
Guessing at work: guessing on maps for future work, the proper conduct of the ritual

  • Guessing at work: guessing on maps for future work, the proper conduct of the ritual

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    Work and finance occupy an important place in the life of every person. There are situations when a person is in search of work for a long time, can not make a choice between two proposals, is dismissed for one reason or another. How to be? What to do next? Guessing at work will be able to answer all questions and suggest the correct way to solve problems.

    The most complete picture can be represented by guessing on maps. Long ago this method of obtaining information was considered truthful and accurate. There is an opinion that the maps set the direction of the situation and this can not be avoided.
    For this purpose, different deck of cards, different techniques and interpretations are used. Experienced fortunetellers make complex layouts on Tarot cards, Lenorman. Simple guessing can be done by an ordinary person who has nothing to do with magic.

    Layout of Tarot cards

    For a new job:
    Five cards are taken from the deck in turn.
    ⦁ Current situation;
    ⦁ In which area is it better to look for work;

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    ⦁ What qualities need to be shown;
    ⦁ Prospects for getting a new job;
    ⦁ What future awaits you when you get a new job.
    On the future work of two options:
    Use nine cards that are pulled out of the deck. The first card is placed in the center. On both sides are laid out cards 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8, 9.
    ⦁ The current situation and the essence of the issue.
    Next, the alignment is conducted on both sides of the first card. One part describes the situation when the first post is received, the other part describes the second one. Questions are put similar in the first and second versions.
    ⦁ Financial prospects and salary level. Map 2 and 6.
    ⦁ Career growth and position. Map 3 and 7.
    ⦁ Relations with colleagues and superiors. Map 4 and 8.
    ⦁ Summarizing. How satisfied are you with this work. Cards 5 and 9.
    On the device for a new job - how to pass the interview:
    Six cards are pulled out from the pack. The first is placed in the center, the rest are around it.
    ⦁ What qualities a fortuneteller has.
    ⦁ What qualities will please the employer.
    ⦁ What you need to do to get this position.
    ⦁ Can the fortuneteller acquire new skills and learn this profession.
    ⦁ Is the work suitable.
    ⦁ What are the chances for getting a position.

    Map Layout Lenorman

    For a new job:
    Seven cards are drawn from the deck. Expand in the form of a circle. The first two cards at the top, 3, 4 on the one hand, 5, 6 on the other, 7 closes the circle from below.
    ⦁ As far as you are willing to take the risk.
    ⦁ Are you active to get a new job.
    ⦁ Are employees and superiors reliable?
    ⦁ Outlook.
    ⦁ Will there be additional costs.
    ⦁ Will you be satisfied with the income.
    ⦁ Result.

    Layout on conventional cards

    The cards are taken in turn from the deck. In this case, you are asked the questions that interest you. They must be unambiguous and clearly worded. Six cards to clarify the situation will be enough. The seventh is the result.
    If you do not want to obstruct yourself with all sorts of ways, you can just draw one card. She will give a short answer. For example, you ask the question "Will I get this job?"
    ⦁ Drops a card of the cross suit - there will be difficulties in getting the job.
    ⦁ The peak suit - you will not get a job.
    ⦁ Bubnova suit - your new position and income will satisfy you.
    ⦁ A worm suit - you will get a job, and it will be yours to the heart.

    Interpretation of maps

    Make a layout - this is the smallest in this situation. The main thing is to explain it. To do this, you can use the Internet and find the value of the cards there. Having decided with the general picture, look at the combination of a number of lying cards. They will describe the situation in more detail.

    The cards are very tight. Keep yourself under control and contact them only if necessary.
