  • Sunburn( photodermatitis) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Solar burns are skin lesions caused by excessive exposure to sunlight. All the sun's rays are conventionally divided into visible and invisible. The main damaging effect on the skin of a person is invisible rays. Depending on their length, these rays impact different intensities on the human skin. The so-called UVB rays are the most carcinogenic. They are responsible for the defeat of the papillary layer of the dermis and the appearance of redness. On excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, special skin cells, melanocytes, begin to actively synthesize melanin, which protects the skin from burns. The result of accumulation in the skin of melanin is sunburn. It is logical that its saturation depends on the amount of melanin produced by melanocytes.

    It should be remembered that there are numerous substances that, when used externally or ingested, can increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. These are so-called photosensitizers. In the annotations to the drugs, this side effect is necessarily noted. Such effect is possessed by gel "Baziron", corticosteroid external means, capsules of "Doxycycline" or other preparations from the group of tetracyclines, often used for stabilization of this or that skin process. Often, such a reaction is possessed by plants, when the interaction of the human skin with the juice of which appears the so-called photophytodermatitis.

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    Photo of symptoms of sunburn: hyperemia

    Most often, burns from exposure to ultraviolet rays are manifested by the redness and soreness of the skin, and bubbles clustering in bubbles with serous contents may appear. Usually, these symptoms appear on parts of the body that are not protected by clothing. In cases of burn surface appearance with a unique pattern, it is necessary to exclude the additional pathological effect exerted on the skin by an external agent. In addition, a peculiar picture of skin damage is caused by the juices of herbs of various plants. In this case, the burn surface reflects the pattern of the leaves of these plants.

    Photos of symptoms of sunburn: hyperemia and blisters

    When skin and face blisters, erosions, superficial ulcers are exposed to ultraviolet rays and minor injuries on the skin, it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude late skin porphyria, which is the result of a deficiency of the vitamin PP in the body. It is a disease in which porphyrins accumulating in the skin as a result of abnormal metabolism in the liver are photosensitizers. Urinalysis helps in the diagnosis of this disease. In such patients urine is pinkish-red due to the large number of uroporphyrins in it.

    Prevention of sunburn

    The principles of treating sunburns are reduced to long and all known rules. It is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight on damaged skin. It is not enough just to cover the burnt skin with clothes. It is necessary to know that synthetic fabric allows up to 15%, and natural cotton up to 6% of ultraviolet rays. When wet clothes, you need to add up to 20% of the rays that affect the skin under the protective tissue.

    It is known that when exposed to sunlight on the human skin, tissue damage and the formation of a large number of free radicals occur. To obtain an antioxidant effect( neutralization of free radicals), a sunbathing person needs a large amount of green tea or pomegranate juice. With the same purpose in a diet, it is recommended to give preference to vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts.

    Treatment of sunburns

    In case of a general condition and chills, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( paracetamol, ibuprofen) are prescribed. You can take and aspirin-a drug from a group of salicylates.

    Bubbles with a lot of exudate must be opened with all the rules of asepsis, for which it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    Folk remedies for sunburns

    In the treatment of sunburn, the use of folk remedies is possible. With reddening of the skin, it is possible to use wet-drying dressings with herbal decoctions. The most suitable for this purpose are: oak bark, chamomile, string, celandine, cooked according to the instructions for external use. In the decoction of the herbs at room temperature, a gauze cloth is applied, folded into 6-8 layers, and the damaged part of the skin is covered for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated for one and a half hours, followed by a 3-hour rest from the procedures during which the affected skin needs to be saturated with a moisturizing cream. Thus, wet-drying dressings during the day are performed 2-3 times, until the signs of acute inflammation disappear.

    Moisturizing creams used to reconstruct a hydro-lipid film can be the following dermatological lines: "Urjazh", "Aven", "Bioderma".These are: "Kzemoz", "Trikzera", etc.

    On erosion, it is possible to apply "Olazol", "Dermazin" and other means successfully used to treat burn surfaces.

    From folk remedies it is possible to use the used tea bags for burnt eyelids. The effect of this procedure is reminiscent of the positive effect of wet-drying dressings.

    To reduce the friction of the sheet with a damaged surface, it is possible to use talcum powdered on the sheet.

    For burned feet it is recommended to create an elevated position.

    Skin regenerated after a sunburn is very sensitive to irritating factors. When the appearance of peeling, it is necessary to apply the moisturizing cream to such a skin as actively as possible. Such skin should be protected from excessive exposure to irritating factors and sun rays in the first place. Another burn in this place will occur much faster.

    On the photo exfoliation of the skin with a sunburn

    Cream for protection against sunburn

    To protect the skin, previously affected by sunlight, it is necessary to use cosmetics with sunscreen factor. Such cream should contain SPF( Sun Protect Factor) from ultraviolet radiation of type B and UVA( rays of type A).The SPF factor found in creams can be from 5 to 70. Often such vitamins are supplemented with Vitamin E, which makes the skin more immune to ultraviolet light.

    Buying a cream to protect against sunlight, you need to evaluate the characteristics of your skin in relation to the sun. For example, people with white, almost instantly burning skin( red-haired and blonde with fair skin and blue eyes) should use a cream with maximum protection( SPF70, UVA 16).If this type of eye skin is brown, then after obtaining the first firm tan, the level of protection in the cream can be reduced to SPF 20. People who usually do not experience problems during sunbathing should use a cream with SPF from 6 to 15, because these creams not only protect, but also soften the skin.

    Properly selected cream should be applied to the body in advance, not on the beach. First of all, it is necessary to protect the protruding parts of the body: nose, chest, shoulders. The cream should be applied a thin layer, not rubbing. Even if the cream is water resistant, after bathing it must be applied repeatedly, because after drying the skin with a towel the protective film layer decreases.

    Even when using cream with the maximum protection factor, the rules for sunbathers should not vary. Under direct sunlight it is recommended to be only in the morning and evening hours. And of course, be sure to use sunglasses. Their primary task is to protect the delicate and delicate skin around the eyes and the retina of the eye.

    Consultation of a dermatologist on the topic of sunburn:

    1. Why does the skin under the influence of sunlight first redden?
    Redness of the skin is a manifestation of melanin, which has not had time to pass a certain stage of oxidation due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin.

    2. Can I talk only about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin?
    A moderate amount of ultraviolet is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body. It is necessary to regulate the absorption of phosphorus, calcium, as well as to heal wounds and strengthen the musculoskeletal framework. It is known that in order to maintain the necessary amount of vitamin D in the human body, it is enough to put the face and hands in the sun for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a week in the summer period.

    3. At what diseases are ultraviolet rays used in therapeutic doses?
    Atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema, winter form of psoriasis have a more stable remission against ultraviolet background in suberitemic doses.

    4. Is it true that the tan obtained in the solarium protects from the occurrence of sunburn during a holiday spent on the beach?
    No. This tan is equivalent to applying cosmetic products with a low sunscreen factor( SPF 2-3).In addition, it is reliably proven that the ultraviolet solarium has a high carcinogenic effect( provokes skin cancer).

    5. Why do I need protection from ultraviolet rays?
    It is known that the UVB rays not only trigger melanin formation processes in the skin, lead to its aging, but are also dangerous as a stimulation for most skin cancers. The danger of melanoma formation under the influence of UVA rays is also a well-known fact in medicine.

    6. How to apply sunscreen?
    The cream is applied in a uniform layer of 1-2 mm, do not rub, when rubbing sunscreens, their effectiveness decreases. This is because the protective effect has a white foam that forms on the skin. It does not allow the formation of free radicals on the skin as a result of exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays, type A( UVA).

    7. Is it true that using oils with tanning reduces the risk of burns?
    Yes, and in addition the use of nut or peach oils protects the skin from drying. But at the same time, it must be remembered that some essential oils contain components( bergamot, citrus), which increase the sensitivity of the skin and promote the appearance of photodermatitis.

    8. Is it true that UVL increases the resistance of the body to colds?
    Yes. It is known that the influence of UVL increases the number of antibodies in the blood, and thereby increases the resistance to viral and bacterial infections. But, as you know, "Best is the enemy of the good."Uncontrolled and excessive use of UFD leads to a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of colds.

    9. Is it useful for older people?
    Yes. A moderate amount of sunlight helps with rheumatic and osteochondrosis symptoms, and also strengthens the musculoskeletal framework.

    10. Who should not be particularly exposed to direct sunlight?
    First of all, this refers to people with a lot of moles and pigment spots. In pregnant women from excessive UFV, the appearance of chloasma-hyperpigmentation spots on the face is possible. People who have inflammatory diseases on the skin should not expose it to UV radiation. And of course, for children, up to 3 years old it is better to protect the skin from active sunlight.

    11. How effective is the spreading of reddened skin with sour cream and kefir?
    If at hand there is only kefir and sour cream, then reddened skin, without bubbles, can be lubricated by these means. This will bring a little relief, though not for a long time. Reduced pain, burning. When combined with skin scales from kefir, a dense crust will begin to form, which will bring additional discomforting sensations. This crust is removed with great difficulty from the skin. Therefore, there is no need to "reinvent the wheel".Try to use all products for their intended purpose. In case of sunburn, give preference to ready-made medicines intended for skin regeneration.

    Doctor dermatologist Tatiana Kuklina