
Kefir diet 3-3-3: description, menu, unloading days on kefir

  • Kefir diet 3-3-3: description, menu, unloading days on kefir

    Kefir diet 3-3-3 is considered one of the most useful. It is simple and very effective. Contraindications diet is only in cases of intolerance kefir.

    For a diet suitable kefir only one day. It is this kefir that can remove harmful substances and slags from the body. The older kefir can cause constipation, that is, detain all harmful in the body. Therefore, proceeding to the kefir diet, watch for the quality of the product that you buy, otherwise you will not get the desired effect.

    This diet refers to mono-diets, but it is broken down into periods of three days. Three days are considered the ideal time for an organism to be on a mono-diet. A longer period of time the body is already heavier.

    Menu of the diet

    In the first three days you can drink only kefir, do not eat any other foods. You can drink up to two liters of kefir a day.

    The next three days you need to eat a vinaigrette with a minimum amount of salt. The diet indicates that the vinaigrette can be replaced with vegetable soup on the water. Vinaigrette can be eaten up to a kilogram per day, and vegetable soup - up to two liters.

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    In the final three days, preference is given to chicken or turkey meat. In a day you can eat up to half a kilogram of boiled meat without salt. During the diet you need to drink kefir to two liters of water. Tea and coffee without sugar are also allowed.

    The cycle of the

    diet The diet can go on a cycle if you are feeling well and want to achieve a better result. You can reduce this diet only to kefir days. In this case, spend it no more than once every 2 weeks.

    If you have a hard time sustaining mono-diets, then you can diversify such a diet with fruits, excluding grapes and bananas. Diets on kefir are also good for their economy. They are suitable for any season and do not require large financial costs.

    Kefir unloading days

    As an unloading, cleaning the body or just losing weight to an important event, you can use a 3-day kefir diet. The most attractive option is kefir plus apples. On the day you eat 1.5 kg of apples and 1.5 liters of kefir. And you can bake apples. For 3 days you will lose up to 4 kg.

    Or another option - kefir-fruit unloading. The essence is the same as in the previous version, but there are different fruits. The main thing, do not choose the sweetest - bananas and grapes.

    You can also arrange one-day unloading days on kefir and cottage cheese. During such discharges, a day you can drink 750 ml of low-fat kefir and eat 300 g of cottage cheese in 4-5 receptions.

    Thanks to kefir and cottage cheese, the body will spend a lot of energy for their digestion, which means that the energy consumption will automatically increase. In addition, from milk yummy milk protein - casein, is digested much easier than from milk, which too will not be superfluous.

    And if you just want to "keep" your intestines clean and tidy, block the growth of "enemy" microflora, drink kefir daily, in reasonable quantities.

    Video kefir diet 3 3 3

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