  • Extreme Transformation: Weight Loss Program

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    This is a sports reality show. The program introduces viewers to real people who are overweight. The heroes of the reality show tell that it's hard for them to live with great weight and that they want to change their way of life. The heroes who came to the project are ready to change completely, in just one year.

    Under the guidance of the famous specialist-trainer for the improvement of the figure of Chris Powell( Powell), the heroes of the program completely revise their diet and way of life. They begin to look at the world with a different look, they have a second wind. Chris fully controls his wards at all stages of the program for weight loss. Chris strictly monitors his wards, monitors proper nutrition, for how ideal exercises for weight loss should be performed.

    Chris has certain rules that the heroes of the program, and all people who dream of losing weight, should remember and observe them strictly.

    We will now talk in detail about the rules that will change the way of life.

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    * Every morning begins with a promise of self.

    You need to take a sticker and write on it your promise and hang it on the mirror. On the reality show, the promise begins with a movement of 5 minutes. Movement does not carry strict rules, the movement can be either simple or complex. Simple-it's just walking on the spot in front of the TV, complicated, it's jumping, press and more. Here the most important thing is not what kind of movement you are doing, but in a promise. Having fulfilled one promise, you will execute both the second and the third. This way you will start to achieve great results and quickly come to your goal.

    * In addition, drink one liter of water.

    The viewer does not see how many heroes of the program drink water per day, but in fact they drink a very large amount of water. Water is simply necessary for a person, but not all of us use just pure water, we usually replace it with various, harmful liquids. If you accustom yourself to drink 3-4 liters of water a day, then after a while you will notice that your figure and skin condition has changed noticeably.

    * Exclude sugar from one meal.

    Of course to give up everything and it will be difficult right away, but you are not asked to sacrifice yourself. Just need to promise yourself, give up sugar at least in one meal. This is not at all difficult.

    * Completely discard the soda, every day find time for exercise and never skip breakfast.

    At first glance it seems that such changes in life are not possible, but they play an important role in the process of losing weight. Powell asserts: "There is only one reason why I recommend that these changes be adhered to throughout the year."Everyone wants to see very fast and effective changes, but the body does not need time to adapt. Just need to set a goal and go, defeating all obstacles. And after the first month, you can always see the result.

    * It is necessary to stop eating foods that contain fats.

    Such products do not carry positive characteristics. Noticing the fats in the list of ingredients, you should immediately stop buying and using the product.

    * Strictly watch the portion size.

    Powell says: "In order to control the size of portions, you just need to eat every three hours in small portions." With each such meal, the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced. "The blood sugar level is normalized, the feeling of hunger is dulled."To ensure that the feeling of satiety for a long time did not leave, use foods such as almonds, bananas, a piece of cheese or protein shake.

    * D Keep your word, do not make excuses.

    Powell says, "Reincarnation is a very emotional process." During the selection process, we spend a week trying to determine who should stay, and first of all we are left by people who can not keep their promise.we promise first of all to ourselves affect the final result. "

    * If you stumble - realize and admit it.

    "When we select different categories of people, many of them think that they will not be elected or will be excluded in the future. And most of the people who think so - break. But Chris appreciates and respects people who admit their mistakes. Such people fully understand that they are responsible for their actions. And this is their indicator that they are completely ready to accept help and they have the courage to turn for it. It follows that these people have already become winners for themselves. "

    * P admission without errors.

    It often happens that after a while people return to the usual way of life. Such people should remember a few rules.

    First - you need to drop all the ridiculous thoughts ie unload emotionally.

    The second thing is that you must always remember that you made a promise. Think: "has your goal been achieved at least once?"

    Third - you need to give yourself a new promise. No matter the promise is old or new, the most important thing is to keep it.

    * Find yourself support.

    "You need to communicate with people with whom you have common interests and similar goals. These can be found both among your closest associates and neighbors, and at all unfamiliar people on the Internet who are worried about the same problem as you. Numerous studies show that weight loss is progressing more successfully when a person feels support from friends and family. In addition, interaction with other people will increase your personal responsibility towards achieving the goals. "

    * Go to the for the photo frame.

    "Put the photo in a box that shows what you are doing or what you are aiming for. For example, the figure of your dreams, "advises Powell. This is a very effective impact on the subconscious and at every glance at the photo you strive for the set goal. "

    "Extreme Transformation: Weight Loss Program" contains documentary evidence of how courageous heroes could overcome the most terrible fear of a lifetime - overweight.