  • Paratypho A and B - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Paratyphosis is an infectious disease, similar in etiology, epidemiology and ptogenesis with typhoid fever, but with some peculiarities in symptoms.
    The causative agent, as well as typhoid fever, belongs to the genus Salmonella. Pathogen type A - Salmonella paratyphi;In - S. schotmuelleri.

    When describing the morphology( shape, size, presence of flagella, etc.) are identical to the causative agent of typhoid fever, but in biochemical respect B is more active( fermentation of carbohydrates to acid and gas), which causes less pathogenicity, that is, harmful to the body.

    Well preserved in the environment, in drinking water, in dairy products. Relatively resistant to the effects of physical and chemical factors, as well as to low temperatures. At boiling dies instantly. Distribution and susceptibility are ubiquitous, as in typhoid fever.

    Causes of infection with the paratyphoid

    The source is a sick person or carrier. Ways - fecal-oral, contact-household.

    Symptoms of paratyphoid

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    With paratyphoid A, the incubation period is shorter than in typhoid, and is 8-10 days. Then, as with typhoid( all the same stages as the pathogen of typhoid fever), the initial period occurs in 2 forms - typhoid fever in 60%, and catarrhal in 40%.The main manifestations are:

    • facial hyperemia,
    • injection of sclera,
    • cough and runny nose,
    • fever accompanied by excessive sweating( usually at night),
    • rash occurs by the end of the week, but it is not always typical, i.e. notonly a roseolous character, and possibly with rashes, very similar to measles exanthema. The rash is more plentiful.

    Paratyph B - incubation period of 5-10 days or more. The initial period can occur in three forms: gastrointestinal - in 60%, typhoid - 20%, catarrhal - 20%.But whatever form it was, the beginning was always acute, in the form of

    • gastroenteritis,
    • fever with a large daily amplitude, which aggravates the disease,
    • abundant rashes,
    • muscle pains can also be observed.

    Diagnosis of paratyphoid

    The main diagnostic method is the bacteriological study of feces, blood, vomit( little informative).Use of RNGA for the detection of antibodies to salmonella. RA vidal and / or Vi-agglutination with typical sera( to confirm or refute the presence of S. typhi).

    Treatment and prevention are identical in typhoid pathogens. Complications with paratyphoid occur extremely rarely( 0.2%).

    Therapist doctor Shabanova I.Е.