
Causes, symptoms and basic methods of treatment of thrombophlebitis in pregnancy

  • Causes, symptoms and basic methods of treatment of thrombophlebitis in pregnancy

    Thrombophlebitis refers to the inflammatory process of the vessel wall, during which the formation of a blood clot, also called a thrombus, occurs. In the risk group, in addition to the elderly, there are also young "pregnant women".Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy is justified by the physiological changes occurring during the first weeks of gestation. Against the background of a pathological increase in intra-abdominal pressure and thickening of the blood, the veins of the legs and small pelvis are affected.

    Hazardous factors

    Thrombophlebitis in pregnancy can develop in the background:

    1. Weight gain.
    2. A sedentary lifestyle.
    3. Progression of infectious pathologies.
    4. Progression of pathologies of the cardiac system.
    5. Progression of pathologies of the vascular system.
    6. The use of hormonal contraceptives.
    7. Histology.
    8. Use of glucocorticoids.

    Progression of a dangerous pathology two to three weeks after the resolution of the burden.


    Thrombophlebitis in pregnant women develops as follows:

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    • , a mildly painful syndrome appears in the lower limbs;
    • the skin on the venous patches changes color, becomes slightly warmer to the touch, and then becomes inflamed;
    • slightly increases body temperature;
    • painful syndrome "moves" to the region of the waist, sacrum and abdomen;
    • overall health becomes worse;
    • on the actual site formed a thrombus;
    • specific seals-thrombi appear on the skin;
    • during movement, the pain is aggravated.

    The most dangerous complication for human life is the penetration of the severed part of the thrombus into the pulmonary artery.

    Diagnostic measures

    Thrombophlebitis in pregnant women, unfortunately, is diagnosed with great difficulty. This is due to the presence of nonspecific symptoms, which may also indicate the occurrence of varicose veins. But if the lady was lucky to be at the reception of a meticulous specialist, the disease will be detected in a timely manner.

    To modern diagnostic methods include:

    1. Ultrasound examination of veins.
    2. Fibrinogen.
    3. Coagulogram.

    Professional medical care

    The goal of treating thrombophlebitis in pregnancy is to stop inflammation and a local thrombotic process. Treatment begins after the establishment of an accurate diagnosis. The course of health-improving therapy is appointed by the "triumvirate" of a gynecologist, hemology and genetics.

    The course of treatment of this pathology consists of taking medications, adherence to diet and prescribed by the doctor regime.

    Taking medications

    With thrombophlebitis during pregnancy, a doctor prescribes the administration of concomitant anticoagulant coagulation reduction. Also assigned:

    1. Vegetable phlebotonics.
    2. Anti-inflammatory gels. Anesthetics( relevant for a severe painful syndrome).

    If the future mother does not want to "poison" her body with medicines, she is recommended to pay attention to wearing compression products. This helps to reduce fatigue and swelling, as well as the disappearance of seizures.

    Features of the diet

    If the attending physician has put the future mother diagnosed with "thrombophlebitis during pregnancy", then treatment, in addition to taking prescribed medicines, will include adherence to a special diet.

    So, it is extremely important to include in your diet products that help reduce blood clotting. To pay attention it is necessary: ​​

    • to seafood;
    • to berries;
    • dried fruit;
    • to ginger.

    Also in the menu it is necessary to include fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins of group B. The products containing rutin and ascorbic acid should be present on the table. From oily and acute products must be discarded. It is desirable to replace the usual tea with ginger tea.

    Preventive measures

    In order for the treatment of thrombophlebitis in pregnancy to bear fruit, it is necessary to perform several simple rules. This will help to avoid relapses in the future and stop the development of the disease in an irreversible stage.

    The main preventive measure in the development of this pathology is the correct and timely treatment of venous pathologies.

    A young lady at risk must pay attention to long walks and swimming. During rest it is desirable to knead the feet as often as possible, making them circular motions.

    It is strongly recommended not to sit for a long time in one pose, as this contributes to blood congestion and swelling of the lower extremities.

    It is necessary to observe a gemologist and gynecologist regularly.


    It is important to remember the planning of pregnancy. The successful birth of a healthy baby depends on this factor.

    Thrombophlebitis is not at all a verdict for a young woman. In the case of strict compliance with all the requirements of the doctor, the chances of enduring and producing a healthy offspring are large enough.

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