
Astrology by date of birth: Chinese, karmic, Vedic destiny

  • Astrology by date of birth: Chinese, karmic, Vedic destiny

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    Since the moment a person was born, all his main moments in life are determined by astrology by the date of birth. It should be noted that it should take into account the place of birth of a person, date and time with maximum accuracy. All this in some measure affects his whole life: compatibility in marriage, financial component, predisposition to diseases and other. This is all very important, because if a person knows the astrological forecast, he can not only plan his own life, but also influence possible negative events. This article will consider karmic astrology, fate by birth date and other types of astrology.

    Karmic system

    With the help of karmic astrology, you can tell the entire fate of a person by the date of birth, but you need a full date( day, month and year).To correctly interpret your fate, you need to put all the figures together. For example, on 26.04.1992.

    2 + 6 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 33

    The final number turned out to be 33. It should be noted that this number is not necessary to single out, in contrast to numerology.

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    Now you can get acquainted with the values:

    1. 1-10 - a person can become clairvoyant or psychic.
    2. 10-15 - is a difficult fate with negative and positive events.
    3. 15-20 - people are lucky in life.
    4. 20-25 are hard-working.
    5. 25-30 is not an easy life.
    6. 30-35 - people-thinkers.
    7. 34-40 - business.
    8. 40-45 are people with a melancholic type.
    9. 45-50 - funny.
    10. 50-55 - energy magnets.

    Thanks to karmic astrology, you can easily learn about some individual traits of a person. With it you can better know the world around you and know yourself.

    Oriental horoscope

    The Chinese horoscope by the date of birth is popular not only in the East, but also in the West. Based on the eastern horoscope, each year passes under the sign of one of the animals. A person, in a certain year, gets a lot of qualities that add up his destiny.

    Based on the legend, the animals came to say goodbye to the Buddha in this order: Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. As a reward, the Buddha gave them the right to take turns( once for twelve years) to own not only human destinies, but also time. In the eastern horoscope, all animals are divided into triads.

    Chinese astrology by the date of birth is able to help you learn not only about yourself, but about your family and friends, and for this you only need to know the year of birth. It is worth noting that it will also help to determine compatibility with any person.

    Foreseeing the future

    Many people are interested in the astrology of fate by the date of birth, because everyone wants to learn more about their fate and about the events that can happen.

    Date of birth is often used in numerology, its fate can be learned by the figure, which is calculated from the date. It is necessary to take a full date of birth and add up all the figures until you get a single. For example, the date of birth is 12.03.1989.1 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6.This figure is called the "number of fate".This number needs to be deciphered, because to each number there correspond different concepts. With this analysis, you can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the character, as well as reveal its abilities.

    Date of birth in astrology

    If you carefully study the date of birth of a person, then it will give answers to any questions that often arise: who I am and why I came to this world. Therefore, the date of birth in astrology is incommensurable.

    From the date of birth, you can find out why this or that quality was given, how to avoid various mistakes in the process of achieving the goal.

    In numerology, there are three periods on the Vital Path:

    1. Development Period( childhood and adolescence).
    2. Creation period( adult life).
    3. Integration Period( maturity).

    It should be noted that for each period there is a certain number.

    Based on numerology, the year of birth imposes its own imprint on the life of a person. However, he can not in any way influence the destiny of man, only his character. To determine the numerological value, it is necessary to add up all the numbers of the year of birth and bring it to one.

    Indian Horoscope

    Not many people know, but Vedic astrology is one of the most ancient, yet the most common astrology system to date. Using it, you can predict the fate and individual characteristics of a person with maximum accuracy. Also, thanks to it, you can even significantly improve the current state.

    Based on the above, we can conclude that any of the systems of astrology can not only determine the fate and character of a person, but also change them for the better.

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