
Diseases of the gums: gingivitis, periodontitis( inflammation of the gums), periodontitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Diseases of the gums: gingivitis, periodontitis( inflammation of the gums), periodontitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Today, many of us face the problem of gum disease. Everything begins, as it seems to us, harmlessly - with a slight bleeding when cleaning teeth or bad breath. But if the time is not taken, the consequences of gum disease may not always be comforting. Let's understand more in detail with the most common diseases of gums - gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontitis .

    Each tooth is located in the alveolus of the bone of the upper or lower jaw and attached to it by means of ligaments. If the ligaments are not involved in the inflammatory process, then we are talking about gingivitis, if involved and even destroyed - about periodontitis, if the inflammatory process is joined by a dystrophic one - about periodontal disease. So:


    Gingivitis -( Latin Gingiva - gum, itis - inflammation) is an inflammation of the gum, which proceeds without damaging the integrity of the dentogingival attachment.

    As a rule, the main cause of gingivitis is mild plaque, accumulating on the teeth and gums with poor oral hygiene. This coating serves as an ideal medium for the vital activity and reproduction of microorganisms causing inflammation.

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    But the cause of gingivitis may lie much deeper, and only a doctor can understand it, self-diagnosis is inadmissible in this case. This may be a lack of vitamins A, B1, C, E. With a deficiency in the body of these vitamins, gum tissues become more friable and less resistant to various infections.

    Cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood diseases are often accompanied by gingivitis. Chronic poisoning with lead, bismuth, aluminum, mercury, iodine, bromine can also cause the development of this disease.

    Hormonal changes in adolescence and in pregnant women are also often accompanied by inflammation of the gums.
    The decrease in immunity, which often occurs after the infectious diseases that have been transferred, is often accompanied by ulcerative gingivitis.

    Signs of gingivitis

    As a rule, gingivitis does not cause severe pain. Most often it is manifested by bleeding gums during eating and brushing your teeth. With gingivitis can bother unpleasant taste in the mouth, smell from the mouth, there may be swelling and redness of the gums.

    Photo Gingivitis

    With ulcerative gingivitis, gum ulceration occurs, accompanied by sufficiently severe pain. Appears putrid smell from the mouth, bleeding gums, even with a light touch.

    Photo Ulcerative gingivitis

    The use of traditional medicine and self-treatment methods, which mainly reduce to mouth rinsing with solutions of plant antiseptics, relieve some symptoms of gingivitis, but do not cope with the cause of gum disease. Therefore, the emergence of even the initial and, as a rule, painless symptoms of gingivitis - is an occasion to consult a parodentologist who will select an appropriate individual method of treatment.

    Treatment of gingivitis

    Treatment of gingivitis is initiated after the cause of its occurrence. If the reason was poor hygiene of the oral cavity and, as a consequence, the formation of plaque and tartar, then professional cleaning of teeth and removal of dental deposits.

    Professional cleaning is the removal of soft and hard plaque and removal of tartar. Hard plaque and tartar are removed with a special ultrasonic tip. After removal of tooth deposits, the surfaces of the teeth are polished with abrasive pastes. High-quality polishing of teeth prevents the re-formation of dental deposits.

    Then, antiseptic treatment of inflamed gums is performed, bandages are applied with medicinal preparations, anti-inflammatory treatment, vitamins are prescribed, if necessary. After the treatment, the doctor must teach the patient the proper independent cleaning of teeth, pick up a toothbrush, toothpaste and rinse aid.

    If you do not pay attention to the first symptoms of inflammation of the gums and do not take measures to treat it, then the tissues surrounding the tooth are involved in the inflammatory process. Arises. ..


    Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease surrounding the tooth tissue, involving the ligamentous apparatus and, often, the bone tissues of the jaws.

    Gums in periodontitis, as a rule, are inflamed, bleed, can be purulent discharge from the gingival pockets.

    A distinctive feature in periodontitis is the formation, in addition to soft plaque, of so-called hard plaque or tartar.

    Dental calculus is formed not only in the supragingival part of the tooth, but also under the gum, and in this case it constantly injures the gum. The tooth stone contains a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms that aggravate inflammation. It extends to bone structures, which, when destroyed, lead to loosening, and in severe cases even to tooth loss.

    In addition to dental deposits, general diseases such as diabetes mellitus, various immunodeficiencies, blood diseases, severe forms of chronic diseases of internal organs lead to the development of periodontitis.

    A traumatic group of causes has also been proven: a wrong bite, a crowded and anomalous position of the teeth, a high attachment of bridles and strands of the oral mucosa, hypertonicity of the masticatory musculature

    . If this condition is ignored, the bone holding the tooth is completely destroyed. As a consequence, with parodontitis there is mobility of the teeth, there is a "denudation" of the roots of the teeth.

    Treatment of periodontitis

    Treatment of periodontitis depends on the severity of its course and on the presence of concomitant diseases. To date, the range of methods( both non-surgical and surgical) is very extensive and depends on the severity of the disease.

    Modern methods of treating periodontitis are absolutely painless, effective and in most cases the doctor and the patient achieve good results.

    Treatment begins with the removal of dental plaque, occupational oral hygiene. To do this, use special ultrasonic tips( scalers).The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy( it can be in the form of baths, rinses, applications, tablets inside or their combinations).If periodontitis is a symptom of a common disease, refer to a specialist.

    With far-gone inflammatory process, surgical methods of treatment of periodontitis are used, in which the tooth deposits are removed from the roots of the teeth, the pathological dentogingival pocket is eliminated. Then medication is also prescribed. Surgical interventions include operations that eliminate the high attachment of bridles and strands of the oral mucosa, and the removal of "hopeless" teeth to preserve the jaw bone that can be used for dental implantation.

    An important role in successful treatment can also be played by orthopedic methods - tooth splinting and adequate prosthetics. In the complex treatment of periodontitis, various methods of tooth splinting are used. Shinning involves the "binding" of moving teeth into a single block, which strengthens weakened teeth and excludes their loosening. For this, various orthopedic structures are used, which are made in a dental laboratory. And also the splinting is carried out with modern fiberglass composite materials. Such a tire is fixed with composite cement to the inner surface of the teeth, reliably fixes the teeth and is not visible to others.

    With such causes as a traumatic occlusion and incorrect position of the teeth, the dentist-orthodontist will help.

    Physiotherapy( laser, photodynamic therapy, electrophoresis) is also widely used in periodontology.

    The use of the complex of the listed measures is the key to the successful treatment of periodontitis.

    Often the term periodontitis is confused with the term periodontosis , and they have different origins.


    Periodontal disease is a systemic non-inflammatory lesion of the periodontal tissue( periodontal).

    Periodontal disease is relatively rare( 1-8%) and is not an inflammatory disease of the gums.

    The causes of periodontal disease have not been fully established, it is believed that the hereditary predisposition plays an important role. Often periodontal disease occurs with systemic diseases, diabetes and other disorders of the glands of internal secretion, with chronic diseases of internal organs. Incorrect bite, anomalies of the position of the teeth can become conducive to periodontitis factors. Symptoms of periodontal disease

    This gum disease is different from the two previous different nature of occurrence. Gingivitis and periodontitis are inflammatory diseases of the gums, and parodontosis is dystrophic. Thus, the symptoms of the disease will be different. With periodontal disease there is no bleeding of the gums, their soreness and swelling. Teeth are well fixed in bone tissue, there are no dental deposits or are insignificant, the neck of the teeth is bare, a "wedge-shaped defect" can develop. This leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth to various temperature and chemical stimuli. Mobility of the teeth develops only with a significant destruction of bone tissue( more than ½).And yet the main symptom, which is diagnosed and the severity of the disease, is the atrophy of bone tissue. This symptom is revealed on the roentgenogram of the jaw, which the doctor can correctly "read".

    Photo Symptoms of periodontitis on the X-ray of the

    The absence of loosening of the teeth, preservation of their firm position in the hole is a distinctive symptom of periodontitis.

    Treatment of periodontal disease

    Treatment of developed periodontal disease, as well as of other gum diseases, should be complex and selected strictly individually. But in this case the priority belongs to surgical methods, the essence of which is reduced to the use of a complex of so-called osteoplastic materials( materials that promote the formation of bone tissue).

    Of course, if necessary, professional oral hygiene, orthodontic treatment with an incorrect bite and abnormally located teeth is carried out.

    In the complex of therapeutic measures for periodontal disease, physiotherapy( various types of massage, electrophoresis, etc.), which improves blood circulation in periodontal tissues, is also effective.
    We should not forget about the treatment of the underlying disease, if periodontal disease is only its concomitant symptom.
    Remember - complex treatment of periodontal disease in the early stages is very effective and will help you avoid premature loss of teeth!

    Prophylaxis of gum diseases

    Prevention of all gum diseases considered reduces to the following simple rules:

    • Regular visits to a dentist for the purpose of preventive examination or sanitation of the oral cavity. Remember - only the doctor will be able to see and correctly diagnose in the very beginning of the disease .
    • Daily and proper oral care with the help of a doctor-matched toothbrush, toothpaste, tongue brush, floss and rinse aid. Also, the dentist can recommend the use of additional hygiene products( for example, special brushes for brackets or an irrigator - a "water" massager, etc.).
    • A healthy lifestyle, including changing eating habits( reducing the amount of sweet and soft food that "sticking" to the teeth is also the favorite food of microbes, and increasing the solid food, which chews up mechanical cleaning of teeth, and improvesblood circulation in the gums) and rejection of bad habits.

    Remember - the disease is always easier and cheaper to prevent than treat! Observance of these simple rules will help you to stay healthy and smile more often!

    The most frequently asked questions to the doctor - periodontist on the topic of gum disease:

    Teeth all healthy, was at a reception at a local clinic a week ago. But when cleaning the gums bleed a little. With what can be connected? We doctors do not say anything, can you tell me? Lisa, 25years
    Most likely, we are talking about gingivitis. If oral hygiene is satisfactory, then it is necessary to understand more deeply and the general practitioner can help you in this( exclude general disease or pregnancy), if not, then professional hygiene of the oral cavity is indicated.

    In what way is the removal of tartar? Is the procedure painful? How long does it take? Are there any side effects to the teeth? Andrei, 28years old
    In most cases, the removal of stones does not cause strong pain, but in some cases, especially if the stones are under the gum, the procedure can be painful and it is performed with anesthesia. But, believe me, the benefits of cleaning cover up those inconveniences that a patient can experience. The stones are removed by ultrasound and manually by special tools. Scuff can be removed and devices such as AirFlow a trickle of a mixture of water, air and soda. It does not hurt at all and teeth become much lighter.

    Doctor dentist Elvira Knyazeva