  • Treatment of pressure by folk remedies

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    Increased blood pressure significantly increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and other diseases. The danger increases even at moderately elevated blood pressure, especially if a person smokes or has high cholesterol.

    Usually the following occurs: blood vessels lose the ability to expand - blood flow is difficult. To maintain blood circulation, the heart has to contract with greater force. As a result, the arteries wear out and tear, and the heart experiences overload.

    Many people with a dangerously high blood pressure do not know this, because there are usually no signs warning them of danger.

    How measures blood pressure

    The doctor determines blood pressure in two ways. The top number shows "systolic" pressure - the one at which the heart ejects blood into the arteries. The lower number is the "diastolic" pressure at which the heart is filled with blood between the contractions. In the United States, the average arterial blood pressure is higher than that of a person with good health. It is necessary to strive to ensure that blood pressure does not rise above 120 by 80, that is, that the systolic value does not exceed 120 and the diastolic value 80.

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    Even if there are no symptoms of high blood pressure to keep it normal( by the way, there is almost no trouble from low blood pressure), we can recommend the following:

    • check blood pressure at least every two years;learn and record your indicators.

    If the doctor prescribes medications, take them regularly - they can literally save your life;if the pressure at you is higher than 120 by 80( both numbers are important), try to lower it - the lower the better;watch out for body weight;exercise regularly;learn to cope with nervous tension;limit the intake of salt and sugar.

    Regular physical training is not enough to avoid coronary heart disease, but exercises of the appropriate type will certainly benefit. As shown by a number of studies, among those who exercise regularly and properly, there are fewer cases of myocardial infarction than among those who do not, and if heart attacks occur in trained people, they proceed more easily. Any physical exercise will help to promote health in general, help to monitor weight and relieve nervous tension. The training person begins to feel better in all respects, looks better, he has more vitality. Exercises of a certain type can improve blood circulation, strengthen the heart, make it work more efficiently, help reduce blood pressure, changing the composition of blood for the better.

    To stimulate the cardiovascular system, physical training should be "aerobic".This means that large muscle groups need to work rhythmically, bringing the body into motion, but without overstrain.

    Training program

    Recently, experts have determined how much time it takes to exercise to achieve a protective effect. It turns out that not much is needed.

    Here are three main principles that are easy to remember.

    Train in a day or at least three times a week.

    Exercise continuously for 20 minutes.

    Exercise vigorously, but watch your breathing.

    When choosing a physical exercise, we recommend that you focus on those that give you pleasure: otherwise, you will most likely drop out. Those who have not previously engaged, especially older people or those with a body weight higher than normal, it is probably best to choose your walking. Regular energetic walking for several months can serve as sufficient training. Then you can try the exercises more intensively. So, an excellent training for the cardiovascular system will be fast cycling, swimming, running in warm-up tempo. Before proceeding to an intensive type of exercise, it is advisable to discuss your plans with a doctor if you are over thirty-five if you are overweight, if there were any problems with the heart or blood circulation.

    Follow the pulse

    At physical exertion - the heart beats faster, it does not contract 60-80 times per minute, as usual, but more often, because the muscles need more oxygen. According to the heart rate, it is easy to see if the load is too high. Or, on the contrary, it is not necessary to add efforts, that training was, really, is useful to heart.

    Immediately after training, count the pulse for ten seconds and multiply the number of strokes by six. If the pulse rate exceeds the safe limit for you, slow down the pace, especially if you feel that you are very tired. If the pulse rate is much slower, the next time

    can be more energetic, while keeping an eye on breathing and avoiding fatigue. If the pulse is uneven or if you feel pain, tightness in the chest, immediately consult a doctor.

    Heart rate

    Safe boundaries for intensive training age

    20-29 years - 140 beats per minute.

    30-39 years - 132 hits per minute.

    40-49 years - 125 beats per minute.

    50-59 years - 115 beats per minute.

    To do this, use the so-called "sobbing breath", i.e., similar to that which appears in people when crying. It is something they recommend, as a rule. When you cry, the air passes between the strained muscles of the respiratory tract, the larynx and the lips, as through a narrow slit, the exhalation is done as if with effort, the air passes under pressure, the exhalation is prolonged - up to 3-5 seconds. Such an exhalation should be done, normalizing high( or low) pressure. And, when it is over, continue to keep all the muscles of the respiratory tract in suspense for a second. Then make a short - one second - inhalation with your mouth open. When you inhale, naturally, all muscles relax: the breath in general is rather shallow, its depth varies in accordance with the needs of the body. After a short inhalation, again - a prolonged exhalation with muscle tension. The usefulness of such a breath is that at this time, the maximum possible supply of oxygen to the body is available to all organs. Only under this condition they can assimilate from the blood nutrients necessary for their normal functioning.

    Normal blood pressure can be approximately calculated as follows: take the number of years of the patient and add one hundred to this figure. At high pressure, you do not need to eat meat, beans, peas, eat less fatty, sweet, fresh bread, replacing it with breadcrumbs;Less to drink water, because it also increases the pressure. Instead of bread it is better to eat rice, eat dairy products, especially yogurt, and drink whey.

    From folk remedies to reduce pressure, garlic, decoction of potato peel( 1-2 cups a day) and hawthorn berries help. Berries are cleaned of seeds, poured in the evening with cold water( about two glasses per 100 g of berries), in the morning in the same water you do not need to boil the berries for a long time and, straining, drinking.

    This is the most important indicator of the circulatory system and health in general. With its inadequate decrease, the supply of oxygen and other substances to the heart, brain and other organs worsens, which directly affects the health and working capacity.

    A significant and prolonged increase in blood pressure( BP) is dangerous because of the increased stress on the heart, possible damage to the brain, kidneys. BP should be measured three times with a break of 1 min.

    BP measurement rules:

    • the hand on which blood pressure is measured must necessarily rest on something;

    • the hand should not squeeze the clothes;

    • if the arm circumference in the shoulder area is more than 33 cm, the cuff should be at least 42 cm long;

    • the cuff should be strengthened at the level of the heart;

    • air should be released from the cuff slowly - at a rate of about 2-3 mm per second;

    • the appearance of the first tone when listening to the artery in the ulnar fossa or the first pulsating thrust while probing the artery corresponds to the systolic pressure,

    • the disappearance of the tones corresponds to the diastolic pressure;

    • Only the systolic pressure can be determined from the palpation of the pulse.

    The upper limits of the norm of BP are recommended by the Joint National Committee for the Prevention, Definition, Evaluation and Treatment of Advanced Blood Pressure( USA, 1997) in the framework of the educational program on hypertension.

    • Normal levels of blood pressure should be considered indicators:

    • in the waking period - not exceeding 135/86 mm Hg.p.

    • in the period of sleep - 120/75 mm Hg. Art.

    • The lower limit of the norm for conventional blood pressure measurements is:

    • for the average daily BP - 100/60 mm Hg.p.

    • for the average daily - 98/58 mm Hg. Art.

    In 1991, E. O. Brain and others published the lower limits of normal blood pressure, depending on age and sex.

    Men under 50 years of age - 108/65( daytime blood pressure), 90/48( nocturnal blood pressure)

    Men over 50 years old - 108/68( daytime blood pressure), 87/50( nocturnal blood pressure)

    Women under 50 years old - 100 /60( daytime blood pressure), 84/45( nocturnal blood pressure)

    Women over 50 years old - 90/60( daytime blood pressure), 84/49( nocturnal blood pressure)

    The optimal

    is the blood pressure level, which shows the lowest risk of cardiovascularcomplications.

    Meanwhile, half of people with elevated blood pressure do not suspect this. In such cases, the disease can detect itself as a catastrophe: myocardial infarction or stroke. Half of the patients who have already been diagnosed with hypertension are being treated for this, and of these only half are successfully treated.

    The main risk factors contributing to the occurrence of high blood pressure are:

    • a family history of high blood pressure;

    • increased body weight;

    • passive lifestyle;

    • increased alcohol intake and smoking;

    • increased intake of table salt;

    • taking certain medications, including birth control pills, steroids, decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    In many cases, an increase in blood pressure can be prevented. People with high blood pressure can control it by changing their lifestyle and not using drugs.

    Measurement of blood pressure at home is invaluable for controlling health: sometimes the level of blood pressure in unusual conditions, for example, in the doctor's office, is overestimated( "hypertension of a white coat").

    If in the morning at rest - after a 5-minute rest sitting - 2 or more times the figures exceed 140 and 90 mm respectively, please consult a doctor.

    The fact that high blood pressure is dangerous, many know. But most people are faced with its devastating consequences. Even the most enduring and healthy organism can not work for wear, it needs rest. The kidneys, heart and other organs, as well as the blood vessels, are simply not designed to maintain a constant pressure. Over time, hypertension can quite thoroughly destroy the body and cause the appearance of many diseases. Among them, stroke( apoplexy), coronary and heart failure, heart attack, kidney damage, aortic aneurysm, eye damage, etc.

    Stroke( apoplexy). It is believed that hypertension is the main cause of strokes. First of all, high blood pressure promotes the development of atherosclerosis. With this disease, cholesterol, which is in the blood, penetrates into the walls of the arteries. Over time, this leads to the formation of cholesterol deposits. On the damaged internal walls of arteries blood clots( clots of blood) which complicate a blood stream are easily formed and can stop a vessel, in particular in a brain as a result of which access of a blood to the certain site of a brain stops. The cells of the brain on this site do not receive oxygen and die off. This is a so-called ischemic stroke, which can result in a fatal outcome.

    A bursting vessel in the brain can cause a hemorrhagic stroke. With this disease, blood from a burst vessel penetrates into the brain, and a hematoma is formed, compressing nearby tissues. The result can be irreversible damage to the brain. People with hypertension are more likely to have hemorrhagic strokes.

    Patients in whom increased pressure is episodic are more prone to micro strokes resembling ischemic strokes, but vessel blockage does not occur completely or the blood clots dissipate rapidly. More innocuous than ischemic strokes, microinsults still do some harm to the brain.

    Depending on which part of the brain the stroke occurred, these or other functions are lost( motor disorders, speech disorder, etc.).

    Coronary and heart failure and heart attack. Thrombi can clog not only the arteries of the brain, but also arteries that fit to the heart. Reducing the volume of blood flowing to the heart, and consequently, the lack of oxygen necessary for the heart muscle, can lead to its significant weakening. If thrombi form in the heart( coronary).arteries, the portion of the heart muscle supplied by these arteries can die. This is called a heart attack.

    When a large area of ​​the heart muscle dies or when it tenses for a long time, the heart loses its ability to contract normally and pump blood into the vessels. This condition is called heart failure. Infarction and heart failure are very dangerous and quite often lead to death.

    Hypertension also increases the chance of heart rate abnormalities. This condition is called "arrhythmia".With any kind of arrhythmia, the risk of getting a thrombus from the heart cavity into the bloodstream and then into the cerebral vessel increases, which can also lead to ischemic stroke. This danger is aggravated by the fact that in almost half of men with high blood pressure there is also increased coagulability of blood, and this contributes to the formation of thrombi. In women, strangely enough, this factor is much less pronounced.

    Kidney damage. Kidneys are responsible for removing excess fluid and harmful substances from the body. They perform this function by filtering the blood passing through them. But with high blood pressure, arteries that carry blood to the kidneys can be damaged. As a result, the kidneys will be less effective in removing liquid and harmful substances. The worst option is a complete cessation of the kidneys.

    Elevated blood pressure can be doubly dangerous if the patient has or has had some kind of kidney disease. A vicious circle arises: high blood pressure complicates the work of the kidneys, and the diseased kidneys can not properly perform their function, thereby further increasing the pressure.

    Aortic aneurysm. Constantly elevated blood pressure overstrains arteries. Over time, this leads to their stretching and weakening. Sometimes these stretches, called aneurysms, are torn, which leads to very serious consequences.

    When a blood vessel bursts in the brain, it ends with a hemorrhagic stroke, which was mentioned earlier.

    An aneurysm of the aorta, the main artery, which starts from the left ventricle of the heart, is fraught with no less danger. Over time, high blood pressure can weaken this vital artery and even rupture it. Sometimes the walls of the aorta in a weak place are split( which is also very dangerous) - this is called "exfoliating aortic aneurysm."This type of aneurysm can cause painful pain in the chest, abdomen or back.

    Lowering blood pressure reduces the likelihood of an aneurysm.

    If the aneurysm is small, then it is enough to see the doctor regularly to make sure that it does not increase and there is no need for surgical intervention.

    Hypertrophy of the left ventricle .When the blood pressure rises, the heart should work harder to push blood. As a result, its dimensions increase - like biceps, when a person begins to exercise.

    If the walls of the heart become too large, the space within the ventricle( the cavity in the heart, from which the blood enters the circulatory system) shrinks. This condition is called left ventricular hypertrophy.

    An enlarged cardiac muscle needs increased blood flow to stay healthy. But since hypertension leads to hardening of the walls of the arteries, especially in the heart, sometimes the flow of blood to the muscle is shortened,

    And instead of strengthening, the heart weakens because its nutrition is clearly inadequate. As a result, many problems can arise: angina pectoris, arrhythmias, heart attacks and heart failure.

    Hypertrophy of the left ventricle is much more common in men and people with overweight, prone to heart disease. However, in women, the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy is more unfavorable than in men, and worsens the prognosis in many other diseases.

    Lowering blood pressure can stop the dangerous growth of the heart muscle and even reduce its size. Thus, it is very important to control pressure to avoid future problems associated with left ventricular hypertrophy.

    Eye defeat. The eyes are very sensitive to pressure build-up, since they are fed by thin vessels. To regulate the additional blood pressure, the walls of the arteries thicken, and their lumen is correspondingly narrowed. Because of this, they may become clogged or a hemorrhage may occur. Both causes a partial loss of vision.

    The higher the blood pressure and the longer it is not treated, the greater the likelihood of this complication.

    According to the "water" theory, arterial hypertension in its initial stage is nothing more than the adaptation of the organism to a chronic lack of water. Our vessels are designed not only for pumping blood. They can adapt to any of its scope. With a deficiency of water, the volume of physiological fluids in the body decreases, and the vessels have to narrow their lumens. If this did not happen, the existing volume of blood would not be enough to fill all the arteries and veins of the circulatory system.

    The ability of vessels to change the direction of blood flow is normal. For example, during food, blood flows to the organs of the digestive tract. This is due to a decrease in capillary circulation in other parts of the body. The main objective of this process is to save: first, work of paramount importance is performed. Then, when the main cycle of digestive processes is completed, the blood drains from the gastrointestinal tract and enters other organs, for example, the brain. Therefore, immediately after eating, it is very difficult to force yourself to work at full strength. And some time later we again feel vigorous.

    Thus, the order of blood supply to organs depends on the importance of the functions they perform. So, the brain, kidneys, lungs, liver and endocrine glands have an undeniable advantage over the musculoskeletal system and skin. However, this order can be changed, for example, as a result of regular sports training or intense mental work.

    And now a little about how a lack of water can affect the development of hypertension. If a person does not drink for a day the amount of water sufficient for the normal functioning of the entire body, some cells are dehydrated, giving their water to the blood. In this case, some capillaries are forced to close to compensate for the loss of fluid. According to the "aquatic" theory, with chronic dehydration, the body extracts 66% of the fluid from the cells, 26% from the volume of the intercellular fluid and 8% from the volume of water contained in the blood. In this case, the vascular system has no other option than to close part of its lumens. Otherwise, they simply can not cope with the forced loss of part of the blood volume.

    This process usually begins with the closure of small vessels and capillaries in inactive parts of the body. However, the greater the load, for example, the muscles, the greater the volume of blood flowing to them, and the more their capillaries open. For this reason, physical exercises should be of paramount importance not only for those who suffer from hypertension, but for all people who want to remain vigorous and active for a long time.

    Another reason for selective capillary closure is chronic water deficiency in the body. The water we consume must fall into the cells, since it regulates the volume from the inside, while the salt regulates the volume of water in the intercellular space. In general, maintaining the optimal blood viscosity due to the volume of water in individual cells is a balanced and very delicate mechanism. In the event that the body suffers from a water deficit, some cells are forced to do with smaller volumes, others only receive the volume that helps them maintain their functions. However, the composition of blood should remain unchanged, as it is responsible for supplying all organs with essential nutrients.

    It is here that the "water" theory makes itself felt, according to which the functions of the organism depend not only on blood composition, but also on the degree of hydration of cells of various organs. Therefore, a person with normal blood tests can close some capillaries of the heart or brain, which subsequently leads to damage to the cells of these organs due to chronic dehydration.

    If a person's thirst is lost, he drinks much less water than the body needs every day, causing forced closure of individual vessels and capillaries. Only under such conditions, the main blood vessels can remain filled. Another question: how long can this all go on and how does prolonged dehydration end?

    That's why hypertension at its initial stage should be treated by increasing water intake, rather than getting rid of its pathetic remnants with the help of diuretics, which usually happens. If a person consumes less water than the body needs, for the latter, the only way to keep it is to incorporate the RAS and the sodium salt retention mechanism. Only under the conditions described, the cells have a chance to save water.

    The assumption that the cause of hypertension lies in the increased sodium content in the body is fundamentally wrong and is based on inaccurate knowledge of the mechanisms governing the distribution of water. If the patient is prescribed diuretics, sodium is removed along with the water, and the body gradually loses water. As a result, a person feels dry in the mouth, after which he gradually begins to drink water, in order to partially compensate for her lack.

    Regular intake of diuretics provokes the launch of mechanisms responsible for the distribution of water in crisis situations. Therefore, we can safely say that with their help, hypertension can not be cured: they only contribute to the further loss of moisture and sodium salt, and this is clearly not enough to solve the problem of increased blood pressure. Therefore, after a while, the patient becomes less than one diuretic, and he is prescribed a combination of drugs or other, stronger drugs.

    Another problem of assessing the degree of hypertension is the indication of a tonometer. The anxiety experienced by the patient at elevated pressure can not but affect the results of the examination. That is why the device is not always able to accurately record the level of blood pressure. In addition, many nurses pump the air into the cuff until the needle of the device is on an indicator higher than the patient's true systolic pressure. Then they slowly let out air, waiting, when the pulse will start to be listened.

    The fact is that any large artery( including the ulnar) is equipped with an accompanying nerve that monitors the flow of blood through the vessel. With the decrease in pressure in the cuff, the process of opening the pressure-clogged vessels takes place, which can not but affect the readings of the device. Therefore, pressure measurement with a tonometer is considered arbitrary, since in such a study, anyone can be diagnosed with "arterial hypertension".

    And finally about the most important thing. Water without any additives in itself is an environmentally friendly natural diuretic. And if a person has healthy kidneys, he can fearlessly increase the amount of water consumed, since excess fluid will be removed from the body with urine without the help of diuretics. If prolonged dehydration, which provoked arterial hypertension, is accompanied by heart failure, the norm of water should be increased gradually. Otherwise, swelling may form.

    A few years ago, the US Maryland Cardiology Association identified a group of people whose blood pressure was twice as rare as that of the average population. They are adherents of the FCC( from him Freie Korperkultur - "free body culture", a kind of nudism).Further studies have shown that sunbaths can slightly lower blood pressure. And especially clearly this effect is manifested in people with high blood pressure. During the experiment, it was possible to achieve a lowering of blood pressure in them more than twice as compared to a group of people with normal blood pressure. This action lasted almost a week. For the impact that lowers blood pressure, we should probably be thankful for the gentle sunlight - the vessels expand and the pressure in the vessels goes down.

    It can be assumed that under the influence of sunlight, the body produces not yet known substances that lower blood pressure. However, be cautious: people with very high blood pressure should first use the effect of mild temperatures. In very hot days, sun baths and high temperatures put a lot of stress on the circulatory system.