  • Contraindications when taking certain herbs

    Avran medicinal. The intake of higher doses causes uncontrollable persistent vomiting. The plant is very poisonous, so it is not recommended to take it.

    Adonis spring is a poisonous plant. Observe the dosage.

    Air ordinary( roots) - With increased secretion of the stomach, do not take roots.

    Aloe( century).The use of aloe drugs causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Contraindicated in diseases of the liver and gall bladder, with uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, cystitis and pregnancy.

    The Aralia of Manchuria. It is necessary to avoid the use of drugs from aralia with hypertension, insomnia, increased nervous excitability.

    Mountain arnica is a poisonous plant. Observe the exact dosage. Led fly is a poisonous plant. Internal use requires great care, because the wrong dosage can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Small Barrow's Ears is a poisonous plant. Observe the exact dosage.

    Bedrenec, anise ordinary - raw materials can cause photodermatitis and contact dermatitis.

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    Belen black is a highly poisonous plant.

    Birch warty. In view of the irritating effect on the kidneys, the use of infusion, broth and tincture of birch buds as a diuretic is permissible under the supervision of a doctor. Do not take it for a long time.

    Immortelle( tsmin sand) - raises blood pressure. When hypertension is not used for a long time.

    Burda is ivy. Internal use of a burdock as a poisonous plant requires caution. Observe the exact dosage.

    Valerian, roots. You can not eat for a long time and in large quantities. In such cases, it acts depressingly on the digestive organs, causes headache, nausea, an agitated condition and disrupts the activity of the heart.

    Cornflower blue. In view of the content of blue strongly active compounds in the cornflower with the cyan component, it is necessary to be careful when using raw materials.

    Basilisk. Take only as directed by the doctor, the plant is poisonous. Convolvulus of the field( birch).When using large amounts of plants, complaints can arise from the gastrointestinal tract, like vomiting, diarrhea, and general malaise.

    Highland pepper, mountainous pochechuyny, mountain bird bird. Has a strong blood-curdling effect. Patients with thrombophlebitis should not be admitted.

    Pomegranate( fruits).The juice of the fruit must be drunk with dilute water, since the juice contains many different acids that irritate the stomach and corrode the enamel of the teeth. Carefully apply the pomegranate cortex, since an overdose can cause dizziness, weakness, blurred vision, convulsions.

    Gryzhnik is smooth. It must be remembered that the hernia is a poisonous plant and, when used in higher doses, can cause poisoning.

    Devyasil. Infusion and decoction of elecampane are contraindicated in pregnancy and kidney disease.

    The medicinal hermit. With prolonged use and overdose, it causes dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, sometimes liver damage, hemorrhages( under the skin, in the muscles, internal organs) and even central nervous system paralysis.

    Drok dyeing. When using large amounts of gorse, poisoning, similar to nicotine poisoning, may occur. This requires caution when using this plant.

    Common dope. Poisonous plant. Do not take internally.

    Common cocklebur. When pregnancy is not taken, because it acts reversibly.

    Dymyary officinalis. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires great care.

    Ginseng( root) - apply only in cold weather. Prolonged use of ginseng and its use in large doses causes negative phenomena: insomnia, palpitations, headaches, heart pain, decreased sexual potency, etc.

    Obesity is a poisonous plant. Internal use requires great care.

    Zoster laxative. Manifestations of intolerance - nausea and vomiting - are related to the fact that emodin irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. St. John's wort perforated. The plant is poisonous. Internal use requires great care. With prolonged use causes a narrowing of the blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

    Wild strawberries( berry).It should be remembered that in some people there is an increased sensitivity to strawberries, which causes them an allergic disease, accompanied by persistent urticaria. In this case, you can not eat strawberries.

    The golden rod. Poisonous plant. Precisely observe the dosage.

    Kalina ordinary. Because of the high content of purines, the fruits of the viburnum are contraindicated for gout and kidney diseases.

    Cassius angustifolia. Large doses of senna drugs cause colic in the abdomen.

    Kirkazon ordinary. The plant is poisonous, therefore it should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. During pregnancy, it can cause a miscarriage.

    Scum of ordinary color. Poisonous plant, accurately observe the dosage.

    The European kopecks. The use of it as a highly poisonous plant requires great care. Cat's foot is dioecious( immortelle).A strong blood coagulant. Use with caution in thrombophlebitis. Undesirable prolonged reception with high blood pressure.

    Nettles. Nettle without a doctor's advice is not recommended. Preparations from this plant are contraindicated for people with high blood coagulability, with hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis, and should not be used for bleeding caused by a cyst, polyps and other tumors of the uterus and its appendages. Red hot chili peppers. Internal use of the tincture can cause acute severe gastrointestinal disorders.

    The ordinary cross. In case of an overdose, dry mouth is felt, palpitation occurs, in all plant species pyrozolidonic alkaloids have a carcinogenic effect.

    Contraindications: glaucoma, organic liver and kidney disease.

    The cross is rhomboid( flat-leafed).Recently, it has been established that most of the crest alkaloids have a carcinogenic effect. The buckthorn is fragile( bark).Poisonous plant. Use bark that has been aged for at least a year in a dry place or subjected to heating at 100 ° C for 1 hour. Otherwise, the use of bark is associated with the risk of poisoning( nausea, vomiting).

    White egg. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution.

    The egg is yellow. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution.

    Corn stigmas. A strong blood-coagulating agent. With increased coagulability, do not use.

    European bathing suit. Poisonous plant, especially roots. Application requires great care.

    Laminaria. Do not take with kidney disease. Lily of the Valley May. Poisonous plant. The use of lily-of-the-valley preparations is contraindicated in severe organic changes in the heart and blood vessels, acute myocardium, endocarditis and severe cardiosclerosis.

    Leuzea safflower( maral root).The drug is used as directed and under the supervision of a doctor. Contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and eye fundus disease. Schizandra Chinese Schizophrenia. It is used according to the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. Contraindicated with nervous arousal and overexcitation, insomnia, high blood pressure, severe violations of cardiac activity.

    Onion. Tincture of onions is contraindicated to the heart and liver patients and kidney diseases.

    Linen common. Poisonous plant. Internal application requires caution and accurate dosage.

    Flaxseed. Contraindications are cholecystitis and hepatitis. Long-term use of flaxseed is also not recommended. Love the medicinal. It can cause flushing of the pelvic organs, so you can not use it in pregnancy due to the danger of an abortion.

    Poppy seed( wild).High doses are toxic.

    Marena crushing, crapp. It has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach, increases the acidity of the gastric juice.

    Contraindications: acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, peptic ulcer, hyperacid gastritis( with increased acidity).

    Juniperum vulgaris. Juniper( berries) can not be used for acute inflammation of the kidneys. Internal use of berries requires precise dosage and is contraindicated in pregnancy.

    Euphorbia of any variety. Internal use of milkweed, as strongly poisonous plants, requires great care.

    Carrots sowing, garden. Do not use root vegetables, the top parts of root crops that are above the ground and green. Negatively affects the activity of the heart. Sea cabbage( kelp).You should not use sea cabbage for lung tuberculosis, liver disease, furunculosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, hives, during pregnancy, when the use of iodine drugs is contraindicated.

    Common soap. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution. Mine field and forest. When ingested, it closes access to childbearing. To mint garden, cultural it does not apply.

    Digitalis purple. Strongly poisonous plant, although a valuable cardiac remedy. The use of digitalis requires great care and obligatory control of the doctor.

    Greek collar. Periplozin is a highly toxic compound, and its use even in small doses can cause toxic effects, so you need to be careful when applying it. Use it for treatment only under the direct supervision of a physician. Comfrey comfrey. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution and strict dosage.

    The mistletoe is white. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution.

    Walnut walnut, nut hazelnut( forest).When ingesting the kernels of walnuts and hazelnuts and some other nuts, it is often necessary to observe the dosage, that is, take in small amounts, since a little excess intake is enough - and the person soon has headaches in the front of the head. This is due to the fact that the reception of the kernels of nuts causes spasm of cerebral vessels in the anterior part of the head.

    Cleaning is pungent. Poisonous plant. Observe the exact dosage. The juice of fresh herbs causes inflammation and the formation of blisters on the skin.

    Ferns for men. Strongly poisonous plant. Fern preparations are contraindicated in case of heart failure, liver disease, kidney disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, severe exhaustion, anemia and active tuberculosis.

    Nightshade sweet bitter, nightshade black. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution.

    Shepherd's bag. Preparations from a shepherd's hand are contraindicated for people with increased blood coagulability.

    Overflow white. It should be noted that the plant is a poisonous one. An overdose of it can cause bloody diarrhea and jade.

    Tansy vulgaris. Poisonous plant. Internal application requires caution and accurate dosage.

    Picker common. When taking large amounts of plants, there may be signs of intoxication, expressed by a strong aching in the muscles. Signs of poisoning can begin when eating meat of animals, most often swine or birds, which were fed seeds of this plant. Complaints last from three to ten days, depending on the severity of intoxication, after which they spontaneously pass.

    Peony dodging. Strongly poisonous plant. Internal application requires great care and accurate dosage.

    Ivy. The plant is poisonous. May cause poisoning. In more sensitive people, when exposed to raw materials, dermatitis occurs. The fruit of ivy is particularly toxic.

    Wormwood bitter( silvery).Poisonous plant. Internal application requires caution and accurate dosage. Avoid prolonged use. It can cause convulsions, hallucinations and even the phenomena of mental disorders. The use of wormwood in pregnancy is contraindicated. Do not use with peptic ulcer.

    Artemisia wormwood. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires great care and necessarily medical control. Kidney tea( orthosiphon).When ingestion, increase the intake of water, since tea kidney removes large amounts of water from the body. Shoot meadow( sleep-grass).Strongly poisonous plant. Internal use of the plant requires great care and accurate dosage.

    Rhodiola rosea( golden root).Precisely observe the dosage. In case of an overdose, there may be side reactions from the nervous system in the form of insomnia, headaches, palpitation, increased irritability. To be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Drug administration is contraindicated in cases of severe symptoms of nervous diseases, exhaustion of cerebral cortical cells, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and hypotension caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Rhubarb. When taking medications containing rhubarb, urine, milk and sweat are dyed yellow. In an alkaline environment - the color of

    is red. It should be avoided to appoint patients with gout and patients suffering from kidney stone disease with oxalate stones. In view of the fact that the rhubarb can cause hemorrhage from the rectal veins, its use in hemorrhoids is not recommended.

    Radish for sowing. Internal application of a radish is contraindicated for cardiac and hepatic patients, with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Rhododendron is golden. Poisonous plant. When an overdose can occur poisoning, which are signs of: strong salivation, the urge to vomit, severe pain along the digestive tract, a state of intoxication, depression of the cardiovascular system of breathing, lowering of blood pressure.

    Drugs have an irritant effect on the urinary tract. In diseases of the kidneys are contraindicated.

    Ruta is fragrant. A poisonous plant, especially a fresh plant, and requires caution in dosage.

    Single beet. With the intake of fresh beet juice, there is a strong spasm of blood vessels. Therefore, freshly squeezed juice is allowed to settle for 2-3 hours, so that harmful volatile fractions will evaporate. After that, you can apply juice.

    Common lilac. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution.

    Licorice is naked. With prolonged intake of licorice, and especially after application of carbenokselona, ​​there is an increase in blood pressure, fluid retention until the onset of edema, abnormalities in the genital area - weakening of the libido, development of gynecomastia, restriction or disappearance of hair follicles, etc.

    ergot( uterine horns).Strongly poisonous plant. The use of ergot requires very great caution and necessarily medical supervision.

    Tartar is thorny, or ordinary. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.

    Thermopsy lanceolate. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution. When hemoptysis intake is contraindicated.

    Bearberry. Do not use long! Some authors do not recommend the use of leaves in the form of a decoction, as this irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Yarrow. Poisonous plant. Internal use of all kinds of yarrow, like poisonous plants, and an overdose cause dizziness and skin rashes. Precisely observe the dosage. Violet three-color, pansies. Long-term use of drugs from violets and overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea and an itchy rash.

    Physalis common, bubble cherry, field cherry. It must be remembered that the plant contains substances with severe toxicity. Consuming fruit should be without a bubble cup, since it contains toxic substances.

    Horsetail of the field. A poisonous plant, the use of contraindicated in acute inflammation of the kidneys, is dangerous even with a slight irritation. Internal application requires precise dosage.

    Hops. Poisonous plant. Requires an accurate dosage, beware of overdose when taken orally.

    Common horseradish. Be careful not to ingest horseradish in large quantities.

    Chinese tea. Excessive consumption of tea can lead to increased excitability. Strong tea is contraindicated in heart diseases, with peptic ulcer and neuroses.

    Chemeritsa. Chemeritsa and all preparations prepared from it are very poisonous. The external application of the chamois can also cause severe, even fatal, poisoning.

    Wild bird cherry. The plant is poisonous. Internal application of bird cherry requires caution( especially bark, fruit, leaves).Cheremsha. Avoid the use of wild garlic with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    Medicinal black cord. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires great care, especially in dosage.

    Garlic can not be used by patients with a falling disease, full-blooded people and pregnant women.

    Forest sweeper. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution.

    Purity is great. All parts of the plant, especially the roots, are poisonous. Internal application requires very great care and accurate dosage. Apply only under medical supervision. An unreasonable and prolonged use causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression of the respiratory center.

    Rosehip. After ingestion of wild rose hairs, rinse your mouth with warm water or soda with warm water. Acids contained in the infusion, corrodes the tooth enamel.

    Sorrel is acidic. Contains purine substances and oxalic acid. It is not recommended to use sorrel for disturbed salt metabolism( rheumatism, gout) and related diseases, with inflammation of the intestine and tuberculosis.

    Ephedra is two-colony. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires caution in hypertension, atherosclerosis, severe organic heart disease and insomnia.

    Ash ordinary. The plant is poisonous. Internal use requires caution in hypertension, atherosclerosis, severe organic heart disease and insomnia.

    Yasenets. In contact with the plant, especially during flowering, severe skin lesions like burns, which are painful and difficult to heal, can appear. It is proved that poisoning can occur when inhaling the vapors of essential oil of the ash tree.

    The fragrant fragrant. Poisonous plant. Internal use requires great care, with an overdose of vomiting, headache, dizziness and even death.