  • Palming

    All methods used to eradicate refractive abnormalities are just different ways to achieve relaxation. Most people, though not all, find it easiest to relax with their eyes closed. This usually reduces the effort to see what is accompanied by a more or less prolonged vision improvement.

    Most people are helped by simple closing of the eyes. Alternating the rest of the eyes in this way for several minutes or longer with the opening of the eyes and looking at the checklist for a second or less allows, as a rule, quick glimpses of improved vision. Some people in this way achieve for a while almost normal vision, and in rare cases, complete recovery of vision( sometimes less than an hour) is achieved.

    However, some amount of light still breaks through the closed eyelids. Therefore, an even greater degree of relaxation can be achieved in almost all cases, with rare exceptions, preventing this possibility. To do this, put the palms of your hands on your closed eyes( fingers crossed on the forehead) in such a way as to avoid pressure on the eyeballs. This technique, which I called "palm", as a method of stress relieving is so effective that we all instinctively resort to it from time to time. Most people in this way can achieve a significant degree of relaxation.

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    But even with the eyes closed, covered with the palms, which completely excludes light, the visual centers of the brain can still remain excited, and the eyes can still strain to see. Instead of seeing the field, such a black one that you can not remember, imagine, see anything blacker( which should usually be seen when the optic nerve is not exposed to light), a person will see constantly changing illusions of light and color, from not quite black to kaleidoscopic manifestations. They are so bright that it seems that the eye actually sees them. As a rule, the worse the state of vision, the more numerous, bright and stable these manifestations are. Nevertheless, to some people with very poor eyesight, from the very beginning it is possible to almost perfectly do the palming and very quickly to cure through it. Any deviation in the activity of the psyche or body, for example, fatigue, hunger, anger, excitement or depression makes it difficult for the patient to see the black field during palming. People who normally can perfectly see black are often unable to do this without outside help when they are sick or are experiencing some kind of pain.

    It's impossible to see absolutely black, if vision is faulty, because this is possible only when the psyche is at rest. However, some people can easily approach the blackness of a degree that is sufficient to improve their vision. People who, during palming, can not even see something close to black, see instead floating strips of clouds of gray, flashes of light, red, blue, green, yellow flies, etc. Sometimes, instead of a stationary black field, black clouds are visible,moving along the field of view. In a number of cases blackness is visible only a few seconds, and then it is replaced by some other color. In practice, the reasons why people during palming can not see the black field are very diverse and often very strange.

    Some people were so impressed by the brightness of the colors that they saw in their view that no arguments could convince them that they did not really see them. When other people, closing their eyes and covering them with their hands, saw bright lights and colors, they assumed that this could be an illusion, but when they themselves saw such things under the same circumstances, they considered them to be reality. They will not believe it until they themselves are convinced that these illusions arise from the imagination that has come out of their control.

    In such difficult cases, successful palming usually involves the use of all the methods of vision improvement described in the following articles. For reasons that will be explained in the following articles, most of these people can be helped by the recollection of some black object. This object should be viewed from a distance from which its color is best seen. Then you need to close your eyes and remember this color, repeating it until the remembered becomes equal to what you saw. Then, while still holding the black memory in mind, it is necessary to cover the closed eyes with the palms of hands described earlier. If the memory for black is ideal, then the entire background will be black. If this fails and the background does not become so after a few seconds, then you need to open your eyes and look again at the black object.

    Many people in this way can almost perfectly see black for a short time. But most of them, even those who have vision are not very bad, have difficulty in seeing black for a long time. They can not remember black for more than 3-5 seconds. Such people will benefit from a central fixation. When they learn to see one part of a black object blacker than the whole object, they will be able to recall this smaller area for a longer time than they would remember a larger area. This will give them the opportunity, when they do palming, more time to see black. It also benefits from a mental movement from one black object to another or from one part of a black object to another.

    It is impossible to see, remember or represent anything, even for a second, without moving from one part of the object to another or to some other object and back again. Trying to do this always leads to stress. Anyone who thinks that he remembers the black object continuously, in fact subconsciously compares it with something not so black, otherwise his color and position will change continuously. Even such a simple thing as a point, it is impossible to remember completely black and completely still, more than a split second.

    When the movement is not carried out unconsciously, it must be done consciously. For example, remember one after another a black hat, a black shoe, a black velvet dress, a black plush curtain or a fold on a black dress or curtain, holding each thing in memory for not more than a split second. Many people are helped by the search in memory of all the letters of the alphabet in turn, remembering them completely black. Others prefer to navigate from one small black object, such as a black dot or a small letter, to another or "swing" such an object in a way that will be described later.

    In some cases, the following method proved successful. When a person sees an object that, in his opinion, is perfectly black, let him remember a piece of white chalk on his background, and on the chalk the letter "F" is as black as the background. Then let him forget about the chalk and recall only the letter "F"( and one part is better than all the others) on a black background. In a short time, the entire field can become as black as the blacker part of the "F".This process can be repeated with a constant increase in the blackness of the field.

    One woman, when she closed her eyes and covered them with the palms of her hands, saw so bright gray that she was completely confident that she saw it with her own eyes. Instead of just representing black, she learned to erase from memory almost all the gray, representing first one black letter "C" on a gray background, then two black letters "C" and finally a set of overlapping letters "C".

    It is impossible to remember clearly the black if it was not clearly seen. If the person saw the black is not clear, the best thing that he can do is to remember it equally vaguely. All people, without exception, who can see or read the font diamonds at the near point, no matter how great the degree of their myopia or the degree of damage to the inner part of the eye, are able to see black during palming more easily than people with hypermetropia or astigmatism. This is due to the fact that myopic, despite the fact that they can not see perfectly even at the near point, they see in it still better than people with hypermetropia or astigmatism see at any distance. However, people with high degrees of myopia often find palmings very difficult, because they not only see black very badly, but because of the effort they put in to see, they can not remember black more than 1-2 seconds.

    Any other condition of the eye that prevents a person from clearly seeing black also makes it difficult for the palm. In some cases, what should be black is never seen, looking gray, yellow, brown or even bright red. In such cases, it is usually better to improve vision by other methods that will be described later, before starting to try to do the palming. Blind people usually have great difficulty in seeing black, rather than seeing people. But they can be helped by the recollection of some black object that they know before losing sight. One blind artist who at first, trying to make a palm, saw all the time gray, could later see black, remembering black paint. Every perception of light was completely absent from him, which caused him terrible suffering. But when he achieved success in the vision of black, the pain subsided and, opening his eyes, he saw the light.

    It is useful even not very clear memory of black, because with its help you can see the shade even more black, and this, in turn, will lead to further improvement. For example, look at a letter on the checklist from a distance from which its color is best seen, and then close your eyes and remember it. If the palming leads to relaxation, then it becomes possible to imagine a deeper than it was seen, a shade of black. Remembering this blackness during the re-examination of the letter, you can see it more black than it was before. Then one can mentally imagine a blackness of even greater depth, and this deeper black, in turn, can be transmitted to the letter on the check table. Continuing this process, sometimes it is very quickly possible to achieve a perfect perception of black, and, consequently, perfect vision. The deeper the shade of the mentally imagined black, the easier it is to remember it when looking at the letters on the checklist.

    Some people the longer they do palming, the more relaxation they achieve and the darker shade of black can remember and see. Others, it should be noted, are able to successfully do palming for a short time and begin to experience stress if they do it for too long.

    It is impossible to reach the goal with an effort or an attempt to "concentrate" on black. Concentration is usually understood as doing or thinking about only one thing. But it is almost impossible, and trying to do the impossible is tension. The human mind can not think of only one thing. He can think of one thing better than anything else and be at rest only when that is what he does. But he can not think of only one thing. One woman who tried to see only black and ignore the kaleidoscopic colors, arbitrarily interfering with her field of vision, multiplying the more, the more she ignored them, fell even in a convulsion because of the strain that arose. A whole month she was visited by a family doctor before she could resume her treatment. The woman was advised to stop the palming and, opening her eyes, remember as many flowers as possible, remembering each one as best as possible. Thus, consciously making her thought more wandering than it was done unconsciously, she was able to make palmings for short periods of time.

    You can find that some types of black objects are remembered more easily than others. For many people, black fur, although it is no more black than the black objects listed, turned out to be an "optimum" compared to black corduroy, silk, cloth, ink and letters from the check table. Any familiar black object is remembered by patients with greater ease than the less familiar. One dressmaker, for example, could remember a thread of black silk, although she could not recall any other black object.

    When a black letter was considered before palming, the patient usually remembers not only her blackness, but also the whiteness of the background. However, if the memory of blackness can be kept for several seconds, the background usually disappears gradually and the entire field of view becomes black.

    On the other hand, people often claim that they remember the black perfectly, although in reality it is not. So it is or not, you can usually say, analyzing the impact of palmming on the eyesight. If there is no improvement in vision, when the eyes are opened, then bringing the black closer to the patient, it can be shown that it was not quite perfect.

    Although black is generally the easiest to remember, if it can not be remembered, the goal is sometimes achieved using the following method. Remember a number of colors-bright red, yellow, green, blue, purple and, in particular, white, all the maximum intensity of the hue that can be achieved. Do not try to hold one of them for more than a second. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes. Then remember a piece of white chalk about half an inch in diameter as white as you can. Pay attention to the background color. Usually it will have some shade of black. If so, check if you can remember or see with your open eyes something blacker. Always, when the white chalk is remembered perfectly, the background will be so black that it will be impossible to remember anything or see with your eyes open.

    When palming is successful, it is one of the best methods that I know, providing relaxation of all the sensory nerves, including vision. When this method achieves perfect relaxation( as indicated by the ability to see the ideal black), it is completely preserved after opening the eyes. Man's vision thus improves for a long time. At the same time, the pain in the eyes, headaches and even pain in other parts of the body for a long time decrease. Such cases are very rare, but they do occur. With a lesser degree of relaxation, a significant part of it when the eyes are opened is lost, and the part that has been preserved is kept for a short time. In other words, the greater the degree of relaxation achieved by the palm, the more it is preserved after the eyes are opened, and the more time it lasts. If the palming was done poorly, you will save only part of what has been achieved and only temporarily possible only for a few moments. However, even the smallest degree of relaxation is useful, because by means of it one can achieve an even greater degree of relaxation.

    People who have achieved their goal in palmings from the very beginning can be congratulated, as they are always very quickly cured. A very remarkable case of this kind occurred with a man of about 70 years of age with complex hypermetropic astigmatism and presbyopia, complicated by an incipient cataract. More than 40 years he wore glasses to improve his vision in the distance and 20 years wore glasses for reading and working at the table. But even in glasses because of the opacity of the lens he did not see well enough to do his work. Doctors, from whom he consulted, gave him no hope of improvement, except for the operation to complete the cataract ripening. When he discovered that palming helps him, he asked: "Do not I do it too much?" "No," I replied. "Palming is just a way to rest your eyes, and give them too much rest you can not".

    A few days later he returned to me and said: "Doctor, it was boring, very boring, but I still did it.""What was boring?" I asked."Palming," he replied. "I did it continuously for 20 hours.""But you could not do it for 20 hours in a row," I objected to him skeptically. "You had to stop to eat."Then he said that from 4 o'clock in the morning until 12 at night he did not eat anything, only drank a lot of water, practically all the time devoting to a palm tree. It really should have been boring, as he said, but it was both useful. When he looked without glasses on the checklist, he read the bottom line on it from 20 feet. In addition, he could read the fine print from both 6 and 20 inches. The turbidity of the lens was much reduced, and in the center it completely disappeared. Over the next two years, there has never been a relapse.

    Although palming helps most people, a smaller part of them can not see black and only increases their tension, trying to achieve this way of relaxation. In most cases, a person can be taught to successfully do palming using part or all of a variety of techniques. However, if there are great difficulties in this, it is usually better and more useful to stop using this method until vision is improved in other ways. Then during palming, a person can see black. True, some people will not be able to achieve this goal until their eyesight improves.