  • Nidularium purple

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    Nidularium purpureum

    Homeland - Brazil.

    Leaves linear densely covered with small white scales. Decorative plants are associated with widely oval brownish-red finely sliced ​​along the edge of the colorless leaves. With them, red sepals and petals are perfectly combined.

    Numerous nidularum varieties are known, derived mainly from N. Innokentii:

    Chantrieri - leaves in a green rosette with a purple hue, bracts bright, crimson leaves, elongate-triangular, sharp-edged at the margin;Cherry Road - jagged on the edge of bracts are painted with green, cream and pink stripes;

    Francois Spae - leaves in the rosette are gray-green, bracts - short, almost triangular, rarely dentate, reddish-purple;Krakatoa - the leaves in the rosette are long, glittering finely dentate purple-lilac, bracts linguiform, bent back, finely dentate, reddish-pink well depicting the white flowers of the inflorescence;

    Madonna - a widely opened rosette is collected from light green finely jagged leaves, bracts are elongate-triangular, bent back, shiny bright pink with a white base, inflorescence dense capitate with a mass of yellowish-red flowers;Nana - an elegant rosette is assembled from purple-green with darker strokes or almost blue-green leaves, bracts triangular with a drawn sharp apex, bright scarlet, excellently shade white flowers;

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    Odd Ball is an extraordinarily attractive variety, the rosette is large spreading loose, collected from narrow long linear leaves of bright green color. Bracts gradually decreasing in size toward the center, folded along the central vein, pointed at the tip, sharp Finely serrate, dyed green-pink;Ruby Lee - all the leaves in the rosette, including bracts green with red and crimson stripes, white flowers.

    Courtship. Nidulyaryum needs diffuse light. It grows well on the northern windows. In summer the temperature is 22-24 ° C, in winter it is at least 15 ° C.Watering is regular, in winter - moderate. Spraying is useful.

    As a substrate, use a mixture of peat, sheet, humus earth and coconut fiber with the addition of charcoal or finely chopped sphagnum, peat, sheet earth and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.Feed monthly with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers.

    Propagated by offspring and seeds.