
Hairstyles for girls for long hair to school: detailed lessons with photos

  • Hairstyles for girls for long hair to school: detailed lessons with photos

    In this article, step-by-step instructions will be considered so that you can understand how to make hairstyles for long hair for girls - primary school pupils, and older - adolescence. There will be presented options for simple hairstyles for the school and schemes for the formation of hairstyles for children, which are suitable for visiting any holiday.

    For school

    Doing a girl with long hair hairstyle to school, it is important to understand that, despite the fact that this length allows you to show imagination and perform a variety of hairstyles, all the same, the school hairstyle should be, first of all, comfortable and fast. At least because in the morning rush there is no time to implement complex ideas.

    The simplest version of the hairstyle for a girl who is 7-9 years old is a pony tail, complemented by a braid and decorated with a satin ribbon.

    1. First you need to comb your hair and put it in the tail.
    2. Then from the tail it is necessary to separate a lock and braid out of it a braid, fixing it with an elastic band.
    3. instagram viewer
    4. Then around the base of the tail it is necessary to wrap the satin ribbon, and from its ends form a bow. Photo-instruction below.

    For girls older than 10-14 years, a hairstyle made on the basis of a low tail is suitable. Such an easy, but original hairdo, the girl can do with her own hands.

    1. First, the hair must be combed back and divided by a horizontal parting.
    2. Then the upper part should be gathered in the tail approximately at the level of the ears.
    3. Then from the bottom you need to braid the braid and wrap it around the base of the tail, i.e. Around the rubber band, with which the tail is fixed.
    4. The end of the braid must be fixed with the help of invisible.

    For the holidays

    Children's hairstyles should not only be comfortable, practical, but also bright, especially if they are intended for any holiday.
    If the girl is 5 years old, her long hair will look great hairstyle, based on the shape of the ponytails, and decorates the hair of a magnificent bow.

    1. First of all, in order to easier to weave, the hair should be applied with a gel.
    2. Then the hair needs to be divided into triangles.
    3. Hair in each of the triangles should be gathered in tails and fastened with elastic bands.
    4. Then the strands of each tail must be divided into two equal parts and twisted two neighboring strands together in the form of a bundle.
    5. Thus, all strands should be twisted.
    6. At the final stage, all the bundles must be gathered in the tail and fastened with an elastic band.
    7. The ends of the remaining hair can be twisted, and the ready hairdress is decorated with a bright bow.

    Girls at the age of 11-12 years will approach a festive hairstyle on the basis of several braids.

    1. First, the hair must be combed back and the strands in the upper part separated.
    2. Then from these strands you need to braid the braid not in the center, but to the right.
    3. Then from the hair of the lower part, braid the braid in the center and roll it into a bundle.
    4. Next, the upper oblique need to wrap a bundle and fix the hair with invisible objects.

    For teenage girls

    In adolescence, everyone wants to look special and somehow stand out, and you can do it with your hair. Teenage hairstyles should be fashionable, simple in execution and appropriate.

    Hairstyles based on braids will never look boring. Firstly, because the braided braids look elegant. Secondly, there are several methods of weaving braids: spikelets, fish tail, an oblique spit, due to which the hairstyles will never be monotonous. Third, the braid can be fixed in the center, from the side, and laid on one side. Thus, on the basis of braids, you can get both business and holiday hairstyles.

    Also as a basis for the formation of hairstyles for teens can be a tail. There are several options for tailored hairstyles, supplemented by one or more braids of different widths and differently fixed. Such hairstyles are universal, because they can approach both the school uniform and the festive dress. In addition, hairstyles with a tail can be done without problems at home.
    In the photo below, the possible hairstyle options with tail are shown.

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