  • Acute respiratory failure symptoms

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    Acute respiratory insufficiency( ODN) is a pathological condition in which the body can not provide the necessary amount of oxygen to the organs and tissues. A.P.Zilber( 1978) defines ODN even more simply: the inability of the lungs to turn venous blood into an arterial blood.

    The most common causes of acute respiratory failure: chest and respiratory injuries accompanied by rib fractures, pneumo- or hemothorax, disorders of central respiratory regulation in injuries and brain diseases;violation of airway patency;reduction of the functioning surface of the lungs, for example, with pneumonia, circulatory disorders in the small circle( shock lung, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema), drug overdose.

    Signs of acute respiratory failure: dyspnea, cyanosis( absent from bleeding and anemia), tachycardia, agitation, then progressive inhibition, loss of consciousness, skin moisture, reddening, inclusion of respiratory musculature.

    With progressive respiratory failure, hypertension is replaced by hypotension, bradyarrhythmia often develops, and death occurs when cardiovascular insufficiency occurs. Resuscitative measures in the terminal phase of ODN are ineffective, therefore, timely intensive ODN therapy is especially important. Until the cause of ODN is clarified, it is strictly forbidden to administer to the patient drugs of hypnotic, sedative or neuroleptic effects, as well as drugs.

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    With mild diseases and injuries and the occurrence of ODN, simple measures are often helpful. With fractures of the ribs( 1-2) analgesia with an analgin solution of 50% 2-3 ml, baralgina, trigan, giving through an oxygen mask stops or significantly softens ODN.Violation of the patency of the upper respiratory tract( foreign bodies, saliva, blood, mucus) is eliminated either by sucking or gauze swab on the clamp, followed by the introduction of an airway and inhalation of oxygen. If possible, the paramedic calls the emergency care team of the ambulance. All patients with acute respiratory failure hospitalized in hospitals, depending on the cause that caused ODN.