
Types of phobias in humans: a list of fears and phobias

  • Types of phobias in humans: a list of fears and phobias

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    A phobia is a persistent fear that can not be controlled, it is caused by individual objects, actions or situations. There are different kinds of phobias of a person. People who have a certain phobia feel fear, even just thinking about the frightening subject or situation. Many people realize that their fears are excessive and unreasonable. For some, the origin of their own fears is unknown.

    Top 5 most common fears of

    1) thanatophobia - fear of death;
    2) arachnophobia - fear of spiders;
    3) ahluofobia - fear of the dark;
    4) claustrophobia - fear that causes a confined space;
    5) social phobia is the fear of people.

    The most meaningless phobias

    The number of phobias is simply amazing. They are very diverse. If you think that all fears have something to do with something terrible and life-threatening, then your opinion is mistaken. Some people have such phobias, which are caused by completely innocent objects or phenomena.
    So, what are the most senseless fears and phobias?

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    1) anthophobia - fear of flowers;
    2) acrybobobia - fear that the read text will remain misunderstood;
    3) somnifobia - fear of going to bed;
    4) dextrophobia - fear of those objects that are on the right;
    5) tetra phobia - fear caused by number 4.

    Symptoms of phobias

    Phobias can lead to:
    1) dizziness;
    2) trembling;
    3) choking;
    4) increased sweating;
    5) numbness of the extremities.

    How to deal with the fears of

    If pathological fears have arisen for physiological reasons, then it is easier to cope with them: it is enough just to eliminate the cause and to go to a specialist a couple times. However, most of the fears are psychological in nature, so it is difficult to fight with them.

    Fighting a phobia requires a lot of time and effort. You have to constantly work on yourself, change your worldview. The habit of "anticipating" trouble, in order to avoid them, makes one always imagine future unpleasant events. It's very difficult to get rid of this bad habit. But if you look at the world positively, it will help you lose your obsessive fear.
    A radical way to combat fear can be called a meeting with the phobia "face to face."
    For example, people with fear of water, should start going to the pool, and those who have claustrophobia should start to ride in the elevator.
    A person who is struggling with a phobia simply has to learn to relax. As soon as a premonition of a situation that causes panic appears, you should try to distract yourself and relax. You just need to remember that it brings pleasure and promotes relaxation.
    Do not underestimate the importance of breathing. When panic provocation, you should control how you breathe. Breathing should be calm, deep and rhythmic.
    Muscles also should not be left without attention. If you feel a panic, relax all the muscles of the body.
    People who have phobias should drink less coffee and alcohol. You do not have to solve the problem with cigarettes. Categorically, you can not swallow tablets with panic fear.
    If you are unable to get rid of phobias yourself, contact a specialist. It's better if an outsider knows about your problem, which will help to cope with it, than you will have to suffer throughout life because of undefeated fears.

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