
Diamond facial grinding: reviews, photos before and after, indications, contraindications, video

  • Diamond facial grinding: reviews, photos before and after, indications, contraindications, video

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    To date, diamond facial polishing has become very popular in cosmetology, which is often referred to as pilling, dermabrasion or micro-grinding. This is one of many varieties of mechanical skin cleansing, which has many advantages in application. Such pilling helps to cleanse the skin of the horny layer of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen, which rather favorably affects the general condition of the skin and increases its elasticity, elasticity and tone.

    In addition, this kind of grinding helps to smooth out the tone and topography of the skin, removes or smoothes scars, scars and shallow wrinkles on the skin. After such a procedure, the color of the skin noticeably improves, it has a uniform tone and radiance. Thanks to this procedure, skin cleansing can get rid of age spots, freckles and hyperpigmentation. The pores of the face narrow and become more invisible. Skin thickens just before our eyes.

    And what about the procedure of the fair sex? Let's see the testimonials of those who tried it.

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    Reviews of the tried

    Catherine : I visited only two procedures to give the skin an excellent appearance. However, the effect was already noticeable after the first procedure. When redness came down, the skin really changed, became velvety and silky, as they say in advertising. Unfortunately, I did not use any method of polishing the skin, so I can not compare with anything.

    Victoria : The skin changed before our eyes. I did this procedure a few days ago. At first I was very worried because of the redness of the skin, but this is a normal reaction, because I have sensitive skin. The redness was gone, and the skin became incredibly beautiful and soft. I recommend diamond pilling to everyone who has not decided yet.

    Julia : I'm very glad that I tried to clean my face in a diamond way. I had a very long time fighting with the problem of acne on my face, I tried a lot of different pilling to get rid of scars, but they turned out to be ineffective. In addition, on chemical peeling, I had an allergic reaction. It was diamond face polishing that helped me cope with my skin problems.

    Anya : Used this pilling to get rid of post-acne and removal of postnatal stretch marks on the abdomen. The result is amazing. The skin became like new, and even irritation was not. I am very pleased with the results.

    Even in the photo before and after the procedure you can clearly see how much diamond pilling helps to solve many skin problems.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    But there are some contraindications. So, this skin cleaning is not recommended if:

    • you have a sunburn on your skin;
    • in the presence of wounds, scratches and unresolved sores and fresh scars;
    • in the presence of all kinds of skin infections;
    • if you have scleroderma or hyperkeratosis;
    • is categorically contraindicated to do this procedure to pregnant or lactating mothers;
    • during critical days;
    • if there are abscesses on the skin, irritations or allergies;
    • if you have bronchial asthma;
    • of viral and inflammatory diseases, high temperature;
    • serious stomach diseases;
    • presence on the skin of papillomas, moles or warts;
    • if you have a pacemaker or have heart disease;
    • fever;
    • of any oncological diseases.

    If you do not have the above mentioned health problems - you can safely go to the diamond skin polishing, do not worry about the consequences and enjoy the beautiful, clean, velvety skin. Be beautiful!