
Laser diode epilation: reviews about the procedure, is it painful to do it

  • Laser diode epilation: reviews about the procedure, is it painful to do it

    Looking back, there will be a wide variety of methods used at different times to combat unnecessary hair on the body. And not all of them differed in efficiency or not less important criterion - painlessness. And fortunately, scientists constantly please us with new inventions. Laser epilation with a diode laser is an excellent example of this. Its action is to destroy the hair follicle, directly affecting it with a wave of light.

    It should be noted that such diode laser hair removal has advantages over other types of epilation, for example, such:

    - the ability to perform the procedure on tanned skin without fear of undesirable consequences;

    - gray, too thin hair, which often with a different form of laser hair removal are a contraindication to the procedure, in this case do not matter;

    - burns and even any irritation on the skin after the procedure are excluded;

    - speed of the machined surface;

    - comfort procedure for the patient, not accompanied by pain.

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    In order to constantly growing hair in unnecessary places no longer bother patients, it is necessary to undergo no less than three procedures. Their duration for each person is selected separately depending on several criteria.

    Reviews on the

    procedure What do the patients themselves say? Reviews for laser diode epilation will help appreciate it.


    "For many years I was going to a diode laser hair removal procedure, in the end I did it and did not regret my action at all. Both money and time were not spent in vain! The procedure was complex, in three zones: shin, bikini and armpits. In general, I needed ten sessions, although I could add a couple more, but somehow my hands did not reach me.
    The first five procedures were conducted in one salon, and the remaining five for the same reasons in the other. I can not say why it depended, but in the second salon the effect was much better, and it feels painful too. "


    "For ten hours before going to the salon, she shaved her hair in the right place. The specialist who performed epilation, after the examination, said that this procedure is not contraindicated to me, and you can get down to business. I was given special glasses that protect the eyes from the laser. The area of ​​the armpits was treated to me with something like a gel, and on that preparation was completed.
    If someone is interested in the question of whether I was painful during the whole process of hair removal, then I will say that I passed the procedure without applying anesthesia, and only felt a burning sensation that she tolerated quite tolerably.
    After the procedure was over, the doctor said that I need to observe the following recommendations:
    - wait a few minutes with visiting saunas, do not sunbathe for ten days;
    - a few days do not use deodorants;
    - apply a special agent( beepantene) to the treated area;
    - do not try to remove the remaining hairs by themselves, they will soon be removed themselves( within three weeks, this is their legal time to fall out on their own).
    As a result, I needed eight procedures in order to finish the business I started. And I did it, cheers! Long live life without a machine. "


    "From adolescence, I was terribly annoyed with tendrils above the lip, even though they were not so dark. Perhaps, the hormonal reorganization later influenced the fact that they became more intrusive about themselves.
    My friend advised me to get rid of hair using a diode laser, which I did. In general, the procedure for me was comfortable: almost painless and the area above the lip only slightly reddened. A special cream helped to rectify the situation with ease.
    It is best to carry out this procedure during the cool season. Or even in winter. The minus temperature itself is very beneficial for slightly irritated skin, and the sun's rays will not cause side effects. By the way, from the antennae completely I got off with three procedures. I want to continue to resort to the services of a diode laser, already with other parts of my body . "

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