  • Cedar oil

    Cedrus( Cedrus atlantica Manetti - Pinaceae)

    Cedrus, or true cedar, includes four species of evergreen coniferous hardy and durable trees. The birthplace of S. Atlantica, or Atlas cedar, is Morocco, the Atlas Mountains;S. lebanon, Lebanese cedar, grows in Syria and in the south-east of Turkey;C. libani var.brevifolia - in Cyprus, and S. deodora, cedar Himalayan, - in the western part of the Himalayas. Cedar needles grow in bundles;yellow, male flowers blossom in early summer, female - after pollination by male flowers. The cones ripen for two years, after which they throw the seeds, dropping to the ground. The bark has a reddish-brown color.

    Since cedars are known to live for a long time, they are planted in the cemetery. Until now, on the slopes of Mount Lebanon, a huge cedar grove rustles. It is from these trees that King Solomon is said to have erected his temple. The first Lebanese cedar was planted in England in 1646 in the Thames valley, and it is still alive. The first Atlas cedar was planted in England in 1845 on the border with Wales, and it still stands there. In the south of France - in Provence on Mount Ventu - the forest from Atlas cedars planted in 1862. The

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    Cedars are most often mentioned in the Bible as a symbol of fertility and abundance. The ancient Egyptians used wood and cedar oil when embalming. Later Dioscorides and Galen( 1st and 2nd centuries AD) told of a tree of the kadrium( as they called it), the resin of which was used to protect the body from decomposition. In 1698 Nicola Lemeri wrote about the healing nature of resinous substance, claiming that it disinfects the bladder and lungs. The studies carried out later confirmed his correctness. French physicians Michelle and Gilbert wrote in 1925 about the good results obtained with the use of oil for the treatment of patients with chronic bronchitis, as well as its strengthening and stimulating properties.

    Siberian cedar( Pinus sibirica)

    Siberian pine is a family of pine trees, reaching up to 45 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter, with a mighty wide crown. Needles are jagged, bluish, up to 13 cm long, cones up to 12 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, about 100 pieces of nuts( seeds) covered with a smooth woody shell, the kernel of the nut is oily, tasty.

    Distributed in the north-east of the European part of Russia, in the Western and most of eastern Siberia.

    Cedar fruits of Siberian origin have exceptionally high nutritional value. Nut proteins consist of albumins and globulins that are easily digested by the body, digestibility is much higher than that of walnut, peanut and almond proteins.

    70% of the eighteen amino acids are irreplaceable, indicating a high physiological value of proteins. According to the content of tryptophan, lysine, methionine, cystine, the proteins of the nuts are superior to the proteins of casein of cow's milk, while in others they are equivalent to them. Cedar oil contains a large number of fat-forming vitamins( tocopherols), essential fatty acids, which have antioxidant activity. It should be noted that the content of tocopherols exceeds the walnut oil by 1.5 times, and that of peanuts by 5 times. In terms of the content of essential fatty acids it is 3 times more than peanut, soybean and sunflower - 1.5 times. By the amount of phosphate phosphorus, which is very important for the human body, it also surpasses the oils of all nuts.

    Cedar nuts contain such vital chemical elements as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper and others. They also contain starch, B and D vitamins and other physiologically active substances. In needles up to 350 mg% ascorbic acid and up to 1.5% essential oil.

    Ways to use

    Cedar is an ancient medicinal plant, Avicenna has also recommended for the treatment of cores and husks of pine nuts. The nucleus with honey, he advised to use as a strengthening and cleanser, as well as from stones and ulcers.

    Nowadays we use nastoy infusion, which is recommended for salt removal in osteochondrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, gout. For this purpose, 200 grams of nuts must be crushed together with the peel( shell), pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 18 days in the dark, periodically shaking. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day( this is the full course of treatment).

    This recipe also helps with seals in the chest.

    With hemorrhoids, apply the infusion from the shell of pine nuts according to the following recipe: pour 1/2 cup shells 200 g boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes in a tightly closed container and strain. Take 100 g 2 times daily before meals.

    At the end of the 18th century, cedar nuts were popularized in Russia as a rejuvenating and restoring male power tool. And modern aromatherapy considers cedar essential oil as a typically masculine fragrance: women perceive it as an erotic stimulant.

    Cedar essential oil is a part of special shampoos for oily hair.

    Cedar oil in the aromatic lamp helps to fall asleep;you can get rid of insomnia, just applying a drop of cedar oil on the pillow.

    To drive off annoying flies and mosquitoes, it is advised to light an aromatic lamp indoors, adding to it the essential oil of cedar( at least 20 drops).

    Nuts and needles are used against scurvy. Needle is a component of fortifying baths. Milk from the nucleolus is used to treat nervous breakdown, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney disease, bladder.

    Cedar gum( resin) was used and is used to treat wounds, burns. From it prepare cedar balm, turpentine and camphor.

    Nuts are eaten raw, roasted. Oil is obtained from the kernels, and the cake and meal left after spinning contain a lot of protein.

    Oilcake is used for cooking halva, cakes, cakes.

    Essential Oil

    Description. For medical purposes only cedar oil is used, obtained from Atlas cedar, which grows in Morocco. In the late 1980's. Moroccans annually produced 6-7 tons of oil.

    The oil produced by distillation from wood looks like a syrup, a yellowish shade and very balsamic, it smells of turpentine, only the taste is sweeter and more pleasant, reminiscent of sandalwood.

    Main components: , turpentine hydrocarbons, a little bit of zedrol( crystallizing upon isolation) and sesquiterpenes, especially cadinene.

    Caution. Other varieties of cedar oil are also found on the market, which is significantly different from the ones produced in Morocco, so look at both. Cedar oil produced in the USA is obtained from juniper, J. flaccida, mexicano and virginiana. Essential oils from these trees are rich in tse-rol. The latter revealed a high content of thujone, and it is added to saffron oil( in itself, it is very dangerous).Essential oils of US production are used mainly in the perfume industry: they impart a pleasant woody aroma to perfumes, colognes and soaps. For medical purposes, use only oil from a true cedar, growing in Morocco.

    In the past, cedar oil was prescribed for internal use. However, cases of gastric dysfunction were reported, accompanied by severe heartburn, thirst and nausea. Never take oil inside. Sometimes it can be used in pure or diluted form( if necessary) for external use.

    Application of

    For medicinal purposes. Over the past 100 years, the beneficial effect of cedar has been noted in the treatment of eczema, skin rashes and some skin diseases, and its therapeutic properties are highly valued in dermatology.

    For eczema and rashes, prepare the formulation: 8 drops of cedar oil per 20 ml( 4 teaspoons) of wheat germ oil. Apply the mixture 3-4 times a day.

    Cedar oil as a stimulant is added to the oil, which is rubbed the body, or in the means for men. Add 4-5 drops in cold cream and get the resulting composition shredded after shaving.

    As the oil is classified as a means of stimulating sexual attraction, men are rubbed by it. However, it has a bad flavor, and therefore it should be mixed with oils, such as lavender and rosemary, with a more pleasant smell.

    In cosmetics and perfumes. Cedar oil treats the scalp in cases of hair loss, hair loss and dandruff. In France, it is part of shampoos and lotions from baldness. Cedar oil will certainly help with hair loss( in men and women) as a result of illness, stress and pregnancy.

    Mix 35 ml( 2 large tablespoons) of grape oil, 5 ml( 1 teaspoon) of the best, unalloyed olive oil, 5 drops of wheat germ oil and 20 drops of cedar. A few hours before washing your hair with shampoo light movements, rub this compound into the skin of the scalp. Add 15 drops of cedar oil to a bottle of mild shampoo of medium size.

    If you have blonde hair, then keep in mind that they usually darken from oil.

    In other industries. In the first aromatic mixtures and moth bags, cedar essences, wood, wood shavings or powder were used. When smoking many expensive varieties of fish, cedar is also used.