  • Stretch marks during pregnancy - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Pregnancy is the most exciting and touching state in a woman's life. But along with the joys of new discoveries and the expectation of a miracle, you have specific problems. In particular, skin changes, such as stretch marks. You need to take care of yourself in advance, so that after the birth you feel still attractive. We will tell you what stretch marks appear from and what can be done during pregnancy and after delivery.

    Stretch marks( striae) are internal scars of the skin, they arise from the stretching of the skin, the upper layer of the skin( epithelium) does not keep up with the growth of the abdomen, the elastin fibers break and are replaced by scar tissue. Predicting the appearance and appearance of stretch marks is difficult.

    The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis( the upper, constantly renewing layer), the dermis( a tight connective tissue framework, a kind of "mesh" that provides elasticity, elasticity of the skin) - in it stretch marks appear, subcutaneous fatty tissue( expressed inall in different degrees).

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    Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy

    1. Rapid abdominal growth.

    Rapid growth of the abdomen can be a physiological change, or indicates an excessive increase in body weight, polyhydramnios, the formation of a large fetus. How regular are the changes in the body, your doctor will tell you, do not hesitate to ask about the exciting question.

    2. Changing the hormonal background.

    During pregnancy, the woman's body must maintain a high level of progesterone, since it is a hormone that preserves pregnancy. Progesterone acts relaxing on smooth muscles, preventing the uterus from coming into tonus. But along with the relaxation of the myometrium, the tone of all muscles decreases and the connective tissue of the dermis weakens. A growing abdomen often outstrips the skin's ability to stretch, and tears develop in the middle layer of the skin.

    3. Improper nutrition before and during pregnancy.

    Unbalanced nutrition is the inadequate intake of minerals, vitamins, protein and vegetable fats and an excess of carbohydrates and salt. In addition to the risk of gaining excess weight, food often contains carbonated drinks, chips, semi-finished products, excess sugar, alcohol and fast food has a direct damaging effect on the skin. First of all, the synthesis of new collagen fibers in the dermis suffers.

    4. Heredity.

    Genetic predisposition is traced very often, it's about inheritance of skin type( density, level of sebum production, ability to regenerate).It happens that a woman with a big belly during pregnancy, after the birth of a large baby or twins has almost no skin changes. A mother, the entire pregnancy wearing a small tummy, frustrated because of multiple bright stretch marks. Pay attention to such changes in close relatives( mother, sister, aunt), ask. This is likely to help predict these changes.

    5. Smoking.

    In women who smoke women, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is broken, the skin is more "fragile" and the risk of stretch marks increases.

    6. Age.

    Primary pregnant women at the age of 30 and up to 18 years are more at risk of getting unpleasant skin changes, since in the first case the synthesis of collagen is already somewhat slowed down, and in the first, the exchange of female hormones may not yet be stable.

    7. Parity of childbirth.

    In many-breed women, abdominal skin changes, of course, are more pronounced. Also, it is important to have a break between births. From many positions, the optimal interval is a period of 2 years. During this time, the balance of hormones is restored, supplies of iron, calcium and other nutrients are replenished.

    8. Concomitant diseases.

    Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder. The manifestation of the disease will not only overweight, but also a violation of skin nutrition.

    Women who have had stretch marks even before pregnancy, from childhood or adolescence( for example because of hypothalamic syndrome) are also at greater risk.

    Type 1 and type 2 diabetes is also an exchange disease. Because of the elevated blood sugar level, a collagen synthesis disorder occurs, the skin becomes thinner, it is dry and it is much easier to damage. Also, the regenerative( regenerative) ability of the skin is reduced.

    Systemic diseases( systemic scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus and others), dermatitis, psoriasis cause specific skin changes, as well as reduce its elasticity and restorative abilities.

    9. Motor mode.

    Sedentary lifestyle reduces the delivery of oxygen to all tissues of the body. Also, hypodynamia threatens with excessive weight gain and hypoxia of the fetus.

    10. Weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

    Insufficiently trained muscles do not create a "muscular corset" and increase pressure on the skin from the inside.

    11. Lactation.

    We talk a lot about stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and thighs and forget about the breast, and meanwhile, active lactation can provoke such changes on the skin of the mammary glands. Especially in the first weeks after childbirth, when milk comes, the breast skin experiences significant stress.

    How stretch marks show in pregnant women

    The location of stretch marks for the frequency of occurrence: the abdomen, breasts( breast enlargement during pregnancy and lactation individually), thighs and buttocks( the physiological increase in the fat layer is conceived by nature for the normal exchange of female hormones, in particular estrogen, but an increaseweight is far from always and not at all corresponds to the needs of the body), caviar( here stretch marks are very rare, mainly in women with severe swelling, long-term non-treatable).

    Stretch marks can be pink, dark and light violet, red in color and vary in width and length. From small narrow and light pink stripes in the lower abdomen or on the chest to wide dark purple stripes along the entire anterior abdominal wall and hips. The critical period for the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and hips is the third to fourth month of pregnancy, on the chest - the lactation period, on the shins - the postpartum period, when edema decreases.

    After delivery, the stretch marks gradually turn pale, they are denser in texture and get a light silvery, white color. These changes do not disappear until the end, but with proper care, skin tone is restored and striae become less noticeable. Stretch marks do not sunbathe, as they are represented by scar tissue and they do not produce melanin pigment.

    Prophylaxis of stretch marks during pregnancy

    Prophylaxis of stretch marks should begin before the onset of pregnancy. Elastic, moisturized skin is much less prone to damage and has a greater ability to regenerate.

    1. Weight normalization.

    You should exercise weight control on your own and regularly, it is not recommended to gain more than 14 kilograms for pregnancy, and the risk of stretch marks increases with a sharp jump in weight.

    2. Rational nutrition.

    In addition to weight control, the right diet is designed to saturate the body with enough protein and vitamins. It is the protein that helps the skin to be renewed and maintains its elasticity.

    It is recommended to include: vegetable oils, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, eggs, cheese, beef, nuts, beans. Also, products rich in potassium( raisins, dried apricots, banana, pears) and optimal drinking regime( non-carbonated mineral water, natural fruit, Green tea up to 2 liters a day, unless you are advised to limit the liquid).

    But flour, sweet and carbonated drinks should be excluded or significantly limited.

    It is also necessary to take multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, they contain the optimal combination of vitamins and trace elements and are easily digested.

    3. Regular dosed motor activity.

    Of all kinds of physical activity, walking and swimming are the most suitable for pregnant women. There is also a special area - fitness for pregnant women, it includes light versions of sports complexes, but, nevertheless, it is effective for strengthening the muscular apparatus. Ask your doctor and, if there are no contraindications, start classes. Classes can also be conducted on the basis of women's consultations.

    If you want to study at home, then use the following complexes, but beforehand show them to your doctor. Classes are shown after 12 weeks, in the first months of the load should be minimized.

    To begin the lessons better, accompanied by a spouse who can insure you.

    Positioning gymnastics from stretch marks

    - the position of the cat: standing on all fours, gently round your back and lower your head downwards, and then bend your back and lift your head, repeat 10-12 times according to the well-being of

    - the butterfly's posture: sit on the floor, slide your soles to each other and slide themas close as possible to yourself, with your palms, gently push to your knees and shake, as if making the movement of "butterfly wings"

    - twisting: sitting or standing, turn the body to the right and left to a comfortable angle, the pelvis remains motionless

    Exercises with fitball

    - sit down in Turkish and take up the ball, lift it to the level of the face and begin to rhythmically squeeze the palms, repeat 10-15 times( strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms)

    - lie on the back, legs bent, the right rests on the floor, and the left is on the ball, "rolling" the ball with your left foot and returning to the starting position. For each leg for 6-10 repetitions.

    - lie on the back, bent legs rest on the floor, then lifts the left leg and rotate the foot to the right and left in turn, then repeat with the right foot

    4. Wearing anatomical underwear for pregnant and nursing, bandages.

    Special underwear creates a soft, but dense uniform compression, not allowing tissues to sag and excessively stretch, does not cut into the skin and must be made of hypoallergenic, natural materials. To think about wearing such clothes should be from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

    Also shown is the wearing of prenatal bandages. Bandage should be bought in an orthopedic pharmacy and pre-measured abdominal circumference. The growth of the abdomen depends on many factors and each woman may need a bandage from a different period, but on average the wearing is shown from 21 weeks.

    5. Massage.

    Daily soft massage prevents the appearance of stretch marks and has a general strengthening effect on the body. It consists of two stages:

    - massage under the shower, the jet should make circular movements on the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs, alternate cool( not cold! !) water with warm, the period of exposure to warm water should be three times more thancool, also used circular massage washcloth-mitten of natural materials( loofah, sisal).

    - massage using various creams and oils, approved for pregnant women, is performed on damp skin, gentle circular motions.

    Cosmetic products that you use should be bought in a pharmacy, labeled "hypoallergenic" or "tested for allergens" and be approved for use in pregnant and lactating children, and it will not be superfluous to require a hygienic certificate and a quality certificate.

    You can use creams from stretch marks MamaComfort, Vichy, Avent, Sanosan, ChiccoMammaDonna, Clarins, Bioterm, Vitex FOR MOM, Childhood World, GreenMama.

    If you do not want to use industrial cosmetics, you can do massage with warmed olive, peach, almond oil or jojoba, cocoa, grape seed oil.

    If you use oil, cream, gel or emulsion for the first time, conduct an allergic test, apply a small amount to the elbow and watch for about 2 hours, if there is no redness, swelling, itching, you can safely use.

    Massage is contraindicated for women, whose pregnancy is taking place against the background of the threat of interruption, as this is an additional stimulation of the muscles.

    6. Respiratory gymnastics.

    As a result of proper breathing exercises, the body is saturated with oxygen, which positively affects not only the skin. You can alternate gymnastic exercises and breathing exercises. Ask your doctor before using this method.

    Treatment of stretch marks after pregnancy

    If the pale stripes still prevent you from living and feeling attractive, then use the services of a cosmetologist. The most effective struggle with stretch marks is "age" to 1 year, then the struggle is more difficult. Most methods can be used for breastfeeding, but still consult your gynecologist. The following methods are used:

    1. Laser therapy.

    The laser beam grinds the upper layers of the skin and smooths the color and structure, the procedure is performed under anesthesia.

    2. Mesotherapy.

    The essence of the procedure is that the various drugs are injected into the skin around and in the stretch area. A very thin needle is used and solutions are injected to a depth of 3-5 mm. Most reviews are positive.

    3. Microdermabrasion.

    Skin polishing with a special device, the effect will be noticeable quite quickly, but the skin trauma with this method is significant.

    4. Microcurrent therapy.

    Exposure to the skin with currents up to 1000 microamperes increases blood flow and helps the skin to renew. In addition to stretch marks, this method is used to treat acne and pigmentation spots, complicating pregnancy. Treatment, of course, after delivery.

    5. Chemical peeling.

    Applying to the skin a chemical composition( most often including fruit acids), which causes the top layer to be scraped off and thereby smoothing the tone and structure. After the procedure, a superficial skin burn is formed and a recovery period is required. The method is not used in the sunny season, as persistent pigment spots develop during irradiation.

    6. Ozone therapy.

    A lot of injections with an oxygen-ozone mixture are made to the affected area. Improves metabolism and stimulates the production of new cells.

    7. Abdominoplasty.

    The most radical method is removing the damaged skin and repairing the defect.

    In addition to the salon procedures, you continue self-massage and the use of specialized creams and oils.


    Stretching is a cosmetic nuance that does not threaten you and your baby, so if you have acquired such changes( like most women), do not get discouraged and do not get hung up on it. Over time, striae significantly turn pale and will not be conspicuous. Maintain a normal weight, apply our advice, because at any stage you can improve the skin condition.

    And remember "the most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms"!

    Doctor Petrova A.V.