  • Treatment of varicose folk remedies

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    Varicose veins disease affects mainly the legs and rectum and is the result of weakness of the supporting connective tissue, insufficiency of the veins valves and obstruction of outflow. The emergence of varicose veins heavy physical labor, especially associated with the lifting and moving of weights, as well as a prolonged stay on the legs. In addition, the appearance and development of the disease contribute to frequent constipation. Very often the onset of the disease is associated with pregnancy, when the heavy uterus that has been shed for a long time squeezes the veins of the small pelvis.

    Symptoms: fatigue and swelling of the legs in the evening. Appearance on the skin of the legs of bluish, brown and brown spots.

    What's going on? Varicose veins disease is expressed in the loss of veins elasticity, so they are stretched, and in some places expand, forming "nodes".The velocity of blood flow in the enlarged sections of the veins slows down, and this promotes the formation of thrombi in them. The veins increase and change shape. Most often the disease affects the veins of the legs. Expanded veins can either shine through the skin, or swell under the skin in the form of "knots".Blood flows through the dilated veins more slowly, and this can lead to the formation of thrombi and the development of thrombophlebitis.

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    Varicose veins develop gradually. Its first signs are the rapid fatigue of the feet when walking and the swelling of them by evening.

    What should I do? In the initial stages of the disease, the wearing of special elastic stockings or bandaging of the feet on the day from the foot to the middle of the thigh can be helped by an elastic bandage. When sedentary work is desirable to keep the leg in a horizontal position and every 2-3 hours to arrange a break for 10 minutes for walking. At work and work it is advisable to walk( if, of course, the distance allows), slowly and without suffering a burden. A great benefit is the practice of physical therapy.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends treatment with cabbage leaf. To do this, it is necessary to separate the leaves from cabbage, lightly sprinkle them with water and put in the refrigerator for a day. Before going to bed on a dry foot, put cabbage leaves on varicose veins and gently fix them with a bandage or gauze. It is desirable to repeat the procedure daily for a month. Compress from overripe tomatoes is also effective. In summer, a nettle soup is very useful. Before using the remedies suggested by folk medicine, do not forget to consult a specialist doctor. Warning! In case of varicose veins, do not take hot baths.

    For the prevention of varicose veins, it is recommended to abandon high heels, since high-heeled shoes limit the contraction of the gastrocnemius muscles and prevents spring joints, which leads to stagnation of blood in the veins. With sedentary work to reduce the burden on the veins of the legs it is desirable to put your feet on a bench. When sitting, it is undesirable to throw your foot on your leg, as this position obstructs the blood flow in your legs, the experienced vessels of your legs. It is very useful to massage feet on a massage mat or using massage slippers. Very useful for veins classes - cycling and swimming.

    Lower limb varicose is an extremely common disease Symptoms are noticeable. Thick, sinuous veins with a brown tinge above the ankles often spoil beautiful legs. Pain in the calves of the legs, night cramps, a feeling of tension in the veins, rapid fatigue, swollen lower extremities - all this can be a sign of the disease. Varicose veins - a complex process, as a result of which the vein can not withstand the load, blood circulation worsens.

    Smooth muscles of the walls of the venous vessels are farther from the heart and closer to the legs become thicker, since it is necessary to withstand more blood pressure. At an unexpected filling with blood, the walls of the veins respond with expansion, and with rapid depopulation, a contraction occurs. Reduction and relaxation of veins is also a means of controlling blood pressure. Reduction of veins contributes to outflow of blood towards the heart, and relaxation - short-term storage of blood in the vein, resulting in a reduction in pressure. With nervous and hormonal irritations, the smooth muscles of the venous walls, in case of enlargement, develop less force than healthy veins. In the end, the smooth muscle weakens, and the vein expands.

    The mechanism of peripheral veins is the venous valves, which let the blood flow in only one direction, helping the heart to pump blood. Normally, the valves can withstand pressures of up to about 200 mm Hg without blood outflow. But, if the tone of the smooth muscles of the veins is reduced, or the connective tissue is damaged, then the patch above the valve is so weak that the valve can not withstand the pressure. Unfortunately, the hormone progesterone, which is produced in pregnant women and has a muscle-relaxing effect, helps relax the smooth muscles of the veins, and estrogen reduces the efficiency of smooth muscle work. Therefore, those who use contraceptive and hormonal drugs, especially at risk from the point of view of damage to the veins.

    Varicose veins - how is it manifested? Each person can independently assess the condition of their veins. For this, with good daylight, you need to carefully examine your feet in the mirror in the standing position. Healthy veins never rise above the level of the skin. Varicose veins, in contrast, rise above the surface of the skin and can be detected by simply stroking the surface of the shin or thigh.

    The earliest symptoms of varicose veins are a feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in calves, edema of the shin at the end of the day.

    About the presence of edema shows a characteristic symptom: shoes, comfortable in the morning, begins to reap in the evening. Each patient can independently check for an evening edema of the shin. To do this, use an ordinary centimeter tape. Measure the circumference of the narrowest( above the ankles) and the widest( calf muscles) parts of the shin in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, immediately after getting up from bed.

    If for several days the shin circumference in the evening and in the morning differ by more than 1 cm, this indicates a violation of venous outflow.

    Remember, varicose veins not only mutilate your legs - they are a threat to health, and sometimes to a person's life! To treat varicose in the advanced stage is many times more difficult, therefore, the sooner you consult a doctor, the better. If you do not begin to treat the disease on time, then there is a risk of developing thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcer and the most dangerous complication - pulmonary embolism, which can lead to a sudden lethal outcome.

    Medical statistics say that 50% of those who fell ill at the initial stage of the disease do not even realize that they are seriously ill.

    Since the age of twenty, already in early youth, there is a danger of developing varicose veins, especially those with a hereditary predisposition to this disease. Ill people rarely pay attention to the first alarming signs of the disease. It can be just a frequent foot fatigue, which is associated with anything, but not with a serious illness that begins. Moderately expanded, blue veins visible through the skin also do not usually cause anxiety. However, if you associate the rapid fatigue of the legs, with the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in them, the sensations of itching, heat, and small edema in the ankle are already menacing harbingers of future troubles.

    One of the most common diseases of veins. Expressed in the loss of veins elasticity, as a result of which they stretch, and in some places expand significantly, forming the so-called "nodes".

    A good curative effect gives the bandage an elastic bandage.

    Instead of a bandage, you can use the elastic stocking.

    According to specialists from all over the world, the most common factors of the disease development are:

    About the hereditary predisposition

    About the female sex

    About Obesity

    About the hypodinamia

    By the way, the so-called "stars" do not necessarily indicate varicose veins - it's just intradermal vessels,the expansion of which is connected primarily with the hormonal state of the organism. Varicosity is a manifestation of the syndrome of weak connective tissue, from which the walls of the veins consist. Most often this misfortune goes to you by inheritance. So if one of your parents has had varicose veins - get ready, you will most likely run into this disease.

    It is known that the presence of this pathology in both parents increases the risk of developing the disease by 60%.As a rule, the emergence of functional or anatomical failure of the valvular apparatus, weakness of the veins walls are caused by a congenital defect in connective tissue structures. Women suffer from this disease 1.5-2 times more often, therefore, in the presence of adverse heredity, they should pay special attention to their feet throughout their life, especially during pregnancy.

    Pregnancy is an important exam. Often, varicose disease first appears or worsens during this period, which is associated with an increase in the load on the venous leg system. The simplest method of prevention is the use of the compression effect of special stockings or elastic bandages. In addition, there are local dosage forms in the form of therapeutic ointments, therapeutic cosmetic gels and creams that can be used to prevent varicose veins, after consultation with a doctor.

    Otherwise, the prevention measures are reduced to a reduction in the fat layer on the hips, an increase in muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, as well as strengthening the walls of the vessels.

    But, in the end, neither from hemorrhoids, nor from trophic ulcers, much less from infertility yet no one died. But cirrhosis of the liver is dying, and in 70% of cases this is due to internal bleeding of the esophagus or stomach. The cause of the bleeding is varicose veins of the esophagus or stomach - and sometimes both.

    In cirrhosis, the death of liver cells - hepatocytes, and in their place develops connective( fibrous) tissue - a kind of "scars on the liver", which leads to a violation of blood flow. But one of the main blood vessels of our body is suitable for the liver - portal( portal) vein. Blood through the portal vein system from the digestive organs enters the liver and then moves to the heart.

    The liver, damaged by cirrhosis, can not pass through itself the required volume of blood at the required rate, and the blood coming from the stomach and esophagus stagnates. There is a condition of portal hypertension - increased pressure in the portal vein. And this leads to varicose veins of the stomach and esophagus. But if on the legs varicose knots are formed and grow under the skin, then in the case of internal organs the situation is much more serious. The rupture of the thin wall of the vein of the stomach or esophagus becomes the cause of internal bleeding, which in more than half the cases leads to the death of a person.

    Varicose veins not only reduce performance, cause aesthetic problems and pain, but can also give complications. Poor access of blood to the legs leads to the death of the skin, as in the tissues there are secretions that prevent the removal of degradation products, while fresh oxygen and nutrients do not enter separate parts of the legs. There, bacteria develop rapidly, causing serious inflammatory processes.

    Timely not treated varicose disease, as a rule, progresses and proceeds with periodic exacerbations( thrombophlebitis), and also characterized by the gradual appearance of other cosmetic defects besides "varicose knots": pigmentation, inducible cellulitis, trophic ulcers, cracks and skin peeling. With an unfavorable outcome, chronic venous insufficiency and disability develops. Therefore, it is extremely important to try to cope with the disease in the initial stages.

    So, to get varicose veins in this or that place can almost any one of us. The question is, how can this be avoided? There are a number of recommendations that are easy to adhere to, there would be a burning desire to avoid the above problems in the future:

    If possible, avoid long standing in one place and diversify your physical activity - go jogging, swimming or just walking more.

    You can regularly perform simple gymnastic exercises designed to work the calf muscles. And during rest it is better to give your feet an elevated position( to put your feet on a pillow or ottoman) and it is advisable not to sit leg-on-foot. It is also good to regularly arrange a contrast shower for your legs.

    Do not abuse alcohol and overly sharp and salty foods.

    Future mothers should adhere to a number of restrictions in food and beverages - nothing can be done, the situation requires.

    And, finally, a classic, but very important advice - once a year it is desirable to undergo an examination with a phlebologist.

    To understand the essence of the problem, you need to know the features of the venous blood stream. The veins differ from the arteries in that they do not have a muscle layer in their wall structure, and therefore can not contract and create a directed flow of blood. But somehow the blood passes the whole circle and returns to the heart.

    This happens as follows. Venous blood, flowing from the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles through the superficial veins, enters the so-called communicative( or connecting) veins. These veins are not in vain called communicative, because they connect the superficial veins of the legs with the deep ones.

    The valves mentioned above are located in communicating veins. They( valves) work on, the inlet is only one way. That is, they let the blood in from the superficial veins, but they do not release it back. Thus, the venous blood gradually accumulates in the deep veins.

    And then the "muscular pump" comes into play.

    Because of the contraction of the leg and thigh muscles during walking or other movements, the deep veins of the legs are squeezed. . And since the valves are not allowed back, the blood flows upwards, towards the heart.

    It is clear that if the superficial veins are enlarged, then in situations of increased pressure, a situation arises when the valves are not fully closed and the blood returns back to the superficial veins. There are enlarged varicose veins. The pathological circle closes.

    Because blood accumulates in the superficial veins, edema develops, the discharge of red blood cells into the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the appearance of a characteristic cyanotic-gray coloration of the skin.

    As a consequence of the violation of the blood supply and nourishment of the skin of the lower leg, far trodden stages develop trophic disorders in the form of ulcers, which most often occur in the lower third of the shin, closer to the inner condyle.

    Considering the mechanism of the development of the disease, we have already listed almost all the leading symptoms of the disease, namely:

    1) varicose veins;

    2) swelling of the legs, mainly in the ankle, developing most often in the evening, after prolonged walking or standing;

    3) pains in the legs of the aching or compressive nature,

    4) cramps in the calf muscles and a sense of running chills occurring usually at night;

    5) trophic skin disorders of the lower third of the shin: pigmentation, compaction, cermatitis and, as an extreme manifestation, a trophic ulcer.

    Among the complications except trophic ulcers, it is necessary to distinguish the varicose node rupture with bleeding and acute thrombophlebitis. The presence of complications testifies to the most severe degree of the course of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

    Based on the mechanism of development of varicose veins, as well as its complications, the following areas of herbal treatment can be proposed.

    1. Strengthening of the venous wall.

    2. An increase in the tone of the venous wall.

    3. Improving the flow properties of blood.

    4. Anti-inflammatory action.

    5. Local treatment of complications.

    It should be noted that herbal treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities has one very significant difference from the treatment of any other pathology. This difference lies in the fact that in this disease, as with any other very effective it turns out to be the local application of plants.

    Therefore, all the above-mentioned areas of treatment have to do with both the internal intake of herbs and their external use.

    Local treatment of complications is understood mainly as treatment of suppurative complications of varicose ulcers.

    So, the best and proven means of phytotherapy, long ago migrated to classical medicine, is horse chestnut( Aesculus hyppocastanum).

    For sure, everyone saw this wonderful tree. Often it is very high and reaches a height of 20 meters and even more. Large dark green leaves resemble a three-fingered paw of a prehistoric animal.

    However, the most remarkable, with, this, probably, everyone will agree - these are the flowers of chestnut. They are usually white or gently yellow, collected in large pyramids, reminiscent of candles.

    It is from these flowers that both external and internal medicines are prepared. Huge experimental work showed that preparations of horse chestnut lower coagulability of blood, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and promote the resorption of the formed thrombi, thrombi gradually soften and dissolve. Preparations from chestnut( fruits, flowers or bark) are applied inside and outside with hemorrhoids, spasms of the vessels, violation of bile secretion, chronic digestive disorders, bronchial catarrh, gout, rheumatism, sciatica and for treatment of thrombophlebitis, with leg ulcers and veins. The extract is recommended for use in baths with myalgia and neuralgia. Hot infusion and horse chestnut extract is one of the best venotonic drugs. It is part of the domestic and foreign drugs to treat with the expansion and inflammation of veins, phlebitis and hemorrhoids. The experiment also revealed and confirmed the fact that pleases the heart of any herbalist or herbalist enthusiast. It turned out that traditional aqueous or alcohol extracts from a plant where all the chestnut substances are present are much more effective( several times) drugs containing a substance taken separately, in its pure form.

    This conclusion once again shows that natural remedies can be much more effective than synthetic ones.

    As already mentioned, the most commonly used are chestnut flowers. However, leaves and fruits can also be used for the preparation of ointments and tinctures.

    Inside the chestnut is used as a part of the collection so alone, for example, in tincture.

    In order to increase the venous tone, along with chestnut, but, of course, less often, the plown is clavate, or, in a different way, lycopodium. Unfortunately, in recent times, it is often remembered as a raw material for making talc. Much rarer, as a folk remedy for the treatment of alcoholism. Nevertheless, lycopodium gives good results in treatment both with internal intake of tincture, and with external treatment of trophic ulcers.

    Much more often lycopodium is used in its practice by homeopaths. The homeopathic lycopodium is a very serious remedy of a constitutional order, especially if the patient has a varicose symptom complex in his complaints.

    Plaun, taken internally, especially against the background of alcohol abuse, can lead to serious poisoning with indomitable vomiting. In this regard, it is necessary to be extremely cautious in handling this plant. Plune most often used in the form of monotherapy. During treatment it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, and also not to eat sour cabbage soup, spicy seasonings, pork and pike meat.

    Another wonderful venotonic, and the merit in revealing this side of its application also belongs to homeopaths, it is a dream-grass, or in another way meadow chamber. In homeopathy, it is often called the Latin name Pulsatilla.

    In Russian herbal medicine, sleep - the grass enjoys the glory of the mother liquor and the soothing and even antifungal agent.

    With curative The aim is to use lumbar grass, added to the fees, or tincture of the roots. The plant is poisonous and requires very careful dosing.

    Another poisonous plant, which tones the venous bed, is a drug auran. From Avran take the aboveground part and use in the form of components of fees or for the preparation of vodka tincture.

    It is not poisonous and, accordingly, more simple in the use of medicinal verbena.

    Extract of leaves of red grapes. For a long time, they could not understand why French peasants from the traditional grape growing regions almost never suffer from varicose veins. It turns out that the French winemakers had a custom, to collect the remaining leaves from the collection of red grapes and prepare infusions and compresses from it. Infusions were regularly drunk, and compresses were applied to the legs, which helped to relieve fatigue, pain and swelling, as well as prevent the development of varicose veins. And the thing is that the leaves of red grapes contain large amounts of flavonoids, which quickly relieve fatigue and pain in the legs, strengthen the walls of the vessels, reduce fragility and increase their tone, reduce permeability, connective tissue, etc. Sweet Almond Oil( PrunusAmygdalisDukis) rich in non-drying fatty oils, as well as enzyme emulsin, vitamins, especially vitamin B2, protein and tannins, sugar and gum, effectively nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, accelerating the healing process of small cracks andcuts, and protects it from the adverse effects of the environment.

    Allantoin from wheat germ has an emollient and moisturizing effect on the skin, and it also stimulates the healing of wounds and the renewal of epidermal cells. It has a beneficial effect on the skin in conditions of increased environmental aggression( wind, sun, Frost, significant temperature and humidity changes, high altitude conditions, etc.).Glycerin has softening and moisturizing properties, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Eliminates the unpleasant sensation of tightness and dryness of the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment and household chemicals. Together with cetyl alcohol binds water, contributing to the preservation of moisture in the skin.

    For the purpose of strengthening the venous wall, plants are used that normalize the exchange in connective tissue. These properties have all the herbs containing silicon. First of all, you need to remember the horsetail, then the sporish( the birdwort) is a medicinal herd.

    Inside these plants are used, usually in the form of fees.

    The application of Kirkazon leaves twisted is well proven.

    When the wound has become clean, it can be treated with buckthorn oil, decoction of yarrow, calendula, goose eye with goose to speed up healing.

    The property of strengthening the venous wall is dandelion medicinal. This property is reported to him by phospholipids, which are part of all parts of the plant.

    In spring and summer it is very useful to eat salads with a dandelion leaf as often as possible. For the winter, harvest the root, which is collected in the fall. The root is added to the collection and prepared as a decoction. From the root, make an ointment on the interior fat.

    For the preparation of the ointment, the elecampane root can also be used.

    Among the remedies that strengthen the vessel wall, one can not help mentioning the rosewood odor. This plant has given modern medicine the substance of routines, which is very actively used precisely for the purpose of which we are conducting the

    conversation. In combination with the remarkable vasoconstrictive property of vitamin C, rutin is even more effective. In this regard, the drug in the domestic pharmacopeia is ascorutin. In phytotherapy, the root can be combined with the fruits of mountain ash, dog rose, and grass.

    In order to improve blood circulation in capillaries and prevent thrombosis of varicose veins, plants containing two fundamentally different groups of substances lowering the blood coagulation activity are used.

    The first group of plants contains coumarins. The brightest representative is the yellow dolnik( medicinal).Flowers and a sheet of clover are added to the collection and taken in the form of broths. For external use make an ointment on interior fat 1: 4.

    Also prepared is the so-called ointment ointment. Here, instead of the clover, common linen is used. Decoctions of linen are given inside.

    The second group of herbs that prevent thrombosis of veins contains salicylates. Many people know that patients with coronary heart disease often receive small doses of aspirin( also called acetylsalicylic acid) to improve blood flow. The same action is produced by herbs containing salicylates: camphor, elm, goat, common raspberry, peony evading and others. However, these plants have a significantly lower risk of "aspirin" complications, such as peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood and allergic reactions.

    These plants are commonly used in the collection.

    An anti-inflammatory effect on the venous wall is to some extent possessed by almost all the already listed herbs. Nevertheless, often in the composition of the therapeutic collection and external means include bright anti-inflammatory herbs that realize their effect due to tannins and gallic acid. Examples: bark of oak, aplicata of alder, root of badan, bark and sheet of buckthorn.

    And, finally, in cases where varicose is complicated by bleeding from the ruptured node, the use of herbs with haemostatic properties is required: shepherd's bag, nettle nettle, yarrow and the like.

    Some authors mention the use in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities of mistletoe white, ash bark, grass line.

    In the treatment of varicose veins, plants that strengthen the vascular wall, prevent swelling of tissues, rich in vitamin P: rosehips, chokeberry and red mountain ash, black currant, buckwheat, as well as citrus fruits, unripe walnuts, tea leaves, etc. are important in the treatment of varicose veins.

    Tinctureflowers or fruits of horse chestnut: To prepare the tincture take 50 g of flowers or crushed fruits of chestnut and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or 40% alcohol. Insist for two weeks in a warm dark place, daily shaking. . Apply inside 30-40 drops three or four times a day for a month. The same tincture is shredded by the shins. To treat the expansion of veins and hemorrhoids in folk medicine sometimes use fresh juice from chestnut flowers for 25-30 drops two or three times a day

    Broth of horse chestnut fruit: horse chestnut fruits - 20 g, birch bark fluffy - 20 g, bark of oak birch- 20 g, thallus of Icelandic moss - 50 g, grass horsetail field - 50 g, grass Astragalus sweet-leaved -100 g, root of blackberry syzoy - 100 g, root of rhubarb Tangut - 30 g, flowers of immortelle sandy - 30 g. Two tablespoons of mixturepour two cups of boiling water and cook for five minutes. Infuse before cooling, strain and drink 1/2 cup four times a day with varicose dermatitis.

    Decoction of the twigs of the placenta For the preparation of the tincture, the spores of the plant are taken, which are collected during the ripening period, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of water. Inside take one tablespoon three times a day.

    Nutrition of nutmeg is one of the most powerful medicines that help patients with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.100 g of ground nutmeg, pour 0,5 l.vodka to insist for 10 days, shaking daily, filter and take 20 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Drink one bottle, take a break 7-10 days and so until the complete cure.

    Infusion of verbena leaf medicinal well tones up the veins: 15 grams of verbena medicinal leaves per cup of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp.spoon in an hour.

    Decoction of leaves of verbena officinalis. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of herbs on a glass of water. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day

    Broth cone cones: Concentrate one tablespoon of cones, pour a glass of boiling water and heat on a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink three glasses a day before meals;Since hops have a slight hypnotic effect, you can drink a glass in two before taking a nap. Marl, moistened with a decoction of hops, it is useful to apply to sites of legs with dilated veins.

    Infusion of garlic: 250 g of purified garlic, chopped pour 350 g of liquid honey, infuse for 2 weeks. Take 1 tbsp.spoon Zraz on the day for 40min before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

    Infusion of hop cones: 2 tablespoons of dry shredded hop cones, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, stand for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, insist 30-40 minutes, strain and drink 1 glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. In addition, moisten with infusion hops gauze and apply it in the area of ​​dilated veins. At the same time, take 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of flower pollen 2-3 times a day.

    Tincture herbs rue fragrant: 100 g of dry ground grass pour 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for 10 days in a dark place. Take 10 drops per tablespoon of water three times a day.

    Infusion of leaves of hazelnut( hazel): leaves must be harvested in May. Two tablespoons of leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, to insist for two hours. Drink 1/2 cup four times daily before meals.

    Decoction of bark of hazelnut( hazel): pour 500 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of crushed bark, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 cup four times daily before meals.

    Collection: chestnut( flowers) - 1 part, meadowsweed( flowers) - 2 parts, sweet potato( grass) - 1 part, ruta fragrant( leaf) - 1 part, horsetail - 1 part.

    1 tablespoon of the mixture on a glass of water, infuse for 15 minutes in a water bath. To defend, drain. Bring to the original volume. Drink a glass three times a day

    Infusion of nettle leaves dioecious: leaves must be harvested in May. Take 1 tablespoon nettle on a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes on a water bath. Take 1 glass in the morning and evening, while observing the milk-vegetable diet.

    Apple cider vinegar: 2 teaspoons per glass of warm boiled water before each meal.

    Infusion of herb marjoram( 4 tablespoons of raw material per cup of boiling water): 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

    Figs in any form - fresh, boiled in water or milk: with varicose disease, it is recommended to eat as much as possible, if there is no concomitant pathology - diabetes, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gout.

    Infusion of hazelnut( leaves, bark).A tablespoon of crushed raw material for a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals with varicose veins, phlebitis and periphlebitis, trophic ulcers of the lower leg and capillary hemorrhages. Decoction of the leaves to take with hypertrophy( increase) of the prostate gland.

    Decoction of hops( cones).With thrombophlebitis: collect only greenish-yellow cones of hops, dry them. Brew 1-2 tablespoons( depending on the weight of the patient) on a glass of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes, strain. The whole dose to drink in 2-3 hours during the day, preferably in the evening, since hops can act as a sleeping pill.

    Infusion of ayr marsh 20 g of rhizome of aureus pour 1/2 liter of vodka and insist in a dark place for 20 days Tincture is taken orally 1 tablespoon Zraz per day 30 minutes before eating. Course of treatment: 2months

    Collection: mix bark of buckthorn - 15 g, leaves of lemon balm - 10 g, yarrow - South.flowers of thorns -Yug. Prepare the decoction in the proportion: 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture on a glass of water. Take a glass in the morning and evening.

    Collection: take 100 g grass pea mouse and bedrock present, 30 grams horsetail, 10 grams of grass scones and strawberries. A tablespoon of mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Received infusion to drink in three meals, 20 minutes before eating. This fee must be received within a month.

    Collection: take in equal amounts of flowers of mountain ash and arnica, rhizome rootgrass. One tablespoon of the mixture to brew with one glass of boiling water, to insist 20 minutes. Drink 2-3 glasses of infusion per day, regardless of food intake. This fee is also accepted within a month.

    Collection: take 20 g of rhizomes of calamus, pour 0.5 l of homemade apple wine, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, drain. Drink 2 tablespoons 30 minutes before eating Zraz per day.

    Collection: mix the bark of the chestnut - 10 g, the willow bark - 25 g, the yarrow - 15 g, the herb spores - 15 g, the leaves rue fragrant - 15 g. Take 1 tablespoon estimates for a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, filter, take a glass of broth 3 times a day courses for 4-6 weeks with the same breaks

    Collection: chestnut( flowers) - 1 honor, althaea medicinal( root) - 1 part, camomile( flowers) - 1 part, comfrey officinalis(root) - 1 part. A tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water. Boil it off. Do compresses two or three times a day.

    Broth of white willow bark( willow, rakita): pour two tablespoons of crushed bark with two glasses of hot water and boil 15-20 minutes on low heat. Apply for foot baths( up to the knee) with pain in the legs with varicose veins and muscle fatigue. The duration of the bath is half an hour. After a bath on feet put on medical jersey and have a rest. For this bath, you can also use a mixture of willow bark with oak bark.

    Wormwood with varicose veins Fresh twigs wormwood grind the pestle in a porcelain mortar, then take a handful of pounded wormwood with a flower and mix with a half-liter of curdled milk, put on a folded 2-3 gauze gauze and attach to the legs in those places where the veins most stronglyexpanded. After that, wrap the feet with cellophane, put on a pillow and rest for 30 minutes. Treat for 3 to 4 days;then take a short break and repeat the treatment again. Simultaneously, take 1 / 2-1 teaspoon of 2-Zraza flower pollen per day for 1.5 months.

    Heap the ground part of the freshly ripped man's fern( Dryopteris Filiks - May).Mix a tablespoon of powder with the same amount of sour milk. Further act, as with wormwood

    Tincture of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate: prepare a tincture of Kalanchoe according to the following recipe: rinse the leaves of Kalanchoe, dry, grind and half fill with a half-liter bottle. Then pour alcohol to the top( for lack of it you can use vodka) and put the bottle in a dark place. Sometimes it needs to be shaken. After a week, the contents of the bottle are filtered. The obtained tincture is used for rubbing the legs, starting from the foot and moving further to the knees and above, rubbing the feet twice a day in the morning and at night. It immediately Eliminates pain in the legs. For the disappearance of the same blue network of small veins, the procedure should be done daily for 2-4 months. Simultaneously take pollen 1 / 2-1 teaspoonful two or three times a day.

    Tincture from flowers of white acacia to prepare for alcohol or vodka tincture( 1: 3).Wet it and rub well the sore spots.

    Collection: mix horse chestnut flowers - 20 g, calvina bark - 30 g, bark of willow white - 50 g. Mix the mixture in 1 liter of water. Infuse 10min. To apply for compresses.

    Treatment of this disease is successful if you exclude sweets and confectionery from food. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening you need to drink 1 glass of birch kidneys in a ratio of 1:10 with 2 tsp.apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of natural honey.

    Infusion of herb cobweb grass: 100 g grass cudweed pour 5 liters of boiling water, insist 10 hours. Apply as a foot bath. The bath lasts 20-30 minutes, the water temperature does not exceed 20C.

    In addition to herbs for the treatment of dilated veins, you can use a ripe tomato. Cut it into lobules and attach them to the enlarged veins. After three or four hours, replace the slices with fresh ones.

    On expanded veins impose gruel from grated potatoes - gruel from well washed freshly grubbed potato tubers( with prolonged storage of potatoes the activity of enzymes drops sharply) is applied to the surface of the ulcer with a layer of 1 cm, covered with 6-8 layers of gauze and hold for 4-5 hoursgauze napkin is preliminarily richly moistened with the juice of potatoes

    For night on sick veins, put thin slices of lemon, cover with paper strips and bandage on top. The lemon has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, dissolving all excess

    For honey varicose honey compresses are applied: on the canvas a layer of honey is applied, on top it is covered with a chlorovinyl film and bandaged with a wide bandage, on the first day the compress is left for two hours, in the second and third - for four, and then for the whole night. The way of cooking is this: take three tablespoons of the root of elecampane in a glass of water and evaporate in a water bath or on a small gas until the liquid acquires a viscous consistency. Then this liquid is filtered and mixed with melted interior fat 1: 4.

    When varicose veins for a compress can use a mixture of decoctions of hops and amaranth, for which 1 tablespoon cones of hop and 1 sheet of amaranth is ground, poured with 1.5 glasses of water, heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. Gauze, soaked with the resulting broth, is applied to the leg area with dilated veins for 10 minutes.

    Take pork interior fat( mesh) and bile( it is sold in a pharmacy), mix 5: 1.Do not rub the ointment, but only apply it to the sore spot.

    Take 2 tbsp.l.ground horseradish, derti 50 g, mix everything with sunflower oil and apply to the leg where blue veins and knots are visible. The pain passes, the nodes dissolve.

    Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds from it, then select the pulp with a boiled spoon and add to the boiled dishes. Keep refrigerated. Apply as you dry several times a day. First it will be sick, but you need to suffer, the pain will subside. How many procedures need to be done, you will determine.

    Compress: camphor alcohol, vinegar 9%, triple cologne( alcohol 90%), gauze, parchment paper. Dampen the wine with warm water, then squeeze well. Put gauze in the palm of your hand, sprinkle it with camphor alcohol, triple cologne and vinegar. This piece of gauze is rolled between the palms like a ball to mix all the ingredients. If the gauze is too wet, squeeze it. This gauze wrap varicose veins, put parchment paper on top, and then wrap it with an old, but clean woolen shawl. Tie up with a bandage and go to bed. In the morning, remove all and wash with warm water with laundry soap where the compresses were. And so alternate: one day compress on your right foot, and the next day - a fawned leg. If the skin appears peeling, then you need to take a break for 1-2 days. Compresses need to be done until the skin becomes smooth again, without twisted blue thrombosed veins. Already after the first compress you will feel relief when walking. The main thing is not to be lazy, then achieving success is 100%.

    In a 1 liter jar of white lilac flowers( 1 glass).Pour 0.5 liter of vodka, insist for a week and filter. When the white lily blossoms, add lily flowers to the tincture of lilac, about 100 grams, and in a week or one and a half more white acacia flowers( 1 glass).A week later the tincture is ready. Strain and apply it this way: before going to bed, lubricate the diseased leg with tincture and put on a cellophane bag, wrapped in something warm. In the morning, remove everything. Be careful, this disease does not tolerate hypothermia, so even in the summer it is better to wear stockings.

    Purification of vessels: 1 glass of dill seeds, 2 tbsp.l.powder from the root of valerian and 0.5 liters of natural honey. Put in a two-liter jar and pour boiling water to the top, wrap it for a day. Then strain and take 1 tbsp.l.for half an hour before meals.

    Treatment with green bentonite clay. Clay can be ingested in the form of clay powder and clay water. Rinse the sore spots with clay water with grated garlic. Put clay lotions on sore spots. Alternate clay lotions with lotions from fresh cabbage, cooked in a special way. Wash the sore spots with salted water.

    To preventive measures against varicose veins, a toning massage is applied: using a mixture of peppermint oil( 3 drops) and amaranth oil( 2 drops).For this, the palms are lubricated with a mixture of oils and the veins are stroked from the bottom upwards. This massage is carried out 1-2 times a week.

    Spruce ointment for varicose veins. Mix 50 g grated onion, 50 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of spruce resin, 15 g of copper sulfate, bring the mixture to a boil, cool. Keep in a jar. A mixture of lubricating varicose veins, bruises, stretching.

    And, remember that you can cope with your illness without resorting to prompt intervention. Take a look around. Nature is a natural remedy. Healing plants and medical leeches created by nature itself, can make your feet healthy and beautiful.

    Medical leech is the best vascular doctor. Leeches are put on reflexogenic points in the coccyx region( for the purpose of unloading venous stagnation in the pelvic region), on the liver region with the same purpose, along the thrombosed or varicose veins on both sides in a staggered order. And the secretion of the saliva of the leech contains a special substance hirudin, which prevents blood coagulation, thereby improving blood circulation.

    In addition to hirudin, the secretion of leech saliva contains more than thirty biologically active substances that have a wide range of healing effects. Already from the moment of the act of bloodsucking leeches, there is a curative effect on pathologically altered organs and veins, then a number of mechanisms of normalizing microcirculation are connected, in particular, the mechanism of removing vascular spasm, as well as acceleration of blood flow, decrease of blood viscosity. All this leads to an improvement in the supply of tissues, and, consequently, to the elimination of the pathological process.

    The phytotherapy method allows to correct the venous system and chronic processes from the inside, and hirudotherapy, both from within( through the saturation of the systemic blood flow with useful substances) and from the outside, removing cosmetic defects.

    It is very important to catch the disease at the very beginning, when varicosity is only scheduled. If the symptoms of the disease have only appeared, you need to start herbal medicine, go on a diet, possibly undergo a course of anti-scleretic drug treatment. If the varicose has gone very far - without surgical intervention is unlikely to do. In this situation, herbal treatment is intended to improve its results and prevent relapses. If, for some reason, the operation is impossible - herbal medicine will help prevent complications in the form of thrombophlebitis.

    1. Broth of cones hops ordinary. One tablespoon of cones to crush, pour a glass of boiling water and heat on a water bath for 15 minutes. Decoction to drink 3 glasses before eating;Since hops have a slight hypnotic effect, you can drink a glass in two before taking a nap. Marl, moistened with a decoction of hops, it is useful to apply to sites of legs with dilated veins.

    2. Infusion of leaves ordinary( hazel).Leaves must be harvested in May. Two tablespoons of leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, to insist for two hours. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times daily before meals.

    3. Decoction of bark of common hazel( hazel).One tablespoon of chopped bark pour 500 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times daily before meals.

    4. Tincture of flowers or fruits chestnut horse. 50 g of flowers or chestnut fruit per 0.5 liter of vodka. Insist for two weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. Take 30-40 drops 3-4 times within 3-4 weeks.

    Preparations from horse chestnut lower blood coagulability, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins.

    5. Broth of bark willow white ( willow, rakita).Two tablespoons of crushed bark pour 2 cups of hot water, bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes on low heat. It is used for foot baths( up to the knee) with pain in the legs of persons suffering from varicose veins, and with muscle fatigue. The duration of the bath is half an hour. After the bath, put on the bandage or rubber elastic stockings and rest.

    6. Grass wormwood silvery. Freshly ripped leaves and flower wormwood heads thoroughly grind in a mortar. A tablespoon of the resulting gruel to connect with with the same amount of sour milk. Stir and apply a smooth layer on the cheesecloth, which is then applied to the areas with dilated veins. Treat for 3-4 days. In a few days you can repeat.

    7. In addition to herbs for the treatment of dilated veins, you can use a well-ripened tomato. Cut it into lobules and attach them to the enlarged veins. After 3-4 hours, replace the slices with fresh ones.

    8. Kalanchoe. Fill half the half-liter jar with the cut leaves of the Kalanchoe and pour vodka or alcohol 70 ° to the top. Put in a dark place and periodically shake. A week later the tincture is ready. Rub in the evening feet tincture, beginning from the foot and up to the knees. Pain in the legs passes immediately, but for the treatment, disappearance of the vein net, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for 4 consecutive months.

    9. PM Kurennoe advises: The first remedy is cress-salad( cut).It should be eaten in very large quantities.

    10. Wheat dumpling. In a bucket to pour 200 g of dry grass, pour boiling water and insist an hour, carefully wrapped. Then put it in a bucket( infusion should be warm) feet and hold for about half an hour, pouring boiling water.

    11. Wormwood. Mix a handful of crushed fresh wormwood with matzoni or yogurt. Mix the mixture on gauze and attach it where the veins are most heavily dilated. Put your feet on the pillow and cover with film or cellophane. Remove gauze with gruel in 30 minutes.

    12. Kalanchoe. Fill half of a half-liter bottle with cut Kalanchoe leaves and pour vodka or 70-degree alcohol to the top. Put in a dark place and periodically shake. A week later the tincture is ready. Rub in the evening feet tincture, starting from the foot and moving to the knees and up. Pain in the legs passes immediately, but for the treatment, the disappearance of the vein net, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for 4 consecutive months.

    13. Hops. 1 tbsp.spoon cones of hops to crush, pour 200 ml of boiling water and to heat on a water bath for 15 minutes. Take a glass 3 times a day before eating. On a stretch of legs with dilated veins, apply gauze moistened with a decoction of hops.

    14. Hazelnut. 1 tbsp.spoon for 200 ml of boiling water to brew like tea. To drink broth on a half-glass 4 times a day. This broth also helps with the expansion of small capillaries, veins. Fresh hazel leaves collect in June, dry in the shade.

    15. Chestnut horse. 30 g of horse chestnut flowers or fruits( taken out) to crush and insist on 300 ml of vodka in the dark for a week, periodically shaking. Then, draining, take 30 drops 3 times daily before meals. There are ready-made pharmacy tinctures from chestnut horse - eskuzan, esfalazid and escin. They are prescribed internally for 10-20 drops 3 times daily before meals.

    These drugs are used to treat thrombosis, during labor and after surgery, with varicose veins, especially in pregnant and parturient women.16. Nut( leaves, bark).Infusion of leaves and bark of hazelnut: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials for a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink 1/3 - 1/4 cup 3-4 times daily before meals with varicose veins, phlebitis and periphlebitis, trophic ulcers of the lower leg and capillary hemorrhages.

    Decoction of leaves to take with hypertrophy( increase) of the prostate.

    17. Tincture: 50 g or flowers of chestnut fruit on 0,5 l of vodka 50- degree. Infuse for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. Take this tincture of 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks. For the treatment of the expansion of veins and hemorrhoids in folk medicine, in addition to tinctures, sometimes use fresh juice from the flowers of chestnut 25 drops 2-3 times in day.

    Preparations from horse chestnut lower blood coagulability, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and promote the resorption of the formed thrombi, the thrombi gradually soften and dissolve.

    Preparations from chestnut( from fruits, flowers or bark) are applied inside and outwardly with hemorrhoids, vasospasm, bile secretion disorders, chronic digestive disorders, bronchial catarrh, gout, rheumatism, sciatica and for treatment of thrombophlebitis, with leg ulcers and veins. The extract is recommended for use in baths with myalgia and neuralgia.

    Hot infusion and horse chestnut extract is one of the best venotonic agents. It is part of the domestic and foreign drugs to treat with the expansion and inflammation of veins, phlebitis and hemorrhoids.

    18. Before going to bed, make warm foot baths of herbs. Helps with thrombophlebitis and other thromboses. Equally useful are common tubs of cudweed.

    19. A woman after removal of the gallbladder could not walk. Became swollen legs and covered with a network of blue thin veins. Made a tincture of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe on vodka. She began to rub her feet. The tumor was gone. The blue of the small veins disappeared, it became normal to walk.

    20. Yarrow( grass) - 50 g, immortelle( flowers) - 200 g, cranberries( leaves) - 100 g, buckthorn( bark) - 100 g, birch ( leaves) - 100 g.

    1 full tablespoona mixture of boiled 300 g of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. Infuse in a warm place for 4 hours. Take in a warm form for 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. It is used for phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.

    21. Exercise proposed by Mikulin.

    To rise on the toes so that the heels come off the floor only 1 cm, and drop sharply to the floor. After 20 such shaking break 10 seconds. At each exercise, do not more than 60 concussions. During the day, it is recommended to repeat the exercise 3-5 times for 1 minute duration. Do it quietly, slowly.

    22. Bulgarian recipes for the expansion of veins.

    Freshly ripped leaves and flower heads of wormwood silvery thoroughly rub in a mortar. A tablespoon of the obtained powder should be combined with the same amount of sour milk, mixed properly and applied evenly on the cheesecloth, which is then applied to the enlarged veins.

    One of the most common diseases in the elderly is varicose veins of the lower extremities. Most often, the superficial veins of the lower leg, thighs, and feet are deformed.

    The disease is expressed in the loss of veins elasticity, as a result of which they expand, forming so-called "nodes".The rate of blood flow in them decreases, the blood begins to sweat through the walls of the veins - edema is formed. Varicose veins often lead to thrombophlebitis( the formation of thrombi on the walls of the veins).

    This disease often develops also in many delivered, pregnant, as the fetus presses on the pelvic vessels, making it difficult for the blood to circulate in the lower limbs.

    With varicose veins, patients usually complain of pain along the veins or in all of the limbs that occur when walking. The enlarged veins are visible through the skin in the form of sinuous veins or knots. In the process of developing the disease in these places, dark brown or brown spots appear on the skin. The disease is often accompanied by edema of the lower limbs, which appear at the end of the day.

    The development of varicose veins is facilitated by the difficulty of outflowing blood due to prolonged standing on the legs, wearing gums or garters that worsen blood circulation, heavy physical work, etc.

    Treatment of varicose veins should begin with the elimination of causes that contribute to blood circulation disorders in the limbs. With sedentary work, it is advisable to take a break every 1.5-2 hours. During the break, you should do some physical exercises, run 100-200 meters or at least 10-15 times to rise on your toes.

    A good effect in this disease is the bandaging of the affected veins with a flexible bandage. Do this in the morning, without getting out of bed( and when the bandage the leg should be in a raised position), starting from the toes of the foot and rising higher( leave the heel open).Usually bandaged to the knee or lower third of the thigh. Sometimes, instead of bandage, use an elastic stocking, which is more convenient to use.

    Therapeutic physical training plays an enormous role in the treatment of this disease. You need to run, swim, ride a bike and ski, do any leg exercises in the supine position( you can include and strength exercises).In the initial stages of the disease it is useful 3-4 times a day to lie with legs raised on the support, after which sitting or lying to do several physical exercises. In the sitting position, even in the workplace, you can perform some exercises, for example, bend and unbend your toes 10-15 times at a slow pace or stretch and relax the muscles of the thigh, moving the kneecap 10-15 times. Useful morning runs, evening walks and all that takes us away from hypodynamia.

    To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to constantly and persistently carry out the prevention of varicose veins. It is necessary to eliminate all that interferes with normal blood circulation. If the nature of the work has to sit for a long time, the patient leg should be placed horizontally. After work, be sure to walk slowly and with pleasure - this is the best rest for your legs.

    Before starting the treatment of varicose veins, one should listen to some recommendations of specialists in this field:

    with varicose veins always wear only comfortable shoes. Women, if possible, do not wear high-heeled shoes. All patients( and healthy, for the prevention of disease) should often walk barefoot;

    anyone who has a predisposition to varicose veins or has already appeared the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to monitor your weight. Be afraid of obesity, especially in old age. Obesity is an extra burden for the heart, legs, for all organs and systems of your body. Obesity is a waste of energy and a path to ill health;

    people with diseased veins experts recommend wearing elastic stockings. These stockings prevent further expansion of the veins and create resistance to venous stasis;

    because the veins of the lower extremities are located furthest from the heart, with a weakening of cardiac strength they suffer in the first place. Therefore, we must strive to help the heart to cope with its hard work. To do this, at every opportunity, try to put your feet higher, for example, on the back of the bed, chair or chair. If you are lying on a sofa or a bed - put a high pillow or a mattress under your feet;

    smoking is for veins an enemy number one. If you smoke and your age is approaching the advanced one, you can be sure that you will definitely have varicose veins. Well, if the disease is not accompanied by complications( thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of the lower limbs), because in this case you are already risking life;

    if you see that you have changes in your veins, try to reconsider and change your lifestyle. You go more for walks, go in for sports, run, limit yourself in nutrition and run away from hypodynamia.

    Broth of willow bark of white( willow, rakita): 2 tbsp. Spoon the crushed bark with 2 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes on low heat. Do with the decoction foot baths, with pain in the legs all suffering from varicose dilations and with muscle fatigue. The duration of the bath is half an hour. After the bath, put on your bandage or elastic rubber stockings.

    The decoction of the tops of carrots needs a thread constantly instead of tea or water for all varicosities and thrombophlebitis.

    Tincture of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut: 50 g of fruit or chestnut flowers per 0.5 liter of vodka. Insist 14 days in a warm, dark place, shaking daily.

    Take 40 drops 3-4 times daily for 2-3 weeks. Hot infusion or horse chestnut extract is one of the most powerful tools used for venous insufficiency. It is also used in the treatment of various phlebitis and hemorrhoids. Preparations from horse chestnut strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries, prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Formed early thrombi gradually dissolve and soften.

    Broth of bark of hazel common: 1 tbsp. Spoon a crushed bark pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, drain. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times daily before meals.

    Infusion of leaves of hazelnut( hazel).Leaves must be harvested in May.2 tbsp. Spoon the leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times daily before meals.

    Tincture herbs rue fragrant: 100 g of chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 10 days in a dark place. Take 10 drops per tablespoon of water 3 times a day.

    Grass of wormwood silvery. Just ripped off the leaves and flower heads of wormwood carefully grind in a mortar. A tablespoon of obtained gruel is combined with the same amount of sour milk. Stir well, as it should, and apply a thin layer on the cheesecloth, which is then applied to the diseased areas. Treatment should be 4-5 days. Rest 5 days, and repeat treatment.

    Before going to bed it is useful to make baths for the feet in the infusion of herb swamp grass. The bath temperature is 38-39 ° C.

    3 apples( varieties "Antonovka") of medium size rinse with cold water and put in an enamel pot, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Tightly wrap, put in a warm place and insist for 3 hours. Then crush the apples and drain the resulting solution. Take 100 g. In the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

    Nutmeg is one of the most powerful products, giving a good effect in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Grated nutmeg insists on vodka and drink for a long time. Take 200 grams of nuts per liter of vodka. Insist 14 days. Filter and take 25 drops 3 times a day.

    Bodyfish or common soybean often relieves patients of surgery for varicose veins. Lotions and compresses from the buckwheat have long been used in folk medicine: 30 grams of stems and leaves of the buckwheat are poured with 300 ml of water, boiled on light for 5 minutes, cooled. Compresses are best done at night.

    Half-liter bottle filled with birch buds at 1/3 and pour vodka to the neck. Infuse for 10 days, shaking daily. Lubricate the veins received tincture, when the feet begin to hurt, and relax for 10-15 minutes. Then again lubricate and stop all physical activity. Kidneys should be collected at a time when they are already swollen, but the green leaves have not yet appeared. Collect the kidneys to dry, they will be ready for use within 2 years. Tincture of birch buds also helps with thrombophlebitis and long healing wounds and ulcers.

    Lubrication of varicose veins and knots with apple 6% vinegar reduces the dilated veins.

    Stinging nettle. Infusion of her leaves with varicose take a long time, while you should follow a diet: do not eat meat, avoid fried foods;

    Bulgarian medicine recommends using fresh tomatoes for varicose veins. Well ripened tomato cut into lobules and apply to the expanded veins and varicose veins. After 3-4 hours, replace the tomato slices with fresh ones.

    1 tbsp. Spoon the cones of hop ordinary, chop, pour a glass of boiling water and heat on a water bath for 15 minutes. Decoction drink before meals 3 times a day but 200 ml. It should be remembered that hops have some hypnotic action, which is dangerous for drivers. Broth of hops can be used for outdoor use, putting napkins with it on sites with dilated veins for 10-15 minutes.

    Exercise suggested by Mikulin: to rise on the toes so that the heels come off the floor by 1 cm and drop sharply to the floor. After 20 such shaking - a break of 10 seconds. With each exercise, make up to 60 such concussions. Exercise should be repeated 2-3 times a day.

    Fill half a half liter bottle with crushed Kalanchoe leaves and pour alcohol or vodka to the top. Put for a week in a dark place. Shake daily. Rub the tincture in the evening, starting with the foot. The drug relieves pain in the legs, contributes to the disappearance of the "blue grid" of small veins. Pain in the legs is immediate, and for the disappearance of the grid it will take 2-3 months.

    Recipe Zalmanovozhnye baths with alum and soda: soda - 200 g. Alum - 70 g, water - 5 l. The water temperature is 38 ° С.the procedure time is 15 minutes.

    Mix a handful of pounded fresh bitter wormwood with 0.5 liters of curdled milk, apply the mixture on gauze and attach to the places where the veins are most pronounced. Put your feet on a small pad and cover with polyethylene. After 30 minutes, remove.

    With varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, one must constantly eat raw onions that reduce blood clotting.

    Seaweed and figs have strong anticoagulant properties. They have a good effect4 with thrombophlebitis;

    Advices of the Bulgarian healer and clairvoyant Vanga Dimitrova for the treatment of varicose veins:

    in the early morning spread a clean sheet on the dewy grass, then wrap her feet. Rosa, in her opinion, has not yet fully studied the remedy that heals many diseases;

    with varicose veins should always go early in the morning on the dewty meadow grass in cotton socks. When the socks get wet with dew, you do not need to remove them, but you have to wait until they dry on your feet;

    pour olive oil with green walnuts so that the oil covers the top layer of nuts for 1-2 cm. Let the nuts stand in the sun for 40 days. The resulting mixture lubricate the legs with varicose extension. The treatment is continued until the medication is over;

    take a lightly filthy-cut pig, cut it into small slices and apply these slices to the affected areas. You can sprinkle slices of lung tissue with sulfur and leave them on your leg all night;

    cyanotic feet can be cured if you take tincture of celandine( 10 drops per tablespoon of milk), 3 times daily before meals. You can drink a decoction of stripes, and cyanotic places obkladyvat leaves of burdock or lilac.

    Varicose veins are caused by excessive stretching of the vessel walls, most often in the second half of pregnancy and, unfortunately, tends to intensify with each new pregnancy. With an increase in the length of the veins of the lower extremities, more and more hard work falls out, because the blood rises up from them( from the toes to the heart), overcoming both their own weight and the weight of the woman who is added. In addition, the number of hormones changes, under the influence of which the walls of the vessels are softened, and the pressure of the uterus and fetus on the vessels of the small pelvis increases.

    Many women have varicose veins of the lower extremities at the end of pregnancy, hemorrhoids often appear. But not at all. What does it depend on? Mainly for several reasons:

    - insufficient elasticity of the vessels, due to the condition of the venous valves, which is often inherited;

    - a long stay on the feet, which can be associated with professional activities;excessive sun exposure and warmth;

    - excessive stretching of the veins due to the influence of hormones during pregnancy.

    Varicose veins are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and the appearance of fever in the legs, swelling, a painful feeling of tension, sometimes convulsions.

    If a woman experiences severe pain in the area of ​​the dilated veins or in the legs with flexion of the foot, if a tight, hot, painful area appears along the vein, she should immediately consult a doctor.

    Varicose veins of the rectum and anus are called hemorrhoids. At the same time, hemorrhoids can form, which are painful, and a painful sensation of itching and burning occurs. Sometimes, with the act of defecation, the hemorrhoidal nodes bleed. Hemorrhoids may worsen after childbirth, but then it occurs in most women, especially if it was an unopened case. And it happened in my patient:

    "I had two pregnancies. At the first there was a hemorrhoids which after sorts or labors disturbed me within a month. The enemas with infusion of chamomile and sea-buckthorn oil helped. After the second delivery, there was hemorrhoids and varicose veins. With hemorrhoids, I already knew how to cope. Her legs felt no pain, no burning, only her heaviness, her legs felt like cotton, especially by the end of the day. I was advised to sleep with my legs elevated, and after a week the weight was gone. "

    Most researchers and doctors are inclined to believe that varicose veins and cellulite are inextricably linked.

    Accumulation of fat in the thighs, upper legs and on the buttocks leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels and their superpermeability, resulting in edema. There is also a hardening of the tissues around the fat cells, which is aggravated with age.

    Exercises are performed in the supine position on the back( the lower end of the couch or bed is raised to a height of 25 cm).

    1. Divide your arms to the sides( inhale), put them along the trunk( exhalation) - 5 times.

    2. Hands along the trunk, legs apart. Simultaneously, bend and unbend the feet and fingers -10-12 times.

    3. The legs are straight. Alternately, bend and unbend legs in the knees - 3-7 times each leg.

    4. The legs are straightened. The left leg bend, pull to the chest, straighten up, hold and slowly lower. Do the same with your right foot - 5-6 times.

    5. Legs bent at the knees, hands on the abdomen. Diaphragmatic breathing. Repeat 4-5 times.

    6. Feet apart, socks and knees inward, outward and back. Repeat 6-10 times.

    7. Brushes to the shoulders. Circular movements in the shoulder joints -4-5 times in each direction.

    8. Hands under the waist or along the trunk. Sit down and lie down 5-6 times.

    9. The legs are bent, hands on the stomach. Tilt the bent legs to the right and left 6-8 times.

    10. The legs are straight. Alternately, take your legs and arms out 4-5 times in each direction.

    11. The legs are straight. Alternately, bend and unbend the foot with effort - "pushing the pedal"( the exercise can also be performed with an emphasis on the gym wall) -10-12 times.

    12. Feet apart. Left arm bend, with your right hand remove the left heel. The same with the right foot - 5-6 times each.

    13. hands behind the head. Movement with your feet - a "bicycle" 6-8 times.

    14. Feet bent, hands on abdomen. Take a deep breathe 5-6 times.

    15. Legs bent, arms along the trunk. Alternately raise your legs upwards with a delay in the vertical position - move your toes and actively turn your feet, circular movements repeat until the appearance of fatigue in your legs.

    16. Hands in the "lock", legs apart. Raise your hands up, pull up and spread your hands to the sides, down - 4-6 times.

    Exercises 17-28 perform on the couch, the foot end of which is lowered to a horizontal position.

    17. Lying on the left side. The left arm under the cheek, right on the thigh, the legs are half-bent. Raise your right arm and leg - 5-6 times.

    18. The starting position is the same. Bend the right leg and pull it up with your hand to the stomach - 6-8 times.

    19. The starting position is the same. Turns of the trunk to the sides - 6-8 times.

    20. Lying with his right hand holding on to the couch. Perform swing motion with your right foot forward and backward -

    6-8 times.

    21. The starting position is the same. Circular motion with the same foot inside and outside 3-4 times. The same exercise for the left leg.

    22. The starting point is the same. Bend and unbend the feet -10-12 times.

    23-28.Repeat exercises 17-22 in the position on the right side.

    29. Standing face to the gymnastic wall and holding onto the rail, rise on the toes, make a roll on the heels, again on the socks - 5-6 times.

    30. The starting position is the same. Quickly resemble an emphasis on socks, carrying the weight from one foot to the other - 5-6 times for 5-6 steps.

    31. The starting position is the same, only stepping back a large step from the wall, hands behind the back. Step with your left foot on the 4-5 rake, push the knee to the rack, then the same for the right foot - 5-6 times.

    32. Standing right side at the gymnastic wall, hold the right hand behind the rail below the waist with your right hand. Perform swinging movements with your left hand and your foot back and forth 6-8 times. The same-left side to the wall - mahi right hand and foot.

    33. Standing, hands are lowered. Divide your arms to the sides - inhale, lower - exhale. Do 4-5 times.

    34. Standing face to the gymnastic wall, holding the rake at shoulder level, squat on toes, knees apart - 3-4 times.

    35. Standing right side to the gymnastic wall, perform circular motions with your left foot inside and outside - 3-5 times. The same - the right foot.

    36. Walking is simple and complicated: on socks, on the heels, high knees, ski step in alternation with ordinary walking and relaxation of the muscles of one and the other legs - 5 minutes.

    37. Lying on the back. The foot end of the couch is raised by 35-40 cm. Divide your arms to the sides( inhale), lower( exhale) 4-5 times.

    38. The starting position is the same. Alternately bend and unbend legs in the knees - 4-6 times. Breathe in at the end of the diaphragm - 4-6 times.

    - Father Abraham was walking with his proud son Isaac, I did not live a sickly Christ for healing. They met 12 komoh - antichrist daughters, Father Abraham asked them: "Did you spoil the veins of the servants of God( name)?" The comrades bowed to Father Abraham, before Christ trembled, the blood knots were taken from the servants of God( name).Who will read this on Friday, That with the veins all the illness will go away. Amen. During the reading of the plot, the little finger of the left hand needs to circle the varicose veins.

    - On the sea-ocean there is an oak, under that oak is a golden cone. I gnaw, bite, I select a bump from under the oak tree, and drive a hernia under an oak tree. And you lie under the oak tree, do not say a word, only help the angel of the servant of God( name), pick your hernia, take it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    The clay is dried in the sun, placed in wooden or enameled utensils, but in no case in metal, pour a small amount of water, let stand for several hours, so that the clay soaked in water.

    Use as an ointment for affected areas of vessels.


    60 g sea mud, 1 teaspoon lemon oil, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 10 drops almond oil.

    Method of preparation.

    Warm up the dirt to 20 ° C, mix with lemon juice and oils, cool.

    How to use.

    Apply mud application to the skin of the feet for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.