
Epilation wax at home: wax depilation in the bikini zone, video tutorials, photos, reviews

  • Epilation wax at home: wax depilation in the bikini zone, video tutorials, photos, reviews

    Wax epilation at home is one of the most ancient methods of hair removal. He came to the present from the Far East, where the girls made their bodies seductive, like silk. After so many years, wax depilation has not suffered any changes and is now well used by both craftsmen in procedural beauty salons and beauties at home.

    This method differs from the budget price, ease of self-holding, minimum time, ideal for all skin types, does not cause itching and irritation, slows down the intensity of hair growth. Of the shortcomings: painful procedure and the inability to remove small hairs.

    Preheated wax, preheated in a water bath or wax, is applied to skin areas covered with hair. Wax penetrates to the follicle and freezes with it, so the hair is pulled out from the root, which increases the period of hair regrowth.

    Despite all the safety and softness of the procedure, one should not overlook contraindications. And this: diabetes, which slows down the process of repairing damaged skin and increases the risk of complications;any skin formations: papillomas, moles, warts;phlebeurysm. Before the procedure, a skin sensitivity test is required.

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    Types of wax for epilation

    1. Hot wax. It is reusable, but requires control over time and temperature. Epilation with hot wax is better suited for use in beauty salons. It is strictly forbidden to use people suffering from swelling.

    2. Cold wax. This kind of wax is more painful, tiring and less effective, it is used mainly for epilation of the legs. It is not recommended to use in the zone of bikini, face and underarms.

    3. Warm wax is an ideal variant for independent home hair removal. Made from a mixture of soft beeswax and pine resin. Often has a composition of soothing additives.

    Before the procedure, we treat the area with a disinfectant or a child's non-flavored powder. Next, apply a warm wax cartridge or strips in the direction of hair growth, from above glues the tissue strip for depilation. Slightly rub our hands and sharply tear off the strip against the growth of hair. It is not possible to apply the wax to this site again, the remaining hairs can be removed with tweezers. Remains of wax should be cleaned with a make-up remover. On this day, water procedures are not recommended. It is also better to give up sunbathing. Next, daily use cream, gel or mousse to slow down hair growth and further prevent ingrowth.



    "For a long time I tried to make friends with wax. At home I tried both cold and hot wax, but I liked it was warm. It does not cause strong pain, neutral effect on the skin. "


    "My first strip was a real test: there was a pain shock, so that day the epilation on this and ended. Now I do wax hair removal only in the cabin, there it happens faster and less sensitive. "


    "I am the owner of thick and hard hair, so I need to shave every day. Wax is an excellent solution to my "headache".Despite the first unpleasant sensations after the procedure, the effect overwhelmed me. Now I go quietly in open dresses and do not worry about the appearance of bristles the next day. "


    "I do a wax epilation of a deep bikini in the salon. To whom as, but it really hurts. But six months of regular procedures, and now my hair is thinner, so it's better to wait a bit and be everywhere smooth. "

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