomycin) can be prescribed. Drugs group sulfonamides( sulfadimethoxine, cotrimoxazole) and tetracyclines( tetracycline, doxycycline) are not effective and are not recommended for the treatment, their use may result in asymptomatic carriers( carrier will infect others).By the end of the treatment, antibiotics are prescribed drugs normalizing the intestinal microflora( linex, bactisubtil).

    To remove toxins from the body requires a plentiful drink of up to 3 liters of fluid per day( tea, fruit juice, fruit juice or just water).With a curative and fortifying purpose take vitamin C, which has the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and participate in the removal of toxins.
    Combined preparations with paracetamol, such as koldrex, teraflu can be used, but for a short time, as when they are used, the appearance of well-being may appear, which is the reason for refusing treatment and complications.

    Drugs for rinsing the pharynx are not able to affect not only the streptococcus, located deep in the tissues, but also on the surface. Therefore, rinsing is used more in hygienic than for medicinal purposes. Rinsing is more preferable than lozenges for resorption, since in the first case the pathogen is washed out and discharged outside, and in the second it is swallowed.
    Diet sick person should be easily digestible( the body does not need to spend extra energy on the splitting of food), with enough vitamins.

    Folk methods of treatment of streptococcal infection

    Folk methods of treatment of streptococcal infection will bring great benefit to a sick person, however, as the only or independent method of treatment are not suitable. When deciding to abandon traditional( with antibiotics) treatment methods, a person should understand that he takes responsibility for the possible occurrence of severe complications of the infection. Preparations used in folk medicine are mainly presented with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. This is an infusion of berries containing a large amount of vitamins( dogrose, cranberry, raspberry) - their use strengthens the body's defenses and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins, the same purpose is pursued by the use of decoctions of plants with diuretic properties( cranberry leaf, bearberry).Decoctions of plants that have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties( oak bark, willow bark, chamomile, string) are used both inside and outside as rinses and lotions. Thermal procedures, for example, a bath with the use of brooms and decoctions of herbs, can be carried out during the recovery period, only without excess: overheating also has a bad effect on the body, like hypothermia, mechanical effects on the focus on the skin can lead to an aggravation of the process. If the prescription of treatment seems complex, questionable, then it is worth to abandon it in favor of simple proven means.

    Applying folk methods, it is not necessary to go to extremes: so some "folk healers" offer to use as a treatment lotion with urine and even fresh manure!
    Prevention of streptococcal infection is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, home hygiene and public places. Hardening and playing sports contribute to strengthening the protective properties of the body. Healthy, nutritious food is an important component of protection from any diseases.

    Harmful habits: smoking and alcohol abuse reduce the effectiveness of not only general and local protective barriers, but also adversely affect the outcome of the disease, increasing the risk of complications. Timely processing of micro-trauma( for example, iodine solution) will reduce the risk of penetration and development of the pathogen in the wound. If in the immediate environment there are patients with streptococcal infection, they should be isolated for the duration of treatment.

    Consultation of a doctor on the topic Streptococcal infection.

    Is there a vaccination against streptococcal infection?
    Answer: No, the vaccine for beta-hemolytic streptococcus was not developed. There is a vaccine from his "relative" pneumococcus.

    Can I get scarlet fever twice?
    Answer: You can, but it's more in theory. In practice, it is extremely rare

    What is the duration of the course of taking an antibiotic? Can not I cancel earlier?
    Answer: The standard course of antibiotic therapy is 7-10 days. At the discretion of the doctor, the course can be reduced to 5 days, or extended to 2 weeks. It is strongly recommended not to cut the course on your own.

    What is more effective in rinsing your throat or spray( sprays)?
    Answer: Both methods have no great medical value. Rinsing is more preferably, with a hygienic purpose, to remove inflammation products. The composition of sprays often include sulfonamides that are ineffective in streptococcal infections.

    What are the timing of complications of streptococcal infection?
    Answer: Complications can occur between 1-2 days and 4 weeks.monitoring for an ill and sparing regimen can last for up to 3 months.

    Doctor therapist SV Sokov.