
Kidodenoma of the kidney - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Kidodenoma of the kidney - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Kidadenoma of the kidney is a cyst of the kidney that develops against the background of a malignant neoplasm of this organ.

    Kidodenoma of the kidney

    Causes of the kidney of the kidney

    It is believed that the mechanism of the development of the kistadenoma is associated with impaired renal circulation due to the pressure of the malignant tumor on the parenchyma of the organ. The result is the squeezing of the vessel, where the focus of small necrosis develops at the site of the blood supply. Later, this necrotic focus is filled with exudate fluid and a cyst is formed in its place. This theory is the main one in the development of the kidney kistadenoma, although there are many others. For example, one can not exclude the fact that the kidney cyst develops against a malignant neoplasm, and not vice versa. Many scientists in the field of urology are inclined to the fact that the tumor is only a secondary pathology in the pathogenesis of the kidney kystadenoma.

    Symptoms of the kidney kystadenoma

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    At the initial stages of its development, the kidney kystadenoma is asymptomatic, which is the reason for the late diagnosis of the disease. A characteristic feature of Kistadenoma is that it combines the symptoms of cysts and kidney tumors simultaneously. Local manifestations arise when the formation begins to squeeze the vessels or nerves of the organ. This can be manifested by minor pain in the lumbar region, usually on the one hand. A characteristic feature of the pain syndrome is that it has a sluggish, slow, but always progressive course. Against this background, urine can acquire a red tint, which is due to the presence of a small amount of blood in it.

    Together with the pain syndrome, the patient also has general symptoms. Initially, they manifest themselves as general weakness, fatigue, headaches, which also has a progressive course. Patients in the terminal stage of development of the kistadenoma of the kidney are thin, pale. Often at this stage it is possible to palpate a rounded formation in the lumbar region, which, as a rule, is painless.

    A distinctive feature of the cystadenoma from a cyst or tumor is that it is capable of reaching huge dimensions. This is often associated with symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, which can occur at the pressure of a large neoplasm on the loops of the small or large intestine.

    If the patient has at least minimal signs of the aforementioned symptoms, he should immediately go to the urologist, because, as already mentioned, the size of the tumor with a kistadenoma is not always comparable with the clinical picture of the disease.

    Diagnosis of kidney kystadenoma

    The general analysis of urine in kidney kystadenoma can, and does, be normal, although in most cases there is an increase in the level of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hyaline cylinders and cells of the renal epithelium. In this case, the color of urine is unclear or with a red tinge.

    A screening method in the diagnosis of pathology can be considered an ultrasound. On the screen of the ultrasound machine, the kidney kystadenoma has the form of a rounded or oval formation filled with a substance that is identical in echogenicity to the liquid. In addition, ultrasound also provides information about which of the poles is located kistadenoma and what it has dimensions. This is important not only for diagnosis, but also for treatment, because it is the size of the tumor that determines the tactics of future operational access.

    If you need the equipment you can conduct a computerized tomography of the retroperitoneal space. Unlike conventional ultrasound, CT does not only represent the size and location of the tumor, but also the approximate contents of the tumor. As practice shows, the accuracy of the diagnosis based on the results of computed tomography is about 95 percent.

    Computed tomography: Kidadenoma of the kidney

    To obtain a 100% result, it is necessary to use invasive methods of investigation. The most popular of these is a puncture biopsy. It involves taking a piece of the contents or tissue of the cystadenoma by puncturing her capsule with a thin needle. For this, local anesthesia is performed in the lumbar region and a special puncture needle is inserted under the control of ultrasound. When pulling the plunger of the syringe onto itself, the contents of the cystadenoma appear in the tube. Specific for this disease is the blood-containing transudate.

    With conservative management of the pathology, it is necessary to determine the degree of functioning of the kidney. For this, excretory urography is usually performed. After intravenous introduction of contrast, an X-ray photograph of the kidney area is made. As a rule, normal evacuation of contrast is noted, with the exception of those rare cases when the kistadenoma reaches especially large sizes and squeezes the capillary-pelvis system of the kidney.

    Treatment of the kidney kystadenoma

    The procedure for choosing a kidney kistadenoma is surgery, the volume of which depends on the size and prevalence of the tumor. With small tumors, removal of one of the kidney poles can be performed while maintaining the remaining parenchyma. Such an operation is recommended only in those cases when there are no data on regional and distant metastases.

    In all other situations, a nephrectomy is performed - an operation to remove the entire organ. In the presence of regional metastases, the operation is supplemented by excision of the fatty tissue of the small pelvis.

    If surgical intervention is contraindicated to the patient, in view of the serious pathology of the internal organs, conservative methods can also be used to treat the cystadenoma. In a modern urological clinic, this is a chemotherapeutic treatment and radiation therapy.

    As for chemotherapy, it usually uses strong cytotoxic drugs such as methotrexate or cisplatin. They are not sold in a regular pharmacy, but are ordered by medical institutions for each individual patient.

    Radiation therapy, which in most cases consists of the use of X-ray or ionizing radiation, is used only in specialized medical institutions. Due to the large number of side effects, its use is justified only in the late stages of the disease, when it is impossible to perform the operation, and other methods of treatment are ineffective.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    Patients who undergo a severe kidney removal surgery need a long rehabilitation period. It must necessarily include physiotherapy methods of treatment. The effect of such procedures as magnetotherapy and darsonval lies not only in stimulating the repair processes for better healing of the wound, but also in the overall stimulation of hematopoiesis and immunity.

    Antibiotic prophylaxis is very important in the postoperative period, since immunity is impaired in patients with kistadenoma and they are highly susceptible to secondary infection. For this purpose, agents such as ceftriaxone and ampicillin can be used, since they have a very potent bactericidal effect on the urinary flora.

    Features of nutrition and lifestyle

    All patients with this pathology recommended the seventh dietary table for Pevzner, which excludes the use of products that can stimulate urination. Such dishes include pickles, smoked meat, fried meat and fish, strong coffee and tea, as well as any alcoholic beverages. In addition, in the summer and autumn you should not abuse fruits and, in particular, watermelons, because they have no less pronounced diuretic effect than other named products.

    If patients did not complete the removal of the kidney, but only the resection of one pole, then in the postoperative period they are obliged to walk with a nephrostomy tube, a tube installed in the lumbar region to drain the urine, which is released from the kidney wound. It gives patients some discomfort, so they need to be taught how to take care of it properly. For normal functioning of the stoma and prevention of secondary infection, it is necessary to change aseptic dressings daily and regularly change the urine collection.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine has invented a lot of ways how to treat tumor neoplasms. However, none of them is effective enough to refuse in its favor from traditional methods of treatment, which are also far from perfect. But if we take, for example, the operative removal of the kidney of the kidney, then the five-year survival rate is much higher with it than with any other methods of treatment, including folk. Thus, if a patient is diagnosed with a kidney kystadenoma, then it is better to give up any traditional methods of treatment, and immediately seek help from a urologist and perform an operation.

    Complications of the kidney of the kidney

    One of the terrible complications of the kidneys of the kidney is to consider its rupture. It can occur with severe physical exertion or trauma to the lumbar region. Patients complain of sharp pains in the field of a loin with irradiation in external genitals and an abdominal cavity. Complication requires immediate surgery, without which the patient can develop inflammation of the retroperitoneal space and septic shock.

    Among other complications of the kidney kistadenoma, hematuria can be distinguished, which develops when the cyst is opened not in the retroperitoneal space, but in the cavity of the cup-and-pelvic renal system. At the same time, in the background of the pain syndrome in the lumbar region, the patients are marked with a large amount of blood in the urine. The act of urination itself can be painless, although in most cases patients note discomfort due to the release of blood clots through the urethra.

    Prevention of kidney kistadenoma

    Unified system for the prevention of kidney kistadenoma is not due to the uncertainty of the exact etiology of the disease. It is assumed that it can lead to the use of various chemicals, ionizing radiation, trauma to the retroperitoneal space and stressful situations. There was also an indirect association in the development of the kidney kistadenoma against or after the inflammatory diseases of the organ. Therefore, experts in the field of urology argue that after eliminating all the above factors, the risk of developing the kistadenoma decreases several times.

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